
The Editorial:

The Editorial section has changed. To make it more useful to everybody we have decided to take the most frequently asked questions we receive each week here so you can get a thorough answer straight away from one of the creators of NeoPets. Here are the most frequently asked questions NeoPets support received this week:

1 - How do you turn your NeoPet into a robot?
This is one of the side effects of the lab ray. The only way you can turn your NeoPet into a robot is by zapping it with the lab ray. Remember, anything can happen, your NeoPets won't necessarily turn into a robot.

2 - How do I advertise my shop?
If you want to promote your shop, you can try posting links in the 'Shops' section of the message boards or buy some space on the noticeboard

3 - What is a Guild, and what are the benefits of joining one?
Guilds are groups/clubs for people with similar interests. The advantages depends on the guild itself, you may swap tips, images, jokes, give each other items and neopoints, help a good cause, its completely up to the guild.

4 - Where do you go to hand in your completed treasure maps?
If you have collected all nine pieces of a treasure map, you need to go to the Treasure Huntgame. You can find this under puzzles in the Game Room. Click on the map you have completed and you will be awarded your prize.

5 - How do you get your article published in the Neopian Times?
If you have something that you think the rest of Neopia needs to hear, such as a great story, interesting article or top tips, just send it in to NeopianTimes@neopets.com along with your username. Each week the best articles are selected to be published on Friday.

6 - Why don't I see my caption?
When you submit an entry for the caption contest, it needs to be approved before it will appear on the site. We have thousands of entries and couldn't put all of them up so we have to pick the best ones.

7 - If my pet has an ability, will it lose that ability when it goes up a level?
No, once your NeoPet has learned an ability, it will have it forever.

8 - I have changed my email address, how do I update this?
Click on 'Help' in the yellow side bar. You will see an animated button that says change your password/preferences. Click on that button. Now you can enter your new email address. You will need to enter your password in order to change any of your personal information.

9 - How do you get your guild posted in the Neopian Times?
You need to send in a short piece telling us about your guild, why should it appear on the Neopian Times, what makes it special? Try to make your description interesting and it will have a better chance of being chosen. Send your descriptions to neopiantimes@neopets.com.

10 - If I go away for a long period of time will my NeoPet survive?
If you are going away for longer than the NeoLodge accepts pets, you can just give your NeoPet lots of food before you go away. It will be hungry and a little upset, but it will survive. When you come back just play with your NeoPet lots and it will be back to normal in no time.

Need more help?
If you have a question that you think should be answered here e-mail it to editor@neopets.com. The most common ones will be shown here next week.