
The Half Faerie: Part Two

by elorien

Gala couldn't believe her luck. More "weird" faeries. She would fit in because she was also different. As she brushed Kala's fur and polished Flamechi's scales, she thought about her ex-boyfriend, Locke, a male Uber Fire Faerie, who loved playing tricks on people with her. She hadn't officially broken up with him, but since female faeries were always flirting with him since they found out she was a half Faerie, she figured it was over. Locke had a male red Kougra named Chaos who had been Kala's honey. She wouldn't speak to Gala all day when she found out they were leaving, but she didn't mind so much when she found they would go meet other pets and be able to use the Battle Dome (most Faerie pets, except fire ones, were wimps). Locke would probably be throwing static balloons (like water balloons, only when they burst, you got a tiny little static shock from it) at the "Snobbettes", a conceited group of Earth Faeries. Galadrial smirked, remembering how she had always targeted the "Jerks", a group of male Air Faeries, who had more hot air in them than their magic. The Jerks had thought Gala was hot the same way the Snobbettes had all had HUGE crushes on Locke.

"Thinking about Locke?" Flamechi asked.

"Of course she is! Look at the glazed look in her eyes!" Kala giggled.

"Ha ha ha, very funny. It's bed time for you two. Shoo!" She tucked them into bed and kissed them both goodnight. "Goodnight Gala."

"'Night Gala."

Gala went over to their knapsacks and started unpacking. She used a bit of magic to conjure up a fridge to put their food in, and a chest to put valuables in. She stuck her map pieces, trading cards, codestones, medicine, and Battledome items on the bottom, put a few sheets on top, and covered it with less valuable things like books and toys to disguise the true things hidden in the chest. Gala looked around the (neat) caravan. The trunk was against the front of the car, the triple bunk beds (her pets on the 2 bottom bunks) in the back, a door on one side, and the fridge and a desk on the other. Gala walked over to the desk and inspected it. It was mahogany and had a phone on it. There was a list of numbers on it: the 3 other Faeries and her own. She smiled and thought, it's not Faerieland, but it's more of a home than my old home ever would be.

Locke, the Fire Faerie, was depressed. Galadrial, his one true love, was gone. She had run away from the Faerie City, from her family, from him. He cursed the "Jerks" and "Snobbettes". They had ruined it all. They had spread the rumors about her. They were jealous of him and Gala's relationship.

He looked on his magic map of Neopia, searching for Gala's sign, a gold star with her face in it. He found it quickly, flashing because she had been thinking of him. They both had maps that showed wherever they wanted and who was there. He had searched every other place and finally looked through Neopia. He touched it for a close up. All he saw was a gypsy-style caravan. He couldn't believe it. She had joined a band of gypsies? He looked more at the other caravans and found a name on one. The Wandering Outcasts? All he was getting from this were more questions. He had to go find out for himself. He looked around his room. It was covered in scorch marks from when he had gotten angry. His stuff was piled everywhere. His red Kougra, Chaos, was curled up on an orange bean bag. He would pack up and go down to Neopia with Chaos to search for Galadrial. Then he would stay with her and they could be a couple again and play trick on other Faeries. And Chaos would be happy again. He was down in the dumps since Kala and his "little buddy" Flamechi left. He started packing immediately. He woke Chaos and told him to get his stuff together.

"Why??? I'm tired!" he griped.

"We're gonna go find Gala!" Locke answered.

"And Kala? And Flamechi? Them too?" Chaos asked excitedly.

"Naw, we're just gonna go see Gala and tell her pets to scram."

Locke rolls his eyes. "You don't have to get so snippy!" Chaos mutters. "Hurry up!"

Soon they finish packing everything and sneak some food from the kitchen. Then Locke grabs Chaos (who begins muttering about harsh treatment) and they begin to fly down to Neopia.

Gala wakes up with an aching back pain. "Ugh, I feel like I slept in a chair!" She looks around, wondering where she is. Then she remembers the Wandering Outcasts. She finds herself at the desk in the chair. "That explains it."

She wakes up her steadily snoozing pets and they walk to the main car for breakfast. They find the other faeries already there with her food on the table. Gala quickly gobbles up her food and gives some food to her pets.

"Well, Gala, you are in the Neopian Times," Aqua states.

"WHAT?! B-but tha-that's imp-possib-ble!" Gala sputters. Mo hands Gala the paper. She stares at her picture on the front page. The title of the article: "The Half Faerie Princess, Missing!" She skims the article, reading the bunch of lies her peers had fed it.

Snobbettes: "She was always jealous of our superior beauty. She wanted to be our best friend. She never fit in. She stole my boyfriend, Locke!"

Jerks: "She had HUGE crushes on us. She would use her boyfriend as an attempt to get our attention. She tried to get us to cheat on our girlfriends. She never fit in."

Gala trembled with rage. She couldn't believe the idiocy of their remarks. She wanted to hit someone. Her pets grabbed the article off the table and read the thing that had stunned their owner. Their jaws dropped.

I can never show my face anywhere, she thought. I've got to face them. With those thoughts in her mind, she ran outside and flew up to Faerieland.

To be continued...