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Gallery Spotlight

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- Today's Gallery Spotlight -

Gallery Name: LOLer Skates
Owner: curiouslori311
Description: Every good prankster in Neopia knows where to go when planning their next big stunt - LOLer Skates! Showcasing a collection of Neopia's most clever prank and humor items, this gallery is sure to put a smile on your face and a few dangerous ideas in your Neopets head! This Neopian loves surprises, jokes, and pranks, and I'm sure I'm not the only one! Just be careful when walking through the door, and watch your step at all times...

The Gallery:

Wilhelm says 'Why am I in this gallery?! I'm not funny I?'

Welcome to LOLer Skates - the comedy and prank gallery! This gallery is mostly about items for pulling pranks, making a good disguise, a quick getaway, jokes, or causing general mischief. ;) However, it also includes a few items with funny descriptions, funny looking items, items intended to make your pet smile/laugh, and things of that nature. Donations are welcome, a wishlist is included below. :)

What's that? You want me to tell you a few good pranks to pull? Well...I don't want to have to rename this gallery "Don't Try This at Home." ;)

Shopping List/Wishlist: Mystery Island Heads Stamp, Peppermint Mince Pie, Alien Aisha Ray Gun Stamp, Clowning Around, Blumaroo Court Jester Stamp, Chezzoom, Ombus Fruit, Lobsterclaw Salad, Court Jester Jokes, JubJub Jokes, Smile Helmet, Jokes To Make Skarl Laugh, Coltzan Stamp, Hilarious Chia Jokes, The Pant Devil, Smiley Pizza, Coco Stamp, Spider Liquorice, Orange Negg (needed for cooking pot recipe :)), The Naughty Skeith, Hubrid Nox Stamp, Pteri Cart, Strawberry Fondant Surprise, Cheerlub, Nose Picking Mycni Gnome, Sillie Daisy, Fizzy Koi Seapop, Disco Dancing Usuki

Items priced at...

250,000: Regular gallery items; these items have a name or description related to laughter, humor, or are items that come in handy when pulling a prank or making a good disguise ;) Pant Devil things are also included because he is a master of pranks!
111,111: These items are just in here because they just look so darn happy :)
113,000: These items have descriptions that are funny or just so odd you gotta laugh. [see Blue Usul Balloon XD]
222,222: Items that are just funny LOOKING, or the item itself is funny/amusing

And, of course, the bikes, scooters, roller blades, and skateboards - because once you pull a great prank, you probably need to escape the scene.....and quickly. ;)

Make your pet the coolest of the bunch with this fantastic skateboard.
Blue Skateboard
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Make your pet the coolest of the bunch with this fantastic skateboard.
Purple Skateboard
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A doughnut with pink icing. Mmmm, Homers favourite.
Pink Doughnut
1 in stock
Cost : 222,222 NP

This stunning green bike is excellent for young pets.  When they learn to ride bikes they can travel faster around Neopia.
Green Bike
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This beautiful blue bike is excellent for young pets.  Once pets learn to ride bikes they can travel faster around Neopia.
Blue Bike
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

With a twinkle in her eye this young witch zooms across Neopia looking for a new target for her mischievious pranks.
Xenia, Master Prankster
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This mask is a great gift for both Uni lovers and Uni wanna-bes! No Unis were harmed in the making of this product.
100% Fake Uni mask
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Our hero is a brave and courageous Lupe who will try to help solve the mystery of why Ancient Neopia is overrun with monsters and fiends.
Neoquest Hero
1 in stock
Cost : 750 NP

Get your pet zooming round Neopia with this flashy pink racing bike.
Pink Racing Bike
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Get your pet flying up the mountains with this flashy red mountain bike.
Red Mountain Bike
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Give your pet a set of groovy sunglasses and they will be the coolest pet around.
Cool Shades
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

For the pet that just loves to get noticed.
Blue Bandana
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

When it is time to dress up your pet, dont spare any expense.
Bow Tie
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Dont you have a springy toy yet?  Oh my, you must purchase it now. This is hands down, the funniest thing ever!
Springy Toy
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Packed with protein, its just right to start your day. Might end your day, too.
Maggot Stew
1 in stock
Cost : 113,000 NP

These handcarved ceremonial masks are made specially for visitors to the island.
Native Mask
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

