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Neopets Poems

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Petpet Appreciation Day Special

Petpets A to Z
by birdinggal

All over Neopia
The petpets do live.
If you’ll spare me a moment,
Some facts I will give.

In order alphabetical
With you I will share,
All about these dear creatures
for whom we can care.

A is for Avabot,
A petpet robotic.
When shooting its lazers
Can be quite chaotic.

B is for Babik,
And its flowery face
Makes stealing a breeze;
It leaves not a trace.

C is for Caprior
Whose fearsome expressions,
Mask a shy, helpful spirit,
So beware first impressions.

D is for Ditsy,
You’re sure to adore
This unique little labrat
Made out of cardboard.

E is for Eizzil,
So fluffy and jolly.
But to deny it muffins
Would be quite the folly.

F is for Froiler,
A petpet unnerving.
It loves to eat Chias
And lurk in darkness, observing.

G is for Gangee,
Whose large ears and eyes
Are almost as big as
Its appetite’s size.

H is for Hoggir,
A bookworm so fiery.
But when overly teased
Reveals a temper that’s briery.

I is for Icklesaur,
Who seems not to grow
No matter what fed;
Why is that? We don’t know.

J is for Jinjah,
It loves to run ‘round.
Best keep a close watch,
lest it sprint through the town.

K is for Kadoatie,
The dark they do fear.
They cry all the night
‘Til the light does appear.

L is for Lizark,
From the jungle it hails.
They say it’s the source
Of many spooky tales.

M is for Meepit,
It just sits there and stares…
It’s really unnerving,
The way that it glares.

N is for Nebularis,
Whose home is in space.
In cold and in dark
Is its preferred place.

O is for Orp,
In the ocean it dwells;
Bouncing around amongst
All of those shells.

P is for Polarchuck,
So full of chatter.
If you should adopt one,
Be prepared for some natter.

Q is for Quadrapus,
Who just wants to play;
Be it Deckball or Gormball
To pass time away.

R is for Rashpid,
Who needs lots of light.
Give it plenty of water,
And it will be alright.

S is for Sklyde,
From bone it is made.
Its hunger will last
Forever I’m afraid.

T is for Taweret,
It looks like a tree.
To give it a hug
Would fill it with glee.

U is for Uggatrip,
And they have a ball
When causing their owner
To trip and then fall.

V is for Vullard,
Whose frequent bad moods
Can be easily avoided,
If given right foods.

W is for Weewoo,
A sign of the ‘Times.
Its haunting voice
Rings out in night chimes.

X is for Xampher, 
A big ball of fluff.
Keep a close watch
Lest it gnaw on your stuff.

Y is for Yooyu,
And it gave a name
To an annual competition
Where teams play the game.

Z is for Zumagorn,
From the land of the pixies.
Loves fooling around
And being quite tricksy.

We’ve now reached the end
Of our zoological journey,
We’ve talked about petpets
From fluffy to ferny.

There’s so many more petpets
I just couldn’t list.
We’d be here forever,
So you get the gist!

Petpet Day Poem
by imhere4now1

From Acko to Zumagorn
petpets make a sweet companion
Our pets’ trustworthy little friends
We celebrate them all today!
Whether a petpet hails from
land or sea,
 they all bring to Neohomes
their loyalty, cheer and amity
In different colours they appear
Though some are zapped or 
painted more than once a year 
their sturdy kindness is ever clear

The happiest pets you will ever find
have their own walking by their side
IPetpets make each day much more fun
I wish Neopets can have more than one!

An Ode to Zapped Petpets
by peacelovebliss

There are so many petpets in
different colours and kinds
so your Neopet’s perfect pal
should not be difficult to find
Your pet surely deserves the best
Warf, Poppit or Petoot
that they would be as lovable
as greyish Piles of Soot!
There, I said it, turning into those
is quite a possibility
for poor petpets owned by
Lab Ray-zapping Neopians
(I’ll admit, sometimes that’s me)
A few of my petpets 
met this sudden demise
and this fact, I noticed,
was not at all a surprise:
Even zapped, a petpet
won’t be loved any less
so even your Neopet’s
pet Pile of Soot is quite blessed!
Cheers to the zapped petpets
Thanks for being so brave
We appreciate you most today,
may you all be spared and saved!

Adoption Day
by lilacmeteors

To my sweet, beloved Ona
Who charms me so
There's nothing like the nirvana
Seeing the Wintery Petpet's glow

The neopoints are dwindling
And storage space low
My bank balance is aching
As my collection longs to grow

Blue, white, pink, and purple
"No more, I'm done"
But I will not be winning this battle
For another Ona I have chosen

Starry Petpet of my dreams
Oh how I adore you
All the candies, accessories, and figurines
in your likeness I will pursue

You can take everything
My cash, my dignity, my heart
But with you I am beaming
A new friendship ready to start

Today is for you, angel
And for every Petpet
Call me sentimental
But choosing you I will not regret.

