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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Grundo Independence Day Special

The Elderly Grundo
by roxanna203

As the sun rises, the door creaks open,
Slowly the Elderlyboy Grundo unspoken,
Walks out his Neohome to bask the new day,
He smiles as each day is blessed as they say.

Tightening his fedora above his head,
Eating a light breakfast his tummy fed,
He grabs tightly onto his blue cane,
Grabbing an umbrella in case it rains.

One must not forget about green vest,
A Grundo's favourite accessory - his best!
It was quilted stitch by stitch carefully,
From the best of Faeries, apparently.

Before taking too many steps, he looks down,
His shoelaces are tied, and a lovely brown,
The last thing he would want is to fall,
As this could be just as dangerous, y'all.

Out he promenades into Neopia Central,
On Grundo Day, it is a busy monumental.
He loves to see those enjoying themselves,
Smiles, laughter, always transcend realms.

A Baby Grundo comes up to the Elderly,
"Happy Grundo Day!" he said cheerfully,
Smiling wide with a slight nod to the ground,
"You as well, little one," he replied in sound.

Grundos In The Warehouse
by lightning_power1993

They work tirelessly,
They work altruistically,
They exchange Rare Item Codes for prizes.
They are Grundos in the Warehouse!

The Green Grundos
Make up the bulk of the force.
They shift products 
Without any pause.

There is one shy Grundo,
His colour is Blue.
He stays in the background,
That’s what he chooses to do.

The face of the Warehouse 
Is a Blue Grundo too.
He looks slightly afraid
Though he’s surely not new.

Gilroy the Orange Grundo
Is the manager of the crew.
He helplessly shrugs 
when the given code is not true. 

These Grundos work hand in hand
To ensure everything goes as planned.
On this Grundo Independence Day,
Let us all thank them!

by birdinggal

What a wonderful Grundo is Parlax,
To whose wit and whose cunning there’s no max.
He schemed and deceived,
Leaving others quite peeved,
At his skilful yet treacherous acts.

Two brothers he did fool with ease,
Manipulating them as he did please.
But then when found out,
Did cause them to shout;
No longer could he them appease.

Though captured he did not once fret,
And escaped without breaking a sweat.
Now that he was undone,
From the moon, he did run,
Hoping Sloth would not be too upset.

Then during one last heated fight
Against friend turned to foe filled with spite;
With slashing of sword,
His foe finally floored,
Victory at last was in sight!

But alas it was not to be so,
For now came an end to the show.
With chant now recited,
Sloth’s doom expedited,
The Token did begin to glow.

Blinded by pride and conceited,
His master was soundly defeated.
And so this Parlax knew,
Was there one thing to do,
So he slipped away and retreated.

What happened next can nobody tell.
Did he make it, escaping as well?
Now awaiting the day
He’d make them all pay,
And avenge the master they fell?

Space Food with Gargarox
by chai7705

There's somebody famous named Gargarox
Who made his career in cuisine
Though many Grundo say, "Boy, this food rocks!"
I admit, some Neopians think it's obscene

Starting with something real nice and easy
Some Orbiting Eclair might do quite well
It's not too strange, don't yet get queasy
If it didn't float, you couldn't even tell!

Next up why not try Cherries Jubilee
For a meal or dessert, you may choose
Though ingredients may not be plain to see
The flavour is one you can't refuse!

And now, Grundo's Luxury Kebab
Food on a stick! What's not to like?
Don't mind that they look like three blobs
Or that they're coloured in pink, green, and white...

The Toxic Sloth Slushie is it!
Don't mind the name, it's probably fine
Bright neon green, for certain a hit
No, no, Sloth's not taking over your mind!

How about Pizza? Surely a favorite
This one's Metal, but that's OK, right?
Tin and nuts, yum! Make sure you savour it
Mind your teeth, though, when you do bite...

Gargarox's masterpiece is a certain Salad
One called Grobleen, and it does stare right back
Admittedly it makes most turn quite pallid
Only the brave dare to try this gooey snack...

That Grundo is certainly creative
With all of the dishes he concocts
They don't seem to appeal to non-natives
But he still does well, that Gargarox!

What? You don't want to try just one dish
Even on this special Grundo Day?!
Alright, your loss, if that's what you wish
Instead, Gormball with Gargarox! Let's play!

