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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 2 > Continuing Series > The Guardian of the Lost Desert: Part Two

The Guardian of the Lost Desert: Part Two

by siriusvapor7

“So your owner is siriusvapor7?”

“Yeah, she’s all right. Except she can be fussy about a few things though,” Lance scowled darkly. “She was right about Princess, though.”

“Who’s Princess?” I asked.

“Oh that’s Acara’s nickname,” said Lance. “We’ve been trying to stop calling her that because she’s been getting a bit stuck-up lately. But sometimes it just slips out.” Lance smiled mischievously. “I’d love to see the look on Ursula’s face when she sees that I’m gone.”

“Oh!" I said. “I should of left a note or something.”

“And what would it’ve said, asked Isfet. “Gone to save Sakhmet and consequently the world?” I laughed with the others. Yes, I thought, it probably was better that I didn’t leave a note. They’d probably just think that I had taken him to Faerieland to heal. That’s what any normal Faerie would do. Normal being the key word.

“I saw some Faeries flying over here,” I said. “What happened to them?”

“They blessed and healed as many NeoPets as they could,” said Lance. “ But they overtaxed their powers and had to go back to Faerieland. The Faerie Queen told them that they couldn’t go back, but they could send healing potions.”

Nobody said anything for a while. ‘This is a shame,” said Isfet tears welling up in her eyes. And it was. NeoPets were everywhere trying to fight Dr. Sloth’s Grundo Commanders. If only I could help them, I thought. A glint of Silver caught my eye. It was a silver Shoyru and it looked exhausted. It hit a Grundo Commander with a Million Degree Sword and the Grundo fell down on the spot. The Shoyru sighed and then ran off to help a tiny Jubjub that had been scorched by one of the Grundos.

“If only every NeoPet fighting was strong like that,” Lance sighed.

“Look at that Wocky!” Isfet cried.

We turned. There was a very bedraggled Wocky that was drenched from head to tail. She was about to be hit by a huge light attack. Suddenly, Lance leapt forward and knocked her out of the way. The light attack hit another Grundo instead knocking it out.

“Together!” Lance shouted. He jumped into the air and used his professional bow. The Wocky jumped up too and and used a jungle arrow. The Grundo fell to the ground. “What’s going on?” whispered Isfet.

“I think they know each other,” I whispered back.

“Oh,” she said. Lance led the Wocky over to us.

“This is Emila,” he said. “She’s a friend of mine.”

“Hi,” said Isfet.

“Hello,” I said.

She looked pretty nice to me. She didn’t seem to be bothered by Isfet’s eyes and ears anyway.

“This is Isfet of Sakhmet,” said Lance. “And this is the Sand Faerie. We're all going to Sakhmet to try and stop Sloth. So, Emila, you wanna come?”

“Sure!” said Emila. “Umm…does anyone have a towel?”


“Jeneava’s my sister. We both belong to Jolteon_1989,” said Emila.

“What is Jeneava?” asked Isfet.

“She’s a red Usul,” Emila replied.

We still hadn't reached Sakhmet yet. We were getting closer though because we saw less and less of the Grundo Commanders and more and more of the super strong Sloth clones.

“Soon they’re going to start attacking us,” I said. “They can’t ignore us forever.”

“How are we supposed to get past them once they start noticing us?" asked Lance.

“Well,” said Isfet, “we could pretend that we were all injured and that a Faerie was taking us to Faerieland to heal. If we’re too injured to fight then we’re not a threat.”

“Great idea, Isfet!” said Emila.

I led them behind a rock and a few minutes later I led them out again covered in bandages and moaning for all to hear.

“You don’t have to moan that loud or all the time, I said. “Just enough to let them know that you’re in pain.”

As we walked through the sea of battlers, not one Grundo bothered us. However, there was a great deal of evil cackling at the others’ conditions. If they had stopped to think they probably would have realised how strange it was that we were heading toward the worst of the battling rather than away from it. But then again, they may have been incapable of intelligent thought.

“Don’t I have pretty teeth?" croaked one of the Grundo Commanders.

We all turned around. A blue Grarrl had just been beaten by the Grundo Commander. As the Grundo left, we heard someone cry, “Gfhigst!”

A blue Chia came running with a healing potion in each hand. Lance and Emila shook their heads sadly.

“What is it?” asked Isfet.

“We know them,” said Lance.

“The Chia’s Eliot,” said Emila. “And the Grarrl's Gfhigst.”

“Maybe you we could help them get back to their owner,” said Isfet. Emila shook her head. “They’re not even supposed to be here.”

“What do you mean?” asked Isfet. “I’ll bet that Gfhgist snuck out and Eliot followed him, said Lance. “They’ll be all right. There’s no way that Eliot will let Gfhigst stay here and keep fighting especially when he didn’t have permission to be here in the first place.”

“Oh, while we’re on that subject….” said Emila. “You’ll never guess who I saw right before you came.” Lance gulped. “Who? said Lance innocently.

“Ursula. She asked me if I had seen you with a Faerie and an Aisha. I told her you were probably at the healing springs.”

Lance let out a sigh. “But I told that if I saw you I would tell her first thing."

“Emila, if you do I will never forgive you!” Lance said.

“OK, I’ll forgive you, but it’ll take a while.”

We reached the gates of Sakhmet. “Who goes there?" called out a Grundo.

“I am Emila,” Emila called out in a clear voice.

“This is Lance. This is Isfet. And this is the Sand Faerie. We’re not going to Sakhmet to stop Sloth. May we come in?”

“Uhhh…sure,” said the bewildered guard. The gates opened.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Guardian of the Lost Desert: Part One

The Guardian of the Lost Desert: Part Three

The Guardian of the Lost Desert: Part Four

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