
The Employment Agency

by sgssggs

When I first saw the words “The Employment Agency Coming Soon” I was ecstatic. The thought of having an employment agency got me so excited that I went on NeoPets twenty five times a day, checking regularly whether it’s done yet. But will there be limited jobs? How much do they pay? Will it be a huge let down? Will you get to see your pets working? How much will they be paid? All these questions and more rushed into my head as I read the Neopedia Article on the Agency. Then a passing Meerca stopped my Grace12940 and gave her a red apple to eat because it was her (the Meerca’s) birthday.

Those Meerca’s look so sweet and adorable bouncing along like that I took it upon myself to go and create/adopt one right then and there. But here came the News Flash: I’m not allowed to have more than four pets at once. Now I know that I knew that straight from the beginning, but after shock, I began to feel annoyed. Shouldn’t you be able to change the species of your pet without having to pay 100,000NP for it? I know that you can also change them with a magical toy, but what about their names? When I checked in the pound, those sweet little adorable pets looking at me with those big sad eyes, having names like 06yhvcexr and yyyyyfmhtx and I thought to myself… now if that isn’t bad ownership, then what is? If you are going to adopt a pet, then you want to adopt one with a suitable name, dontcha think? And I really don’t think that anyone would want to hire someone with a name like stinky_bum467746, would you?

Now I’m curious, do the things that you choose about your pet have anything to do with what they’re going to do in the Employment Agency? Like if they like swimming, will they be a lifeguard? If they like hunting for treasure, will they be an archeologist?

I think maybe in the near future, there will be a duplicate of each shop, one for slower modem users and one for faster ones. You will be able to give your pets books and make them go to school (different schools for wealthier pets of course). And the employment agency will probably have to be shut down (as much as I hate to think) because for all of the pets… well… they can’t all have jobs can they? There are over nine million pets, for goodness sakes! You’ll also be able to give items back to shops, and get a refund. Maybe you’ll be able to have your pets get married and they’ll be able to have little pets of their own, and there will be more worlds, like the Easter World, Birthday World, and the world where everyone is clever.

Okay so now enough of my rambling. But I just have one more… two more questions. When will the agency be open? How soon is very very soon??? Because my pets are ready to work and they will be the first in line when the new agency opens up. This is sgssggs again, signing off.