Sauvez la Station Spatiale! - Jour du Grundo
by 6moricehero6

Installez-vous, branchez votre meilleur clavier
À vos marques, on joue. Vos aptitudes seront testées
Si en dactylo vous vous croyez assez fort
C'est pas trop tôt, essayez Typing Terror

Lancez le jeu et vous serez projeté
Dans un script ténébreux où vous devrez briller
Les Grundos mécaniques on attaqué la Station Spatiale
Vous devrez faire l'acte héroïque de la sauver du mal
Vous feriez mieux de les déprogrammer
Sans quoi eux feront tout exploser
Vos talents informatiques leur donneront le coup fatal
Votre dextérité dactylographique comme seul art martial

Premier niveau, les codes sont simples
Trois lettres provoquent le court-circuit
Tous les robots  vont dans les limbes
Une fois leur mot de passe saisi
Votre score au tableau vole vers l'Olympe
Détruisez les Grundo, aucune merci

Plus ca avance, plus ca se complique
Les écrans affichent toutes sortes de noms
Les mots de passe deviennent cryptiques
Et qu'est-ce que ca veut bien dire "ZYROLON"?
Les ennemis se multiplient et s'intensifie la musique
Trop de dommage sur le vaisseau, évacuez avant l'explosion!

Malgré l'échec vous y rejouez
Peu vous importe la difficulté
Ce n'est qu'une question de temps et d'effort
Vous mettez un jour les détracteurs à tort
À détruire les robots vous êtes motivé
À sauver le vaisseau vous vous sentez déterminé
Pour la gloire du trophée d'or et le prestige de l'avatar
Vous aurez ce high-score sur Typing Terror.

A Gruundo's Night
by fizztop

A monthly event that lights up the sky, 
Kreludor in the distance glowing with a warm light,
Shooting stars and comets go flying by,
As anticipation begins for the night!

The Tyrannian Concert Hall is crowded with groovers,
Stomping feet and pumping fists high in the air,
The rockers all show off their best manoeuvres, 
As the lights go dim, the band is here! 

With a drop of the curtains there they are,
In all of their glory - Gruundo is here, 
A strum of a guitar fit for a star, 
The audience lets out a massive cheer!

The four orange Grundos sing their hard rock melodies,
Dancing and grooving as they do best, 
The crowd of rockers creating so many memories,
For this is a night to remember for every guest!

As the fireworks slowly start to conclude,
And the Gruundo’s bid their big farewell, 
The concertgoers are in a post-concert mood, 
As tonight has put them under a spell.

To keep their memories vivid and alive,
Why not pick up a charming keepsake,
A mug or a Gruundo’s poster or five,
To remember this monthly rocking night long past daybreak!

Grundo Independence Day
by x_babifaerie_x

The history books say that Grundos
Come from a planet far, far away.
Captured and enslaved by Dr. Sloth
The hunter captures his prey.

The evil mastermind
Forced his Grundos to construct.
The Virtupets Space Station
Where justice, he would obstruct.

He performed experiments on the Grundos
A mutated army he created.
With the intent to take over Neopia
As he so vehemently stated.

The Space Faerie decided
It was time to take action.
She faced Dr. Sloth head-on
Much to his satisfaction.

She fell right into his trap.
Poor Mira was captured.
Neopia would soon be his—
Dr. Sloth was enraptured!

To all of Neopia,
The Space Faerie sent out a plea.
Help to liberate the Grundos.
Adopt them to set them free.

With every adoption,
The Space Faerie gained strength.
She broke free from her prison.
To defeat Sloth, she would go to any length.

She arrived just in time
As Dr. Sloth was aiming his ray.
She reflected the power back upon itself.
Much to Sloth’s dismay.

His mutation ray exploded
With a powerful blast.
Dr. Sloth was defeated.
The Grundos were liberated at last!

So that is the story
For why we celebrate
Grundo Independence Day
On this special date.

Mallow Grundo
by kellyclark1115

Mallow Grundos are the best,
so cute, squishy, and soft!
I told my friend I loved them,
but he merely just coughed.

I adore their eyes,
shining, bright, and red!
And their antennae,
sitting perfectly on their head.

Even the Unconverted Mallows,
how I would love to have one.
With the biggest smile,
we would have so much fun!

But unfortunately, I cannot;
I have no Fountain Faerie Quest...
perhaps an Unconverted Mallow?
it is my dream, a trade I request.

For now, I will settle,
Marshmallow Grundo Plushies I'll hold dear,
counting down until the day 
I get a Mallow Grundo draws near.

The Reject Marshmallow Grundo
by precious_katuch14

Dozens of Marshmallow Grundos
Lined up in a row,
Like they're marching away,
Poised on a tray.

Fluffy and white,
Moulded just right,
Little heads and bodies,
Chewy and squishy.

Yet there's one Grundo,
Drooping in woe,
Not quite fluffy,
Not quite squishy.

Its smile is a frown,
Its face looks down.
Just the slightest push
Could turn it into mush.

Poor Reject Marshmallow Grundo,
All its brethren quickly go,
Each one perfect and pure,
In colour and contour.

