
The Biggest Battle of Neopia: Part Three

by xmen_storm and her pets, Ororo77 and Coolwod

Soon, the news of Queen Faerie's death was known to Neopia. Neopia was erupted into worries and pandemonium. Now two Faeries had gone, what shall they do? Befvara then put an announcement on the news. She told everyone not to worry and that everything will be stabilized soon. But in Battledome, people keep losing matches or having ties. Nobody is winning any matches at all. The spirit of Battle Faerie is not there to encourage people. Therefore, all the Uber Faeries and Faeries decided to do something about it.

They went to the island where Edwin lives using the Finding Potion. They then joined hands and surrounded the Staff of Battle Faerie. They, in a commanding voice shouted, "We, the Faeries and Uber Faeries of Neopia, command the Staff of Battle Faerie to return to Befvara, the daughter of, Battle Faerie, the rightful owner of the staff." Befvara appeared in the middle of the circle, somehow knowing what the Faeries are up to.

Mysteriously, Edwin was watching under his curtains. He smiled wickedly and thought, "Ha! Let them be! Soon, I will have all the powers of the Faeries trapped in the staff!" With that, he went back to bed.

Befvara then put her hands on the bar of the staff. A red light emitted from it, surrounding the Faeries. It lasted for about a second or two, and then it disappeared. All the Faeries begin dropping down and vanishing. Lastly, only the Uber Faeries and Befvara were left. The Uber Faeries advised Befvara to take care of Neopia while they were away. "Befvara, please take care of Neopia. I will give you the power of light," the Uber Light Faerie then disappeared. Before the all the Uber Faeries disappeared, they gave Befvara each of their special powers. And with a blinding flash, all the Faeries disappeared to who-knows-where.

Again, the Faeries' destruction reached Neopia. They were soon enveloped in a panic. Now all the Faeries (except Befvara) had gone....

Ten Years Later…

Neopia was reduced to shambles and ruins after the demise of the Faeries. Even Befvara could not prevent this. Try as she might, she still cannot prevent the stocks from crashing, the prices of the all items rise horrendously to 1 billion Neopoints. People and their pets were homeless and penniless, all prowling the streets for dropped items or crowding the Money Tree for donated items. The Abandon desk of the Neopian Pound was bustling with business while the Adoption desk was filled with cobwebs and no Blumaroo to take care of business.

On the fateful day, 7th Day of the Month of Sleeping, there was a blinding flash all over Neopia. All the Faeries reborn! Neopia was safe once again! All the Faeries put their powers together and restored Neopia to its once peaceful and prosperous state.

All the Faeries, learning that the staff is still with Edwin, decided to put their heads together and think. Finally, after hours and hours of brainstorming, they came up with an idea. If all of Neopian citizen, people, pets and Faeries joined together, they might get the staff back.

So all of Neopia denizens teleported there. When they encompass the staff, it took millions and millions of circles. They all shouted in a very very loud voice, "We, the citizens of Neopia, command the staff to return to Battle Faerie, the rightful owner!"

Soon, a huge yellow light surrounds them. But wait a minute; the yellow light is slowly retreating. Legends says that if all Neopian citizens dies, all of the things in Neopia will vanish, including the staff. The staff has some brains of its own and it knows that fact. It slowly retreat the light and return slowly to Befvara's hands. She then used it to point at Edwin's house. Cement begins to build around it and Edwin too. In no time, they were frozen for at least a thousand years. Everyone cheered at that and they went back to their homes, using the Faeries' power.

Befvara then proceeded to the Neopia Battledome. She pointed the staff towards her mother and commanded, "I command the Staff of Battle Faerie to cure my mom back!" Slowly, the cement wrapping around Battle Faerie melts. Battle Faerie woke up and smiled at her daughter. "Befvara, I knew all along you would try to save me! Thank you!" she smiled at her daughter. Both of them hugged together. "I must get rid of this staff! It is too powerful now and too dangerous. I will put it in Hidden Tower, where the Queen Faerie will guard it for me." With that, she flew off to Faerieland. Befvara smiled, she knows peace will return again. She flew off to join her mother and aunt.

The End