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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 21st day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 133 > Articles > Lifestyles of the Affluent and Illustrious: Barry the Baby Shoyru

Lifestyles of the Affluent and Illustrious: Barry the Baby Shoyru

by monarchistknight

GAMES ROOM- Hello, and welcome to another fun filled, action packed, exciting, and educational episode of LOTAAI (a project of my favorite guild, NTAG, the Neopian Times Appreciation Guild) with your somewhat exaggerating host, Monarch! I'm standing outside Barry's house right now, waiting for him to open the door. Any moment now. Just a few minutes longer. Maybe he's trying to open the door and needs a CrokabekbarTM or something. Oh forget it! BAM! Whoops, wrong house. Sorry, Mr. Nasty Looking Darigan Techo! Hehe, let me just prop this door back up! There! With a dab of Slorg SlimeTM it will be as good as new, right? Hey, put that mace down!

I'm now in the Neopian Hospital, but that's not stopping me from interviewing! I've brought Barry into the room with me! Hi there, Barry.

Barry: *sucks on pacifier *

Monarch: So, Barry, what's it like being a Baby Shoyru and all?

Barry: *sucks harder on pacifier *

Monarch: Why don't you say anything? Wait, I know! You want to eat some Mouldy GruncheeseTM, the favorite breakfast of Shoyrus everywhere since 10 BN, of course! Just a moment, I'll call the nurse in and ask her to bring in some.

Barry: *starts to frantically wave his wings and sucks really hard on pacifier *

Monarch: What? Why didn't you say so? *pulls pacifier out of Barry's mouth *

Barry (very annoyed): Thank you.

Monarch: You're welcome. Now it's my job to interview you. Even though I can't write since both my arms are in casts, I'll use my mouth to hold my pencil. *various sighs of sympathy and admiration from adoring fans* Where did that come from? Anyway, first question, Tell me about the Marblemen. How did they come to be?

Barry: The Marblemen? It all started when I brought home a Snowball Fight Usuki Doll and placed it into the Toybox. I forgot to put the Marbles in and they turned into ravenous beasts. That's about it.

Monarch: Ooh, juicy stuff! *takes another bite of Orange * Yummy!

Barry: Are you even paying any attention to me at all?

Monarch: Whoops, I forgot you even existed for a moment there. It was my happiest moment today. Don't worry, I've got that memorized. Next question: Would you consider yourself an evil mastermind for what you've done?

Barry: Yup.

Monarch: Cool! *continues to fiddle with Ice Cube *

Barry (exasperated): Would you stop that?

Monarch: Sorry, Mr. Grouchy! *rolls eyes * Third question: What do you think about Boochi?

Barry: Boochi? Boochi's a pitiful excuse for a super villain! I mean, look at this Caption Contest he's in! *holds up Caption Contest 213 * Since when does turning Neopets into babies make world domination? Not that I'm planning world domination or anything. *seemingly innocent cough * Now me, that's another story. Look at this beautiful Caption Contest with me in it! *holds up Caption Contest 236 * Look at the wimpy Neopets running in fear of my powerful army! What dorks! Why I could waste Kass any day!

Monarch: I agree 100 percent! *puts down Kickin' Kikos * Oops, did you say something?

Barry: You are the worst reporter I've ever seen.

Monarch: Thanks. *smiled * Now next question, what's next for the Marblemen?

Barry: We were thinking about becoming a band in Tyrannia like Chomby and the Fungus Balls, but the Marblemen couldn't find small enough afros. Anyway, after we conquer all Neopia, we're planning on opening a plumbing service.

Monarch: Sounds like a good idea. *scribbles ideas for comics in his notebook * So, Barry, tell me about your experiences on BTY.

Barry: It was fun, I got to humiliate half of the Neopian population. Oh and that 400 points thing? That's not my real high score. My actual high score was 3567482, but that Kyrii decided it was too obscure a number. Stupid Kyrii.

Monarch: Whoa, that is high up there! *looks at Bubble Gum stuck to ceiling * Anyway, tell me why there are bombs in your room.

Barry: To keep people out. What did you think they were for, giant paperweights?

Monarch: I could use a paperweight right now, seeing how you've mentioned it.

Barry: Why did I agree to have this interview done?

Monarch: You didn't.

Barry: Good, then I'm leaving! *stormed out of room *


Barry (pokes head into room): It's Sloth Surprise, no wait *coughs innocently * I mean Blurfs! That's it! I mean who doesn't love a fresh Blurf? *slams door causing the ceiling to shake, releasing the strap holding up my casted foot, which plummets onto my broken arm*

Monarch: Ow. That was rather painful. Oh well. *gets back to reading Kickin' Kikos *

Now, I hope that you've been enlightened on the subject of Barry the Baby Shoyru. I know I was! Until next time, this is monarchistknight trying to think up a witty ending that will make Quote of the Week, but to no avail.

Note from Tdyans: Excellent interview, but I felt like more questions should have been covered and could've been longer. Need to work on attentiveness. Also try to keep tense the same throughout. Oh and spiffy colors!

87% B+

YES! I PASSED! *does happy dance* Thanks tdyans!

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