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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 21st day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 133 > Articles > 10 Steps to Becoming an Evil Mastermind

10 Steps to Becoming an Evil Mastermind

by neomaniac1603

GALLERY OF EVIL - Who isn't interested in becoming an Evil Mastermind ready to take over Neopia? Well, obviously Dr. Sloth is an "Evil Mastermind" but has had very many failed attempts at trying to take over something.

We are going to countdown 10 Steps to becoming an Evil Mastermind. So put on your cloak, and possibly grab a wand or staff and get ready to run out of your Neohome and take over Neopia (or if you're a simplistic kind of person; steal the next door neighbor's socks)


Step #1
All Evil Masterminds must have a plan, if you do not have a plan, then I suggest you grab a piece of paper and a pen/pencil right now and create one up. Usually the basic plan is to take over enslave Neopia by taking over it but it is really nice to see an original plan. Maybe you could take over the Unis Fine Clothing shop in the Neopian Bazaar to create an ultimate and undefeatable SOCK DRAGON!!!!! *cough* moving along…

Step #2
If your plan does not include taking over Neopia but a World found in Neopia then I suggest you live in that part of the area SECRETLY for a few months to get the feel of the place and if it really is what you would like to Conquer. Make sure you do not tell anyone or your face could be the next Poster to be put up in the Kiosk Post Shop.

Step #3
You need the Clothing and Accessories. This might be hard to come up with an original design. Try using the ever-so-popular Cloak, I think Snot would be a great one. It hasn't been used before, maybe add a nice Snot Staff that when used shoots out a Snot Net at Neopians which will then cover them in Snot and make them become your loyal slave? People all over town would be saying "Move over Meuka, there's a new evil Snot in town!"

Step #4
Backup! No I don't mean Back up as in move away from me, I mean you need people to be by your side, help you fight off those who do not like your plans and wish to destroy you. Hmm a better word for it would be an Army of Trained Clones that could shoot laser beams out of their eyes when looking at someone. *coughs* Nope that's been done by Sloth already :( I am sure you can think of some sort of original powers your Army could have?

Step #5
You need to pick a time to attack and when to retreat (that's if your Army is not doing to well). Usually the best time to attack is at Mid-Evening, there are not to many Neopians around as they are sound-asleep in their Neohomes dreaming of Snow Faeries dancing in their head. Well you need to stop that sick and foul scene and make their dreams Evil Mutated Giant Slorgs trying to eat them, Muahaha that is evil isn't it?

Step #6
You need to pick an elite team of people who can send out your messages of war. It's best to have strong Neopets do this, Grarrl, Skeith are just a name of some. Make sure their apparel is evil-looking. Do you think if people saw a Chia covered in Asparagus running around in the middle of Neopia Marketplace yelling "OUR EVIL MASTER IS COMING! BE READY FOR A WAR NEOPIA HAS NEVER SEEN BEFORE!" would be scared? The majority of the people would think it was Adam running around in a costume simply because he had a few to many "Mystery Island Asparagus Cocktails". So you can scratch that off your list of "People I should add to my Elite Team for my upcoming War".

Step #7
Weapons, You and your Army need a godly amount of weapons. It is best to have weapons that can do an assorted amount of icon-types and a huge amount of those types of icons. You will also need defensive weapons, usually a lot of the people on the "Good Side" will use the same icon-types so it is best to get weapons that will defend against them or possibly reflect it back at them. In addition you will need a constant Freezing and Healing item. Be sure to pick well and think hard on the ones you are choosing, they might just win your war.

Step #8
You will always need people that are not featured in your Army to fight for you, the more the merrier. Have a "Sign-Up for my War" day a few days prior to raising complete and utter furry upon Neopia. It is always good to meet the people who will be fighting for you as well, maybe have a "Meet and Greet" on that day as well?

Step #9
When commencing war you need to attack the opponent with force, with so much force that some of their Army and other people fighting for them will be so scared that they will back out and hide under a giant Pet Rock. This of course is what your weapons will do and possibly your appearance. Am I saying you're Ugly? Certainly not, but Dr. Sloth and Lord Darigan were no Super-Models.

Step #10
Attacking in different numbers at various times. Attacking your opponent at various times when they are weak or do not have as many Men as you will certainly help you out. Be sure to replace your Army with various "Spares" if you find one or more slacking or needing rest. We do not want a un-evil and tired fighter out there, now do we?


Well this has been 10 Steps to becoming an Evil Mastermind, simply follow what you have learned today and I am sure that you are bound to have some sort of success unlike the many Evil Masterminds that Neopia has seen fail over the many years.

If you feel that becoming an Evil Mastermind is not for you, you could always join someone's Army and help them take over the world, but who would want that? You've seen what happened to those who've followed Lord Darigan. They were never safe before he had his precious little Orb but now that he is gone, they are worse off, well… with that evil Lord Kass planning complete an utter destruction upon Meridell, which we all hope happens.. Muahaha!

May the war you plan be great success and hopefully you will reign over Neopia, Good luck.. Erm master? :P

Thank you for reading this article and if you have any questions or comments feel free to Neomail me anytime. I will try to respond back as soon as I can

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