The only mask that is sanctioned by the Island Committee for Quality Souvenirs, with one of these masks you can join the natives in one of their many celebrations.
Official Coconut Mask
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Stuck in a tight situation? Well, throw a Laugh Grenade and your oppressor will fall and begin laughing while you make your attack.
Laugh Grenade
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This is a handy, multi-use, 100% cotton bandana that is coloured with a natural red dye.  This generous sized square, can be used to protect the nose from dust, the head from the burning sun, soak up some spilt water or just make you look good while puttering around the plants.
Red Bandana
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

These cheeky little rascals love causing mischief and make perfect play mates for fun loving Neopets.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Crabulas love sneaking up behind people and pinching them by surprise, unfortunately they have giggle fits as soon as they have done it, so they always get caught.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Frustrated at Techo Says?  Wipe the smile off his face with this delicious Techo forearm.
Sun Dried Techo Claw
1 in stock
Cost : 113,000 NP

Uggh... yellow snow...This magical snowball can be thrown at an opponent in the Battledome.  You can only use it once however, so stock up! One Use.
Yellow Snowball
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

These fake plastic lips are excellent if you want a quick disguise.
Luscious Lips
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A fake plastic moustache is a perfect addition for an undercover Neopet.
Hairy Tash
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Now your pet can be a fire fighter for real (or at least for pretend) with this cool fire department badge.
Fire Fighter Badge
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

The latest, greatest thing on two wheels!
Super Duper Scooter
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Whizz all over Neopia in a pair of these brand new blades.
Roller Blades
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Play detective with this pocket magnifying glass.
Pocket Magnifying Glass
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Other Neopets will respect your darlings authority with this sparkling sheriffs badge.
Sheriffs Badge
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

With these wash on wash off tattoos your pet can impress all its friends.
Fake Tattoo
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A magical negg that can only be found at the Neopian Neggery.  This will increase your pet happiness.
Happy Negg
1 in stock
Cost : 111,111 NP

Here is a great red scooter to get around Neopia on!  This one is only the basic model :(
Red Scooter
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Here is a great blue scooter to get around Neopia on! This one is only the basic model :(
Blue Scooter
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Here is a great yellow scooter to get around Neopia on! This one is only the basic model :(
Yellow Scooter
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Here is a great green scooter to get around Neopia on! This one is only the basic model :(
Green Scooter
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

The only thirst quencher on the market that quenches twice!
Dr. Backwash
1 in stock
Cost : 222,222 NP

Put a great big smile on your Neopets face with this delicious Smiley Negg.
Smiley Negg
1 in stock
Cost : 111,111 NP

This bronze coin is worth one Dubloon.  Spend em on Krawk Island!!
One Dubloon Coin
1 in stock
Cost : 3,100 NP

Slorgs may be happy little fellows, but they leave massive slime trails wherever they go.
1 in stock
Cost : 111,111 NP

Make your other Usukis roar with laughter using this very silly clown suit.
Usuki Clown Set
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This slippery banana peel is one of the Myncis favourite weapons!
Mynci Slip Na-Na
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

When you are not close enough to breath fire at opponents your Scorchio can use this handy little Slingshot!
Scorchio Slingshot
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This cute little waterballoon is not just a toy.  Watch out if you see an Usul with one in a battle. One Use.
Usul Waterballoon Attack
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Who can resist this super soft Valentines Quiggle plushie?
Valentines Quiggle Plushie
1 in stock
Cost : 111,111 NP

This paper mask may look silly, but it will protect your Lenny in battle.
Lenny Paper Mask
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Who needs name calling when you can fire sticks and stones with this handy Chomby slingshot.
Chomby Slingshot
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

It wobbles as it writes... making it near impossible for your writing to make sense!
Funny Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 222,222 NP

This yellow Chia balloon is so cheerful it will make even the saddest Neopet giggle.
Yellow Chia Balloon
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Now go to sleep Kevin, or ill knock three times and summon the floating Usul of Death!
Blue Usul Balloon
1 in stock
Cost : 113,000 NP

Yes, it isnt actually called med_berry_3 heh heh
1 in stock
Cost : 113,000 NP

Now your Neopet can see what its like to be a Faerie Kougra without the need for expensive potions and brushes.
Faerie Kougra Mask
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Packed full of hilarious comedy sketches featuring Blumaroos from around Neopia.
Blumaroo Comedy
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This comfortable cloth cap can lift you out of sticky situations with its powerful compact propeller.
Meerca Propeller Hat
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This may look harmless, but when wielded by a Meerca it can be a powerful battledome item.
Meerca Squirt Bottle
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A Tigerfruity thing, a thingummy, and a whatsitsname.
Assorted Fruits Stamp
1 in stock
Cost : 113,000 NP

