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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Ode to the Hissi
by pepper_imp

A colossal mass of scales and wings,
The Hissi is quite majestic,
A slithering dichotomy of flight and fight
You would be fool to underestimate it.

Their eyes are a bulbous yellow
with slit-like pupils as black as night,
their gaze serpentine and saffron,
it can certainly give you a fright.

A forked tongue only adds to the fear
A Hissi can always invoke,
And their sharp-pointed razor-like fangs
Are anything but a joke.

The Hissi is covered in markings
To ward off those who would wish to attack,
Spots grace its tail, its head and its wings,
To warn other Neopians to stay back...

Yet a Hissi can also be friendly,
In fact, they always wish to make friends,
Especially those with stories to tell
of amazing things that have happened to them.

So don’t judge a book by its cover,
For Hissis are quite tender at heart,
A great story of peril or adventure
Is a good place to start!

Hissi Swordsman Coat
by indulgences

A stunning coat of scarlet silk
Is graced with golden hems.
The wrists and collar shine and gleam.
They shine with yellow gems.

The buttons on the suit's fine front
Are pearls, so bright and white.
The waist is bound by leather belt,
A gorgeous, sturdy sight.

The Swordsman Coat is marvelous.
It has no clothing peer.
It makes the Hissi noble, brave,
A stunning cavalier.

No foe would dare attack, for this
Courageous coat of silk
Makes Hissis look so fearless, as
Befits their Hissi ilk.

This Swordsman Coat does captivate.
It fills me with such awe.
My admiration knows no bounds.
My love is pure and raw.

I'll own a Hissi someday soon.
I'll dress him in this coat.
I'd love to dress him, head to toe.
This outfit has my vote!

Hissi Exercise Routine
by chavo_guerrero

Hissies like to keep fit,
They have a strict regime,
They work the best together,
In a special training team.

First they use their tails,
To hang upside down -
This particular exercise,
For Hissies is renown.

Then they use their wings,
And flap them back and forth,
Creating quite an updraft,
And moving them with force.

This is how they work out,
Almost every day,
A Hissi trying to keep fit,
Will never go astray.

They encourage one another,
When they are with their friends,
And never finish working,
Until the training session ends.

This is why you'll never see,
A Hissi that looks round -
A tubby looking Hissi,
Just simply can't be found!

Hissi of the Tomb
by dr_tomoe

Geraptiku has been lost
for very many ages
and the reasons why are lost
to both science and sages.

But one thing is known
and known for sure
is that the lost tomb within
is full of treasure!

So many an adventurer
go to stake their claim
of traversing the tomb
in search of fortune and fame.

But that's not all within
the ancient, crumbling walls
for there is a monster that roams
within the tombs halls

A hungry and vengeful ghost
That's clearly a Hissi
that is definitely the last thing
anyone wants to see.

It's size is quite massive
and it's hiss is ferocious
and it protects the tomb
from those it finds atrocious.

So if you come across it
and pray you never do
hopefully you remember the path
back into Geraptiku.

A Hissi Gathering
by alyndasgallery

The Hissi shimmied through the forest,
As quiet as quiet can be.
Picking up speed as it goes,
Slithering wild and free.

Not a sound came from its movement,
Apart from the odd dry leaf.
The Hissi was on a mission,
Shedding its skin like a sheath.

It was headed for the meadow,
Seeking others of its kind.
With curved body gliding smoothly,
Anxious to see what it would find.

The forest path was widening,
Soon the Hissi entered open air.
It looked around with wonder,
At all the others lurking there.

It was a gathering of Hissi,
Serpents scattered far and wide.
The Hissi joined its family,
Its heart bursting with pride.

They joined together in the meadow,
Celebrating in their own way.
For this was a special moment,
It was the annual Hissi Day! 

The hours passed quite quickly,
And the sun began to sink.
Each Hissi made its departure,
As silently as one could think.

Slithering back into darkened forest,
The Hissi went back the way it came.
Knowing it wouldn't be long until,
Hissi Day came around again.

Blue Origami Hissi Toy
by azusa_k

I keep folding this way and that,
I won't give up just yet.
Although it's been an hour long,
it'll soon be done, I bet!

I'm persistent, I won't give up,
I think I'm almost there.
I scan the page of the picture.
With my work, I compare.

The illustration on the book,
Is quite alike to mine.
I give it a few adjustments.
Oh, now it looks so fine!

My next obstacle of the day.
Will visit pretty soon.
I hope the Hissi'll like this toy, 
That I've worked on till noon.

At twelve past three, my friend arrives,
Not expecting a thing.
As soon as he saw my present, 
He grabbed it with his wing.

"This is fantastic, thanks so much!"
A bear hug I received.
"I'm glad you love it," I replied.
My goal has been achieved.

The Hissi's Ramble
by butteredwings

At long last, it is our day!
It's time to set things right today.
It's been too long we've had to live
With your mistakes about us Hissis.

