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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Techo Day!
by sara1elo

Hooray! Hooray!
I’m ready for Techo Day!
I have bought a fancy dress
that only Techos can wear.

Every Techo in Neopia
is coming to celebrate.
Everyone except the evil,
the evil Dr. Death!

We are preparing a big party,
with all cheese types
even the warty!

The Meri Acres Farm
is full of garlands and balloons
but we are far enough
to not smell the rubbish dump!

The chefs have worked hard
and all the food is ready!
Cheese pizzas and cheese cakes
and all kinds of medicines
to cure later tummy aches.
The table looks breathtaking,
I want to taste all the things
they have been baking!

But suddenly and while we were eating
a big bounce sound came to my ear
and OH! BAD LUCK! What hits the table?
A big and hideous rotten cheese!

It looks like the Cheese Master
who was at the top of the hill,
didn’t heard about the party
and he kept rolling the cheese.

The Techo Master
by andromedric

He waits eagerly for the students to come:
some new, some quite experienced,
some nearly as strong as he,
yet all still pass under his strictest rule.

He watches each training carefully,
meticulously, looking for wrong form or posture,
making sure that the smallest mistake
doesn't cascade into terrible injury or hurt.
For he knows that nothing great started great
and all started from the smallest of sparks.

He is silent when he needn't teach
but his gaze shakes even the most stoic soul
and his words pierce the most stubborn minds
with all the wisdom he wants them to know.

He is old yet as swift as a Techo in his prime 
and as agile and as healthy as a well-oiled machine,
still quick to turn the heat of the battle
and cast favorably on his side.

Yet, though he is not near of retirement or tiredness,
he takes no share jn the limelight of today
for he knows that all he has become
will be surpassed by another some day.

A Techo Kind of Day!
by alyndasgallery

It's a day that comes but once a year,
It's full of fun and joy and cheer.
And as it is now drawing near,
Techo far and wide shed a happy tear.

They anticipate this happy day,
And look forward to it, come what may.
They wonder what fun games they'll play,
And visitors come from far away.

If there's one thing that Techo do well,
It's sharing stories, of show and tell.
Like that time they won a special shell,
When they wished for it at the Wishing Well.

So make sure that you aren't running late,
And join your Techo friends to celebrate.
It'll be great fun, this festive fete,
And boy, will it be worth the wait!

Techo Day Treats
by usagi_bianco

If you wish to fill yourself with something light,
A Techo Garden Salad would be just right.
Made fresh, its leaves are a dazzling green bright.
Plus, the bowl is yours to keep.

Add meat and cheese between two slices of bread,
A Techo Foot Sandwich makes quite the spread.
Take a bite and rid yourself of all sense of dread,
There are no feet in this heap. 

Try a Techo Meat Pie for something more filling.
Pop it in the oven or even give it a grilling.
But be sure to give it a few minutes of chilling,
Or a burnt tongue will make you weep.

But maybe a sweet is on your mind,
Something oozing with jelly and ice cream intertwined.
A Techo Jelly Surprise is what you should find!
But be warned—it isn’t cheap.

These might do if you’re feeling low,
But there’s something better to make you go, go, go.
…Though the crash will make you sleep.

Techo Fan Sticker
by indulgences

This sticker is hilarious!
The Techo's eyes, bloodshot.
His fist is pumping wildly, and
His temper's raging hot.

He's leaping in the air with rage.
His voice is hoarse and dry.
He's screaming for his team to win.
He even stops to cry.

I love this sticker mightily.
I love the Techo Fan.
I love the way he Makes Some Noise.
That game is fun and grand!

This sticker is the best around!
Go buy one for yourself!
Its sight will make you gigglesnort.
I got one for myself!

Techo Says
by dortho

Techo Says have a nice day, 
Unless you're fighting the Duchess of the Sway
Nefarious Plotter tolerates 
Nothing. Nada, Zilch, 
unless you're on a Techo's side. 

He was thinking of applying, 
For the part of the Brutal Nercenary, 
But that was just not his style
He thought he would regret it for a while. 

Now he has no regrets of the decision he made, fighting along side of the Sway, 

Except that the Dutchess smells really bad, 
Who knows how many baths she had. Is that her real wig, or a nest for Petpetpets? Something is just itchy about this...

Happy Techo Day :D

The Techo's Tantalizing Treats
by _brainchild_

One Techo often overlooked
Is underrated in my book.
He purveys most exotic foods
Sure to lighten many moods.

Edibles so tropical
Leave my mind completely full.
Which amazing dish shall I
Try? Maybe a Turnla Pie?

Or maybe Fruit Leather Socks.
Whichever flavor, the taste rocks!
Blobbules, Azzles, Drillaroots,
Or the famous Doughnutfruit!

The Techo takes tremendous pride
In the dishes he provides.
Nothing less than sheer perfection
Goes into his fine confections.

I believe it's worth a try
To visit this rad shop and buy
A Blurf or Zeevine. Fruits so sweet
Will delight the tongues they meet.

The Techo Dance
by geneames1

Techos line up on the floor
Masters of the dance
and as the music starts to play
They all begin to prance

They move in time around the room
"one, two, three, one, two"
The Waltz or Rhumba is preferred
but any dance will do

They chatter as they dance away
and catch up with old friends
they hope the song will never cease
that the party never ends

Too soon the songs are over
and last notes fade away
the Techo Dance is done for now
To resume another day

A Trip on Techo Day
by hayliebear

With canteen in his webbed paw, he walks the desert land
His scaly tail feels warmer as it swishes through the sand.
The sun shines bright upon his scales that glisten in the heat,
And soon the Techo hopes to find some tasty fruit to eat.

He comes across a market stand with quite a wide selection.
Carefully the Techo gives each piece a quick inspection.
He tries a juicy tchea fruit, striped with blue and yellow.
The Techo loves the taste of it, so sunny, sleek and mellow.
But still, the Techo is hungry and it's early in the day.
He pays the smiling merchant and he carries on his way.
A kiosk selling gwontek melons soon catches his eye
The fruits are firm and fleshy and he knows he'd love to try

As he fills his brimming basket, there comes a pleasant scent.
He follows it to find pyrapples, sweet and succulent.
Though his haul of fruits is plenty, there's one still he can't escape.
At last, he tops his bushel off with fine Sakhmetian grapes.

He rests beneath a palm tree to enjoy his fruity splendor.
The Techo samples each selection, all so tart and tender.
He naps beneath the shade once he's had his fill of snacks.
"A perfect Techo Day," he yawns. "I'm certain I'll come back!"

The Terrible Techo
by tessahcamille

There once was a techo all big and green,
And to tell the truth - he was really mean!
This techo pushed and yelled at the others,
Especially if they were different colors.

During playtime he would never share,
He'd hurt someone's feelings and never care!
The other techos started to run away,
Whenever the mean techo came out to play.

Until one day someone even bigger and meaner,
And ruder, louder, smellier and greener,
Said, "Hey! Don't you have working eyes?
Go pick on someone your own size!"

So finally the bully admitted defeat,
And surprisingly he became quite sweet!
He generously offered to share his toys,
And played nice with other girls and boys.

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