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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 2 > Continuing Series > Hunt For Fire_Faerie_Tears: Part Two

Hunt For Fire_Faerie_Tears: Part Two

by JadeDragon1984

We had been walking in silence for a while now. All I could think of was Fire... she was all alone. I then remembered my mother sitting in the house alone crying... I couldn't fail her I had to bring Fire back. We neared a small shop and LeeLue thought we should stop and use the table outside to eat and form a plan.

"So... what are we going to do? I was thinking that we could try Fire's favourite places first," NenaBlue said quietly as he opened his bag.

"What good would that do?" I asked puzzled, "I don't think whoever took her would take her to a well known place."

"Who said she was taken?" NenaBlue stared at me warily.

"What are you getting at Blue? Are you trying to say she ran away?" LeeLue inquired.

"No... never mind what I said... I think we should go to her favourite places because she could have gotten away from... whoever... and might be in one of those locations..." NenaBlue said while watching a ladybug fly by.

We all agreed since we had no other ideas at the time. We went to the lake first. I walked over to the clubhouse we had made earlier that summer and looked in. She wasn't there, I couldn't believe the fact that she wasn't there. LeeLue walked in and stood beside me, she let out a small sigh, shook her head, and walked away. I was about to leave when I saw a piece of paper stuck to a jar in the back of the room. I walked over and picked it up... it was a Fire Faerie... the letter read...

I'm sorry about leaving. I wanted to take you with me but I didn't want momma to be really sad because we were both gone. Don't tell any of this to Blue and LeeLue. I want you to come find me. Remember that place we found this summer? Go there. I'll be waiting. Keep the Fire Faerie don't sell it to my big brother. I'll see you hehe :).

Love ya,
Fire_Faerie_Tears :*

I was pretty much dumbfounded after reading that. I sat there thinking why would she leave?... this didn't seem like Fire at all.

"Whatca got there Blaz?" LeeLue said making me jump a mile into the air.

"Nothin'... just a Fire Faerie I forgot I left in here," I lied hoping that I didn't sound weird.

"Oh... OK," LeeLue said quietly. She went to leave and I told her to wait. I took the note and scrawled a message out quickly then handed it to LeeLue. She looked up at me startled, I made a motion for her to stay quiet and she did. That night while LeeLue and NenaBlue were sleeping I packed my stuff again, took Fire's book bag, put the Faerie in it, and snuck out.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Hunt For Fire_Faerie_Tears: Part One

Hunt For Fire_Faerie_Tears: Part Three

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