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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 21st day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 133 > Articles > The Hard Life

The Hard Life

by chikorita999

NEOPIA - It's really hard to earn enough money to gain a footing in the world of Neopia. Each game can only earn you a maximum of 3000 Neopoints at the most. This is provided you are skilled enough to score high enough and have the stamina to do this three times. Let's say you play 20 games every day and max out your scores. You would end up with 60,000 Neopoints Okay, that's not so bad. If you continue this streak for the rest of the week, you'd end up with a cool 420,000 at the end of the week. But then ask yourself, playing the same game for three times in one day is really repetitious and then repeat this for the whole week and you get yourself a special pass to the doctor for a condition called "numbness in hand" for doing the same actions 21 times in a week, not forgetting you do this for 20 other games.

Then like real life, you have to have Neopets. The equivalent of children in this parallel universe called Neopia. They are similar in the sense that they cost a bomb to raise and run you dry. For example, a competent neopet on the average has to have statistics of 100 across the board. This gives you the position to participate in the war, take part in some groundbreaking battling and not feel like a Punchbob bag.

Using mathematics, you have:



Up to:

Level Hit Points Strength Defence
Level 20 100,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
Level 40 200,000 400,000 400,000 400,000
Level 50 150,000 300,000 300,000 300,000
Total: 450,000 900,000 900,000 900,000

Grand Total: 3,150,000 Neopoints

Note: Using Mystery Island Training Centre as framework
Assuming a codestone costs 5000 Neopoints
Assuming movement is redundant.

From my analysis above, we can see a well-trained neopet sets you back at least 3 million. How many times do you have to visit the doctor for carpal-tunnel syndrome before you can earn that amount of Neopoints?

Many of you out there will argue that you can spend 400,000 Neopoints on a Laboratory Map and let it do all the work. Yes, this is true, but odds are you will end up with a neopet that has a level of 10, hit points of 150, strength of 100 and defence of 50. Wow, that IS a really powerful pet. Now what? Once you attain a pet of such odd statistics, you will naturally be anxious to train it stronger. This is because once you reach a certain stage, the Laboratory Ray starts to act up and decide that enough's enough, you're on your own. It will begin to deduct your level viciously and alternate between reducing your other statistics and raising it. The end result? A neopet with a low level that is going nowhere.

Okay, Now you decide to stop using the Laboratory Ray. It's a good investment after all. You achieved something that would have robbed you 3 million with a 400, 000 map. You visit the Mystery Island Training School and realise that you cannot train your statistics until you train your level to half of your highest stat. Using the above example, I would have to up it's level by 65 before you can do what you set out to accomplish. A codestone averages 5000 Neopoints 65 levels sets you back 475,000. Conclusion? At least a million to gain a competent pet. This is just considering one of the better cases. I know of Neopets that have been messed up so bad by the Laboratory Ray that it has a difference of more than two hundred between level and hit points. This would take at least a million to correct this difference.

A strong pet is just half the story, you need weapons to fight and defeat opponents. A good battler usually considers a H4000, which is about 2.3 million. This isn't a compulsory item but to get a foot into the world of Neopia and enjoy all the facilities it offers, you have to battle hard and strong. Honey potion is another must and this costs 500,000 Neopoints But this is a one use per battle weapon and therefore you need a multiple use. Sinsis sword or dark battle ducks are popular choices and they both average 800,000 Neopoints A healing potion is another problem, a good scorchstone will set you back millions. But you can compromise and change your pet into a Kacheek, allowing it to use the Kacheek Life Potion. This is 100,000 Neopoints 50,000 for the Kacheek Transmogrification Potion and 50,000 more for the Kacheek Life Potion. It's expensive, a normal Neopian can always use less powerful items like the Lost Desert Dagger for 15,000 Neopoints or a grand lightning beam for 50,000 Neopoints And maybe consider some of Illusen's lesser weapons. This will average around 200,000 for a competent array of weapons, like the competent neopet you will own by using the Laboratory Ray. But as I said before, use the facilities that the kind powers above have designed for us FULLY.

Then you have the distractions that keep you from the goal of having a really strong pet like Neohomes and prettying up your gallery. A good Neohome usually have a really rare item per room and then you have 30 rooms, as there are three levels to fill. I have never seen a Neohome winner not fill up the three levels to some degree. This would be about 50,000 Neopoints and this is just assuming there's only one rare item per room. You have to have other knickknacks to fill up the spaces and make it look luxuriant and designer friendly. Before long, you realise you have spent 100, 000 Neopoints of your hard earned cash on your Neohome.

Give or take 2 million for your neopet, about 200,000 for your weapons and maybe 50,000 for your Neohome. This makes you an average Neopian, those skulking around in the corners, cursing others for having more than yourself. Or those just sitting around, doing nothing, as you are flat broke.

There has got to be short cuts, you ask yourself. There are so many powerful Neopets around and they cannot possibly play games for 2 years of their lives every single day. This guarantees them not only a visit to the hospital but also the hospital of the mental type. There are scratchcards for those who strike it rich in lottery. But realistically, how lucky is the average Neopian? I have scratched 50 over cards and only won once, making me 10,000 Neopoints richer. But then again I spent 30,000 in all on all the cards.

There are other methods but you know, it borders on cheating so I won't mention them.

In conclusion, it REALLY is a hard life, to be a true blue Neopian. 3 million dollar average I had calculated out is just a basic requirement. A really good pet would require a minimum investment of 5 million. This is referring to those with statistics of about 500, not those with 1000. Then you need really strong weapons to accompany your uber strong pet, where else do you look but the Hidden Tower? A cool 20 million is needed for a shopping spree in her tower. Then there are weapons like the Jade Scorchstone and Illusen's Staff which itself is already 20 million.

Add it all together and I see stars, not of the multiplying dividing adding subtraction too much mathematics stars but the stars of awe and "much work to do ahead so I'll just pass out" kinda stars.

Hard life? No? Then you must be a comedian as it's the funniest joke I have heard in my life.

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