First off all, like our name says,
We are Hissis and not snakes!
We don't swallow food whole like they do,
We have teeth, my friend, so we can chew
We battle in the Battledome and take on NeoQuests;
Have you ever seen snakes do that? 
So once and for all, I hope you can see,
We are not snakes but Hissis!

Well now, you might ask us if
Snakes were the inspiration for Hissis.
Well that we don't know (though it may be true) 
But to get an answer, ask TNT!


The Tale of Yondory the Plushie Hissi
by hisstante

There is a toy that you won't know,
So quickly now, before you go,
Come listen to his tale of woe,
As Yondory looks to find his home.

It starts off sad but soon you'll see,
the journey really is the key,
to find out just who he could be,
and how his heart was really sewn.

In the end you'll surely find,
Yondory is one of a kind,
Once out of sight and out of mind,
his fate will finally align.

Now I'm no master speaker,
But all my words flow free,
so listen to my tale,
of how my Yon found me!

Yon was once a simple toy,
alone in some toy box,
next to other lost things
like buttons and odd socks.

Until one day he woke
amongst a pile of trash,
he felt the bin move quick,
and then a sudden clash.

This dump truck travelled on,
through busy crowded streets,
where parents did their shopping
and bought their children treats.

The truck continued on,
until it reached it's gate,
the driver was on time;
not too early nor too late.

The back started to lift,
and Yondory slid right out.
Then the truck was gone
leaving men, all big and stout.

One did notice Yondory
just laying in the muck.
He pulled him out, gave him a dust
and chucked him in his truck.

He started up his engine
and started down the road.
Carrying in the back
a really heavy load.

The road it got real bumpy,
and Yondory bounced around,
until it hit the biggest bump
and he flew without a sound.

He flew out of the window,
he rolled on down a hill,
until he landed softly,
and there he lay quite still.

He woke to rising water,
he'd landed near a river,
he started floating away,
the water made him shiver.

He drifted for a while,
until the sun was set
he washed up on a shore,
sad and soaking wet.

He was tired, he was lonely,
he just wanted to rest.
he lay there feeling sad,
his spirit not it's best.

The sun rose from the east,
as it always does.
The birds started their tweeting,
the bees started their buzz.

Yondory heard some foot steps,
a happy skipping hop,
they got louder and so close
then suddenly they stopped.

There stood a happy girl,
her eyes full of delight,
a basket hanging off her arm,
her dress a frilly white.

She said her name was Lemr,
and gave Yon a big hug.
Then placed him in her basket,
it really was quite snug.

The sun was warm and lazy,
Yondory fell asleep.
He woke up later dry and clean
wrapped in a snuggly heap.

Lemr was there sleeping,
with Yondory by her side,
a grin upon her face,
she held him close with pride.

She finally had a friend,
perfect in every way.
He'd found his forever home,
and happy there he'd stay.

So if you're feeling lost,
Abandoned or alone,
Just remember my Yondory,
And how he came to find his home.

A-Hiss, A-Hoy!
by sordid

A-Hiss, A-hoy! What doth approach?
What rides the storm-clutched sea?
A captain bold on shadowed ship,
Bold at the wheel stands he.
Forth through the rage of ocean’s hold,
Dark feathered hat, askew.
A pirate scoundrel, Hissi rogue,
To lead a wicked crew.

Crimson jacket firm in place,
Its lapels draped in gold.
Pirate cutlass, catches light,
Aloft, in pirate’s hold.
He points the blade, horizon forth!
To steer the angry ship.
Forked tongue doth hiss commands to all,
In wind, the sails whip.

A tempest may take hold tonight,
Yet captain feels no dread.
He’ll ride the waves with scoundrel crew,
And plunder land, instead.
For not the sound of boots, we fear,
That may alight our shore.
Nay, it is the slither-sound,
That chills good folk to core.

A-Hiss, A-Hoy, you hear the cry,
And few don’t understand.
It’s best to flee the Hissi’s crew,
Before they reach the land.
A figure found in nightmare’s bleak,
The Hissi pirate, free.
To rampage past each golden shore,
And rule the angry sea.

The Hissi That Couldn't Dance
by tessahcamille

A Hissi has arms, but no legs to be seen!
They have lots of trouble putting on jeans,
So it's no surprise that they cannot prance,
And naturally, they cannot dance!

So let me tell you of a Hissi named Dan,
He tried and he tried but he never could stand,
His slithery tail would always fall down,
Oh, how it made poor Dan frown!

And whenever he would take a dance class,
The teacher would shout, 'you do not pass!'
Although Dan was trying to get in the groove,
Alas, with no feet, he could hardly move!

Finally Dan rose up with a triumph,
'I may not have legs, but my tail is giant!'
He slithered and swayed along to the beat-
'Aha!' He cried, 'I never needed feet!'

Some pets may run and some may crawl,
Some pets don't have any limbs at all-
But there's one thing that I know to be true-
Every pet dances to their own special tune!

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