
The Legend of the Air Faerie: Part Four

As Wind Chaser held Danny and Water Lily tight, her pendant flickered. It was silvery gray, then rainbow, and then silver again.

by dragonmagic1313

The Biggest Battle of Neopia: Part Three

Soon, the news of Queen Faerie's death was known to Neopia. Neopia was erupted into worries and pandemonium.

By xmen_storm and her pets, Ororo77 and Coolwod

Borntobite Flies! Part Three

"You're going up Terror Mountain? Are you one of the Poogle Racers?!?"

by Midnight17

Those Crazy Pets of Mine: Part Four

I need you to go check on the volcano in Mystery Island, there has been a lot of power building there recently...

by Selphie_Tilmitt

The Darkest Secret of Neopia: Part Three

As it was deep winter it was really no fun to make an expedition into the mountains but Andy insisted on going to the valley as soon as even possible.

by Phifi

Faerie Quest: Part Two

"But-but NeoPets never came back alive from any quest!" Millie protested.

by holly9945

The Half Faerie: Part Two

Gala couldn't believe her luck. More "weird" faeries. She would fit in because she was also different.

by elorien

Hit the Road: Part Four

Suddenly the door to their cell banged open, and in the doorway stood a Kacheek with a long robe of black and a tall...

by aishachick100

Lupeia the Lupe: Part Two

I awoke to the sound of my cage door slamming. Was someone adopting me?

by bunnygirl156

The Adventures of Neo Detectives: Part 5

"Anastasia, why do this? Do you not love the wonderful world of Neopia?" Shirlie pleads tearfully.

by witchkitty89

Our Tale: Part Two

Mistress pushes open the rotting wooden door and it creaks open. As it open a couple of rats scamper out.

by umbreon_of_the_moon

The Adventures of Quia the Gelert and Lupe: Part Four

"What the heck do you think you’re doing, boy?!!"

by theexplorer1f6iop