
Those Crazy Pets of Mine: Part Four

by Selphie_Tilmitt

Do you know my friend……..Praying MANTIS??

"So tell me again…what?" asked Viator.

"I need you to go check on the volcano in Mystery Island, there has been a lot of power building there recently..and I need someone to go check it out…" repeated the Faerie.

"Uh…okay..why not you? Or your Usul assistant?" asked Viator.

"You saw how my Usul almost got mauled by that Skeith! I need someone brave..and I just plain don't feel like going...I'm supposed to be on vacation right now...but all the other faeries are all like 'Oh it's a volcano! That's your job!' So there you go.." said the Faerie.

"Uh…..huh…what's in it for me?" asked Viator grinning and drooling a tad.

"Jee..I dunno…" said the Faerie.

"Buwaha?" said Viator.

"Just kidding…" said the Faerie.

"Weeeeeeeeeeell?" said Viator impatiently.

"Oh uh….undeniable power that will make you stand out and blahblahblah..." said the Fire Faerie in a rehearsed voice.

"Whoa…REALLY? I CAN be the great fire dragon again!" said Viator.

"You tard…there's no such thing…take it from an Uber Faerie.." said the Fire Faerie.

"You lie…I'm it..and I'll be it again," said Viator triumphantly.

"Whuuuuuuuuuuuuuutever…let's just go already.." Said the Faerie impatiently as she started flying upwards.

"Yeah! Uh..hey…uh..HEY..wait! I need an updraft to fly here! Can't just take of without an air current…hello? HE-LOOOO?" yelled Viator.

"Sorry, I don't control the air! Hurry up!" Yelled the Fire Faerie from high up above.

"Aw, jeeez!" said Viator as she climbed onto a trash can and leapt into the air, barely catching herself before she landed stomach first on the asphalt. As she climbed farther and farther into the air, Viator quickly remembered about Selphie and the others.

"OMG!" said Viator.

"Chill man, I sent the Usul to tell them where you were," said the Faerie.

"That's good," said Viator.

As they continued to fly into the night, a random green Poogle zoomed past. "Buh?" said Viator.

"Ah, those Poogles keep getting more and more daring, that was all my idea," said the Fire Faerie.

"Nah well...are we there yet?" said Viator.

"What do you think?" asked the Fire Faerie.

"I think….." said Viator.

"Exactly, you don't think..." said the Fire Faerie.

"WHAT?" yelled Viator.

"Woops, better watch out for the buzz that's headed our way...don't wanna get hit by it," said the Fire Faerie

"Huh?" wondered Viator.

All at once a huge green buzz splattered against Viator's face, of course Buzz's aren't your normal bug, so the force of the blow sent Viator flying backwards. When she finally caught back up to the Faerie, she was furious.

"You could have HELPED me yah know!" yelled Viator.

"I can't fight all your battles for you!" said the Faerie

"Why do I get the idea that's not the last time I'll hear that," said Viator as the Mystery Island's horizon slowly floated into view.


As the Faerie and Viator flew over mystery island, Viator gasped when she saw smoke from the volcano.

"But, the volcano has been inactive for hundreds of years!" gasped Viator.

"You thought I was lying? Well, go in there and do your thing, I'm going down to the beach," said the Fire Faerie "Bu..but…what am I supposed to DO?" asked Viator.

"Dunno…if you don't come out in 30 minutes…………I'll wait longer..." said the Faerie, and she zoomed downward toward the beach.

"Acccch…" said Viator, "Can't refuse an Uber-Faerie…I might be turned into a PetPet or something..." and she flew closer to the volcano until she was right over the hole in the peak.

"Captain…..we...*cough* have..zero visibility…I can't…see.." cried Viator as she choked on the smoke and started falling downwards. Luckily, as she approached the bottom, the smoke thinned and eventually disappeared. Viator looked puzzled and peered above her.

"Okay, the smoke is definitely still going out of the volcano…but…there's none down here? AND it's barely even warm in here!" yelled Viator.

"Who are you?" said a deep grumbly voice from somewhere in the distance.

"I……………….I'm………V…Viator?" said Viator trembling. As she looked in the direction of the voice, she saw the place that the smoke was coming from, it looked like a large two holes in the wall.

"Ah, I've been waiting for you, great fire dragon," said the voice.

"Bubabar? WOW! Someone finally recognizes me! It's about time!" yelled Viator.

"Haha, you're a funny little one, I'm afraid you aren't the great fire dragon though," said the Voice.

"OH YEAH? Why do you say that???" challenged Viator.

"Because I am the great fire dragon."

"WHATUA?" yelled Viator as she created a small spark with one of her abilities, it dimly illuminated the inside of the volcano and Viator gasped as she saw a large figure deep within the caverns of the volcano. It was large, blood red, with large golden shining eyes. It's body was arched and it's long spindly tail was wrapped around it, it's fore and hind claws were set firmly to the ground and large claw-like wings jutted out from it's shoulder blades. It's back was adorned with large spikes set all down it's spine, and it's head was shaped somewhat like an arrow with two large horns spiked out of the sides. Smoke was billowing from the tip of it's nose.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!" said Viator.

"That wasn't the reaction I was expecting," said the dragon

"Bu..but the Uber Faerie said..." said Viator.

"She lied, so that you would come down here...I felt bad to call her out of vacation."

"Bu...but why?" gasped Viator.

"Because, I have been sleeping for so many years and I need a sort of…how can I put this...a 'helper'. The Uber-Faeries have their own things to do."

"What's in it for me????" asked Viator as usual.

"All the power that comes from being a disciple of the great fire dragon," said the dragon.

"I'LL TAKE IT!" yelled Viator. "What do I have to do?"

"You go home and wait for me to summon you with any task I need performed," said the dragon.

"Is that all? Seems kinda dinky.." Said Viator.

"Yes, what else would I need you for? As your prize, every time you perform an action for me, you will get stronger in every way..." said the Dragon.

"Hoooooooooooowee! Call me back soon!" yelled Viator.

"In time…now go home, I need to finish determining the elemental properties of certain things...and that will take me a while," said the Dragon.

"Thank you!" said Viator as she lifted off and flew away, for the first time not having to start at a high place.

As she drifted away should could feel herself begin to get stronger. "Wait till I rub the other guy's noses in it…especially that Faerie!" glowered Viator as she flew away.

The End