
The Shop Owner's Advice Book

One of the things I see that really annoys me is idiot shop owners...

by WillyJL1

The Battle Faerie Reveals Battledome Tips

Okay, so not all of us have the determination or the will to become the greatest NeoPet player ever to play.

by houou679

The Employment Agency

The thought of having an employment agency got me so excited that I went on NeoPets twenty five times a day, checking regularly whether it’s done yet.

by sgssggs

A Fresh Start: Picking Up the Pieces After Being Scammed

Here, I will give you the hints and advice you need to get you back on track again, whether you are the poorest Neopian, or the richest.

by good_witch

The Guild Game

...I think some people are forgetting what the guilds are actually for.

by jagz2001


For a long time there were only about 7 guilds, none of which had a leader, guild ranks, message boards, all the luxuries we have now.

by Kaupu

Help Out Without Burning Out

Recently there have been a lot of guilds and individuals who have been helping out the pets in the pound.

by blaire13

Interview with Lab Scientist, Kauvara and Dr. Sloth

OH that horrible monster! Eh, he can just leave Neopia, trying to trick me!

by beanboy712

Naughty or Nice - Tips For Being a Well Liked Neopian

Do the little things that some Neopians do just make you mad or wonder why?

by SeattleChick


In the beginning, it was so new and easy. But now it is more crazy and complex.

by katiamas

Real Life and Neopian Life - What Would You Do?

In many ways, NeoPets is like real life...

by renton71

Quests - Are They Worth It?

There are five quests on NeoPets...The question is, are they worth the NP?

by ciannwn

In Addition to Sterlingr76's Article on Scammers

I think it's about time someone spoke up on the subject.

by Mistress_Mariana

The Shop Wizard's Life-Behind the Scene

Have you ever wondered about the Shop Wizard's life?

by AishyFinder123

Ski-Lodge: Helpful Hints

With many more victims to follow the current 4, it’s impossible to tell who even comes close to being the murderer.

by Mametchi86

Trading Post Etiquette

Thinking back to how hard and long it took to get a trading post or even just a way to safely trade with other Neopians...

by Grall

The Neo-Market Report

It appears that the winter freeze that hit the market is finally starting to thaw, and now investors seem to be looking to take advantage of all the bargains that await them.

by stereolab