This happy treat will turn your Neopets frown upside down :)
Upside Down Smiley Cone
1 in stock
Cost : 111,111 NP

A mischievious little character that will get into all kinds of trouble if you leave it alone.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Slorgs may be happy little fellows, but they leave massive slime trails wherever they go.
Plushie Slorg
1 in stock
Cost : 111,111 NP

Boing... boing... boing....
Pastel Pogo Stick
1 in stock
Cost : 222,222 NP

A fun adventure following the life of a circus clown.
Clowning Around
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

He he.. this ice cream looks just like a Chia clown :)
Clown Chia Zeenana Ice Cream
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Delightful tales that will make even the grumpiest Neopet smile.
Rainbow Flotsam Stories
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Wind it up and watch it walk!  With every step it makes a sinister squeaky noise.
Clockwork Chia Clown
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Gilly was carrying a slice of omelette and a Rod of Supernova. At least she ate well that night.
Pant Devil Attacks (TCG)
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Many people laugh at the Attack Pea and many people get hit by it!
Attack Pea Stamp
1 in stock
Cost : 113,000 NP

Now your Neopet can play pranks that a Meerca would be proud of on their friends :) This was given out by the advent calendar in year 5.
Meerca Whoopee Cushion
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This hat can only be got from pulling an Amazing Cracker.
Paper Jesters Crown
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

These glasses will help you enjoy the whole concert, even if you are far away. Only available at The Neopian Philharmonic concerts.
Neopian Philharmonic Glasses
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

 Meercas are talented pranksters, and they are very rarely caught.
Red Meerca (TCG)
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

You will laugh until it hurts when you read these jokes.
Hilarious Chia Jokes
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Young Kougras love to throw these at each other as they explode when they hit the floor!
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Your Neopet wont be able to keep the smile off their face if you give them this Spardel balloon.
Blue Spardel Balloon
1 in stock
Cost : 222,222 NP

Wind up the handle and a funny Harris jester will pop up and laugh.
Harris In A Box
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

The orange giant laughed as he stomped back to his cave.  The children he had captured would make a most delicious supper.
Attack of the Oranges! (TCG)
1 in stock
Cost : 113,000 NP

Clone #816 laughed. The plan had worked perfectly.
Unmask (TCG)
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

If your Neopoints wont stretch to a fancy bath, why not get this affordable bucket instead?
Feepit Petpet Bath Bucket
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Perfect for transporting plants and anything else around your garden.
Blue Wheelbarrow
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Ok so they arent guaranteed to make him laugh, but they are all funny!
Jokes To Make Skarl Laugh
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Put a smile on your face by eating one of these yummy Cheery Tomatoes.
Cheery Tomatoes
1 in stock
Cost : 111,111 NP

He just loved to make people laugh so joining the circus seemed like the logical thing to do...
The Jovial Jetsam
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This costume will make your Neopet look just like Lord Kass.
Lord Kass Halloween Costume
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This costume will make your Neopet look just like Count Von Roo.
Count Von Roo Halloween Costume
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This costume will make your Neopet look just like Meuka.
Meuka Halloween Costume
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This costume will make your Neopet look just like Vira.
Vira Halloween Costume
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Squeeze the Selket and a jet of water spurts out.
Squirty Selket Toy
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Now your Neopet can pretend they are a Uni with this fetching blue horn.
Fake Uni Hat
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Purple?  Never seen that before!  This was a prize given out by the advent calendar in year 6.
Purple Sticky Hand
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Doesnt he look adorable.  This was a prize given out by the advent calendar in year 6.
Number Six Plushie
1 in stock
Cost : 222,222 NP

Perfect for whizzing down snow covered hills. This was a prize from the Advent Calendar in Y6.
Homemade Buggy
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Guaranteed to scare  anyone the first time they open it!
Buzz in a Box
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This cheerful painting will brighten up even the plainest of walls.
Skipping Harris Painting
1 in stock
Cost : 111,111 NP

Remember dont throw these at people and always use with an adult around!
New Year Fire Crackers
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

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