Except the little reject,
Ignored, imperfect.
Still on the tray
Where it forlornly lay.

But still there is hope,
Someone who won't say "nope"
To a Reject Marshmallow Grundo,
Withering lower and low. 

The baker who made the tray
Can finally sit down and say,
"My work is over, so
"I can have a Marshmallow Grundo!"

Gargarox Isafuhlarg the Grundo
by gumgum101230

"Gargarox Isafuhlarg here,"
The Grundo reported
As he took his place on the field
Where players were sorted. 

Gormball had been his favourite game
Since he was a young Pet.
At these tryouts, he was hoping
To play an official set. 

"Gargarox," replied the Director
With a stern demeanor.
He approached the giant Grundo
With other conveners. 

"You are Mutant," said one official,
As though it weren't overt.
"This advantage in size and strength
Could get the others hurt." 

"It's unnatural," said another,
Barely hiding disgust.
"How do we know he's a person
Whom we can even trust?" 

As angry tears began to flood
The giant Grundo's eyes,
An unexpected ally took
Everyone by surprise! 

"He should play!" said a Blue Grundo
From behind some Cool Shades.
"Why should we toss this player out
Just 'cause y'all are afraid? 

"This game welcomes everyone
From Aliens to Faeries.
We can't ban him just because
You think he's weird and scary!" 

This statement caused the Director
To feel a sense of shame.
From that day on, ALL Mutants were
Allowed to play the game! 

This concludes the story of how
Two Grundos became friends.
Gargarox and Zargrold now play
Gormball games without end!

Celebration at the Grundo Warehouse
by theguy2020

Head on over to the Grundo Warehouse,
A place so large you'll seem as small as a mouse,
Located in the Virtupets Space Station, 
When you arrive you'll feel a relaxing sensation!

Virtual code items are here in every spot,
Make sure you only redeem a code that belongs to you or you'll be caught,
Cool prizes and potential avatars are at your doorstep,
Best of all you won't even need a second of prep!

Find the Blue Grundo at the Warehouse and type your code,
Your prizes are given instantly so you can be assured they won't be slowed,
What you get will be quite random,
Could even be a really rare item from a unique fandom!

New codes and prizes are released all the time,
Receiving a code and not entering for a prize should be a crime,
You'd be depriving the ability to treat yourself,
You could win the coolest item to put on your bookshelf!

Expect new codes and prizes for the holidays,
The virtual items are quite aesthetic they deserve all the praise,
Celebrating this Grundo Day by picking up one or two or ten,
Before you know it you'll be back at the Grundo Warehouse to redeem again!

by bittersweet52

On the third day of every month
You'll find me in his shop
Looking out for half-priced books
To take me to the top

That Grundo there, beside the shelf
Bernard is his name you see
He runs the shop and sells me books
That I have yet to read

When I was younger, I stepped in once
Just to look around
But was delighted and surprised
By all the books I found

I came back often, again and again
Looking for new titles to read
And gradually, over the years
Bernard became a friend indeed

He can be a bit shy, and self-deprecating
But his passion for books is clear
He told me about a lovely Book Club
That I've been a member of now for years

The covers I've seen, the pages I've read
I've surely lost count long ago
But someone has logged it all for the Club
After all, there's an award, you know

To get to the top of the charts is simple
All you have to do is read all the books
You don't even have to buy them from the shop
If you know somewhere else to look

Oh dear, now I've talked your ear off
And he's sold out while I've blathered on
I guess I'll just have to come back later
I'm sure he'll restock before long

I'm hoping to inch my way up the tables
And upgrade my Booktastic trophy
I'll meet you back here at quarter to four
If you want to browse titles with me!

The Silent Giver
by tatyanne

Gently blows a peaceful breeze,
Birds chirping to the rustling leaves.
A small Blue form slowly stirs,
And opens his eyes with not a word.

Hanging, always, from a tree–
No one knows how he came to be.
Sad he looks, as if discarded–
Answers none, his heart is guarded,

Long ago, in the clouds he lay,
But fell from the sky, oh the dismay!
In ruins was old Faerieland–
Rebuilt again, now proudly stands.

Kindly by the Faeries blessed–
Enchanted he was, at their behest.
The Grundo Plushie is under a spell–
What it takes, he’ll never tell.

Silently he lies in wait,
Visit him and change your fate.
He may bless you with prosperity,
Or simply keep you company.

Questions are unanswered still,
You wonder if they ever will.
Will his story be one day known,
And does he always feel alone?

The Space Adoption Agency
by i_lovee_icecream

“Welcome to the Space Adoption Agency,”
Says a cheerful Blue Grundo at the desk.
He smiles at you ever so graciously,
In his space office so picturesque.

