
Our Tale: Part Two

by umbreon_of_the_moon

My Accident

We walk across the field. We come to a tiny cottage. It looks all run down and I see there is a lot of rotting wood.

"Is this home?" I ask.

"It's not much," says the girl. I look at her sympathetically. "I am very poor. I do have 20 Neopoints in my bank account. That is all I have in the world."

"I'm so sorry..." I say to the girl.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I am Mistress Burakki," she says. "Just call me, Mistress. It makes me feel older."

"OK, Mistress." I say.

Mistress pushes open the rotting wooden door and it creaks open. As it open a couple of rats scamper out.

"You'll get used to them," Mistress says.

"What about him? He needs a name!" says ShyAshes to the girl, pointing at me.

"Oh yeah! How about Umbreon_of_the_Moon?" asks the girl. I think that that sounds devilish and evil so I cheer and say, "Yes."

I hear some creaking and suddenly the ceiling falls in on us. ShyAshes and Mistress got out of the way but I got hit by the whole ceiling, which fell on me. They both gasp and run over to the pile of rubble, which I am under.

"Umbreon!" yells ShyAshes.

He starts digging through the rubble, moving bits away from the pile. Mistress begins to help. Soon, ShyAshes gives a yell and sees my paw, now grey with dust. I am unconscious. ShyAshes and Mistress pull the rubble off me and they pull my lifeless body up. They see a fiery coloured blotch on my stomach. They see I was covering a 'Fire, Fire, Your Pants On Fire Paint Brush!'

"Wow! They are really rare!" exclaims ShyAshes. I stir and I wake up, hurt and confused.

"What happened?" I ask.

"You've had an accident," Mistress says.

I start to panic. Mistress holds me still as she looks at the paint blotch on my stomach. She sees that it is spreading across my body. Soon my whole body is covered with black and fire patterns. My nose, eyes and insides of my ears turn purple. I look up at ShyAshes and Mistress.

"Wow! I look cool!" I say with a deeper voice.

"No, you look hot," says Mistress, jokingly.

I giggle and shake the rest of the dust off of me. "I think we need this fixed..." I say. "Watch this...!"

No one knew I had these powers I think. I point to the rubble on the floor and it starts to glow purple. I point it towards the ceiling and it molds back together to replace the hole that was there.

ShyAshes and Mistress are gawking at me in shock.

"How...?" they ask, shocked.

"Easy! I'm psychic!" I say to them as I float into the air, glowing purple.

To be continued...