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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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By Surfhavana

Unis run as fast as rain,
Their tails flow uneven like their mane,
Their wings whistle in the breeze,
Unis soar through the heavens with ease.
Unis fly above the ground,
Gallop, Gallop is their sound,
They can fly from low to high,
The only limit is the sky,
Herds of Unis shine while they run,
Their painted coats gleam in the sun,
Their mane and tail flow free and wild,
Their spirits are very far from mild.
The glory of Unis fly through the sky,
As Neopians rarely spot them by,
These are Unis, wild and free,
This is how they fly for me.

Post Christmas Day
By battlesunn

Christmas day has come and gone
the presents were all opened.
My pets were happy, because they all received
exactly what for they'd been hoping.

All except one. My Ixi it seems,
is unhappy with his new toy.
He scowls up at me, and then he says
"You know, I'm terribly annoyed!

"I asked for robot Petpet paintbrush,
and what was it that got?
A Mynci puppet! A MYNCI PUPPET!!!
Out of all the things I wanted, this is not!"

So now I have an unhappy Ixi on hands,
but at least my Lupe seems pleased
with the gift that I so graciously bought him,
the gift that he received.

He smiles at me, and then he says.
"A green Lupe plushie! It's just what I asked for."
"Yes," I said, ruffling his ears.
"I'm surprised that you didn't want more."

"Favoritism," my Ixi mumbles,
as he kicks his toy away.
My Gelert just chuckles, and continues to read
The book that she got yesterday.

My Krawk is being silent,
as he sips his snowberry tea.
He didn't get what he wanted either,
because he wanted a peaceful family.

Please Don't Cry
By jazz_band_chick5

I don't know what is wrong
My brand new Zafara's crying
I adopted her from the Neopian Pound
I thought she would be smiling.
Why all the tears
on this fine happy day?
I ask and she cries harder
Please don't cry
I quickly say
My Zafara cries harder and harder
Finally with a tear clogged breath
She opened her mouth to speak.
"Nobody loves me, anymore,
I've been adopted many times.
I never win in the Battledome,
And I don't think I will this time."
"But," I say with great sympathy,
"Your fighting abilities don't matter to me!"
My Zafara smiled, for the first time.
A bright ray of sunshine in my life.
"Promise?" she says, with hope in her eyes.
"I promise," I say, and we hug another time.

The Defeat of Meridell
By ultimate_neo332

All hope was lost
The Defender could not stand
Elementals were still standing
Darigan thought that was grand

He never had triumphed
he was always to blame
Meridell was mostly ahead
Now who has the shame?

After all their fighting
the orb was stolen away
by evil lord Darigan
the citadel it lay.

Darigan was cackling
in his huge lair
Skarl always knew
That Darigan didn't fight fair

The castle was still standing
however it looked black
Skarl would never be king
until the orb came back

Meridell was blackened
while Darigan flew past
King Skarl and his troops
never thought they'd be last

Meridell went poor
While Darigan went rich
While the whole of Meridell
thought there was a glitch

Darigan left to a room
where he could lay quiet
his troops did the same
and Meridell went into a riot

King Skarl would vow revenge
with his greatest new shooter
locked up in a special room
and soon Darigan would be the loser.

Plea for Meridell
By Cynnick

Residents of Meridell,
attend my urgent plea:
Our home, our pets, our way of life,
need help from such as we!
The Citadel of Darigan
approaches from the air,
To turn our hope and happiness
to sorrow and despair.

Many years ago, our Good King Skarrl
beheld a plight:
Aught but sickness, poverty,
and sadness were in sight.
Meridell was suffering,
and so our King decreed,
To send his finest soldiers
in our hour of deepest need.

The brave and strong responded,
and they took this noble quest.
Searched far and wide and endlessly,
without a wink of rest.
'Til finally they found a Sage,
who gave them this advice:
"Seek ye the Orb!
'Twill mend your land and people, in a trice!"

These valiant Knights sought brave and hard,
and brought the treasure, here.
With noble hearts and purest thoughts,
to save their home held dear.
Prosperity and happiness
and health filled Meridell,
And all the citizens gave thanks,
for those who quested well.

Now, today, comes Darigan,
an army dark and cruel,
To slay our gentle peasants,
and to make our King a fool!
They claim our Orb is theirs,
and seek to level our dear land,
To flatten all our homes
with brutal force and grasping hand.

Many fine Neopians believe this wicked claim:
They call our soldiers thieves
and they besmirch our kingdom's name.
They join the evil forces who attack our citizens:
Gentle Draiks and Ixis who do nothing but defend.

Consider this, before ye fell another innocent:
If the Orb was theirs,
why was no envoy ever sent?
Surely those who're in the right,
with truth upon their side,
Have no need of soldiers.
What hath Darigan, to hide?

So now, I'm here to plead
with those who join Darigan's fight:
Don't attack your neighbors.
Two wrongs never make a right.
Stop and think, Neopians,
before both kingdoms fall:
Surely our great Orb
hath ample magic for us all!

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