PetPet Appreciation!
by darkhound45

My favourite thing out of any day
Is honouring a petpet that loves to play.

All of my lupes are very rowdy
This petpet has kept them from being real pouty.

It has two small tusks and comes with stripes.
It runs around and never gripes.

A gruslen is truly a Lupe’s best friend.
I love all of mine and I do not pretend!

An Ode to Tyrannian Petpets
by skatabo

The Gruslen stands on his vigilant watch
His battles have won him a little ear notch
Steadfast, true and loyal to the end,
Choose him, and gain a devoted friend.

The Mazzew goes her merry way
What new thing will she learn today?
Racing and chasing through all of the land
With Mazzew at your side, the day's never bland.

The Airax flies just overhead
A twist, a twirl, a feather shed
A petpet like this could do great party tricks
That's why they are one of our popular picks!

The Niptor smiles a toothy grin
He's friendly and warm, unlike some of his kin
But make sure not to get too close
Or you'll find him nibbling on your toes

The Reptillor, with eyes aflame
Famously rough, and quite hard to tame
But with patience, some time, and a good trainer's hand
You won't find a better friend from any land.

The Krawk, the rarest of the lot
Those crafty beasts are NEVER caught!
I've heard a tale of a far-off cave
Where the Krawks gather - go, if you're brave.

And last, we have our famous Rock
They never seem to be in stock.
You'd think a rock's an easy find...
Why such demand? It blows my mind!

Petpet Day Celebration
by xghoul447

Dear Petpet,
Thank you for being a friend until the end, 
Oh, we care for you so dear, 
Petpet, you are so loyal and kind. 
This year, is your time to shine! 

Thank you for the memories you made with us. 
We are grateful for you. 
Thank you for being you.
I love you so dear.
Now, it's time to cheer!

Welcome to Peopatra’s
by smellyfisheyes

Hello, dear customer, please do come inside
These petpets I sell are my joy and my pride
My name is Peopatra, let me show you around
The critters of the desert will not let you down

First up is this fellow clad in deep midnight blue 
They will jump or sit if you give them a cue
The Anubis will cherish and accept who you are
Give them a rub, and they’ll think you’re a star

If you are walking through our vast desert land
You might see a Kepru roll around in the sand
They’re energetic as few, they’ll skip and run
This little petpet will bring you nothing but fun

This looks like a pyramid but it's not ornamental
For this is a creature who's slow and whos gentle
They’re timid and will often hide in their shell
Treat a Turtmid with love, they'll love you as well

This mysterious feline is peaceful and wise,
With countless secrets hidden in their big eyes
But it is rare to witness a Mauket’s full powers
For mostly they like to sleep for hours and hours

Why settle for one friend, when you can have two?
The Ettaphant can not always agree on what to do
But if you help them along, suggest something fun 
They’ll play with you til the last rays of the sun

This little creature might look harmless and a shy
But they have intelligence you cannot deny
The Geb is loyal and would not leave your side
If only their legs could keep up with your stride

They wiggle to the left, they wiggle to the right 
They often wiggle right out of my sight
Sometimes they even bounce high in the air
With a Blobikins for a pet you will not despair

So tell me, dear customer, what do you say
I’ve shown the petpets I have here today 
Will you leave my shop with a new little friend
Or take your neopoints elsewhere to spend?

Moltenore Appreciation
by miraday

Fate had you in the works— swirling magma
Moulded into the shape of a draconic drop.
I yearn to defuse the flame of an enigma
Whose companionship comes at a cost.
The fires stoked within radiate their heat--
Pulsing heartbeat in its torch of a host.
This Moltenore, born of sparks kindling,
Becomes the lantern guiding home the lost.

It is difficult to temper the tales I’ve heard
Of the colossal Moltenore captured inside
Mount Techo with the warm glowing blur
Of a petpet diligently accompanying my side.
Perhaps the giant beast was not so terrible,
Simply underappreciated to its very core.
The caldera became the colossus’s crucible
And legend overtook the other Moltenores.

Time may be the enemy of all fires burning,
Though it took kindly to the Moltenores here.
The longevity of their loyalty is worth earning
And their warmth neither flickers nor disappears.
Their existence reads like a fable in its sake,
And their rarity is known from shore to shore.
When the volcanoes begin to tremble and break,
Magma spills forth and so are borne Moltenores.

Ode to Our Petpets
by t0tor0

They’re our dutiful companions,
Standing by through thick and thin.
As firm friends or lowly minions,
They’re beside us, lose or win.

We can send a miniature friend
Into Grave Danger solo,
They’ll find stuff for us in the end,
From their adventure below.

We can say things to our sidekicks.
They’ll respond in various ways.
Sometimes they reward us with licks,
Or perhaps a random phrase.

We can paint or zap our petpets,
Mix them at the Cooking Pot,
Send them to find Symol secrets,
Or just love them a whole lot!

Total Poetry Pages : 2755

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