It is time to create your Grundo,
Choose every option wisely.
We have a seat in the front row,
To your creation made precisely.

Choose a name,
Choose a gender.
A claim to fame,
A galaxy of splendour!

Next is colour,
Like Solar Red.
A colour so bright,
It’ll get to your head.

Or maybe instead,
You’ll choose Stellar Blue,
A colour so fantastic,
You’ll catch a hue flu!

Planetoid Brown, 
Galactic Green.
So many pigments,
You’ve never seen!

Cosmic Yellow,
Plasma White.
A cast so brilliant,
It puts up a fight.

Whatever you choose,
Your Grundo will be excellent.
No matter its hue,
Their beauty is renascent.

by agedbeauty

The day has come at last
And your kindly Master 
Is on his way fast

For today is the day
Unlike any other
Grab your sister, grab your friend,
And grab your father and your mother

Dr. Sloth comes today
And you better be awake
Dr. Sloth comes today
But he's not bringing cake

Dr. Sloth isn't bringing confetti
And he does not have a balloon
He didn't bring party games
But you better get there soon

For you see, dear Grundos
Today is Grundo Day
And Dr. Sloth will recognize his minions
In his own special way

Dr. Sloth won't write poetry
And he won't draw you art
But when he arrives at the station
You'll be there if you're smart

For today Dr. Sloth
Will recognize you in his own way
And how you ask? 
Well he'll simply say - Happy Grundo Day!

The Grundo Odyssey
by maculose

A Grundo woke up and was feeling crummy.
His head felt bad as well as his tummy.
He thought a walk would do the trick,
So walking outside is what he picked.

As he walked there were so many scents!
He loved them so and off he went.
One of them suddenly tickled his nose,
And he sneezed so hard it was like a hose.

His antenna let out a rather large Vooo!
“Oh my gosh, would you look at you!”
A Royal Quiggle was pointing his way,
But he didn’t say this because he wanted to play.

He enjoyed making fun of this lonely Grundo.
The Grundo just smiled. It wasn’t fun though.
Suddenly he smelled a scent and heard a sound.
The sound was familiar so he ran on the ground. 

As he approached the sound and the wonderful smell,
He tripped on a branch and down he fell.
“Let me help you up my antenna friend,”
A voice had said as if trying to mend.

The Grundo looked up and saw a sight.
There was a Faerie Grundo with colours so bright! 
She held out her hand so that he could stand.
As he stood up he was looking at a Grundo band!

Then he heard the sound again.
Their antennas were voo-ing in the wind!
She brought him over and gave him a plate.
“ I am glad we met. I think it is fate!”

He then saw food laid out a mile long.
“Help yourself! My name is Yong!”
They all sat down to eat their meal.
This Grundo liked how he started to feel.

He had found a group who all were nice.
They made the same sounds and gave great advice. 
“You should join our band! You’ll fit right in!
We could all use a caring, perfect friend.”

The Faerie Grundo had brought him great joy. 
He never had friends that his sound didn’t annoy.
All it takes is some patience and time.
I think you’ll be happy with what you will find.

Bernard the Grundo
by spukl1

Bernard the Grundo has much to say,
He has his own book club, it goes his way!
He runs the Booktastic Book shop around town,
He gives out rewards, maybe you’ll earn a crown.

He is smart but not friendly, so they say.
Join his book club & maybe he’ll give you the time of day.
He hails from Kreludor where Grundos work.
Though it interrupts his reading – being a clerk.

He won’t help you with a Slorg attack.
In fact, he will sit back & watch with a snack.
Bernard will research it and find a solution,
But you’ll never quite get a final resolution.

Bernard knows that books are better than treats,
He’d rather have a full library than unlimited sweets.
He doesn’t approve of violence or flying things.
Instead, he prefers knowledge, giving his brain wings.

Bernard the Grundo is a gift indeed.
He’s an A+ shopkeeper there for every need.
Kreludor is better because he is there.
And Booktastic Book Club is the best around, anywhere.

The Magical Blue Grundo
by antonia22301

Don’t be sad little friend
For one day you will be on the mend
Hanging from a tree
Isn’t so bad for me
When you give me Neopoints to spend!

Why the frown Blue Plushie?
Did someone steal your slushie?
Let’s have a little chat
Maybe you can gift me a hat.
But I don’t want anything mushy!

This Grundo was thrown away
But all the Neopians want to play
Dreaming of avatars a-plenty
Or maybe a prize or two or twenty–
“Just this one time please–it’s my birthday!”

Discarded, forgotten
Maybe even left for rottin’
This Grundo just wants a break
Or maybe he just wants a cake
Will you befriend this Grundo filled with cotton?

Total Poetry Pages : 2763

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