
Borntobite Flies! Part Three

by Midnight17

Borntobite had always wanted to fly. He wasn't good at anything else. But due to a problem in his left wing he would never fly. Or so he thought.

Borntobite unlocked his bike and rode off towards the monorail station. He threw his bike into the luggage compartment and got onboard. The ticket collector came past and Borntobite showed him his pass. The man continued to check other peoples tickets and soon after he left the monorail started moving. Borntobite looked around the room. Most of the people were in shorts and T-shirts. They would be getting off at the beach. Borntobite only saw a few people dressed up with scarves and beanies and warm clothes. They would be heading for Happy Valley.

The train stopped and everyone scrambled out. There was only 3 people left. Borntobite, a big green Skeith who took up three seats, and… a Poogle! Borntobite got up and went over to the Poogle. He sat down next to him.

"Hi!" said Borntobite, "Going to Happy Valley?" he asked. "Yeah! Snowy Valley High," replied the Poogle, "I'm meeting some pals there and we're gonna hike up to the top of Terror Mountain!"

Borntobite thought about this for a second. "Wait," he said, "You're going up Terror Mountain? Are you one of the Poogle Racers?!?" Borntobite asked.

"Yeah. That's us."

Borntobite was grinning. "So, uh where's the leader of the Poogle Racers?" asked Borntobite.

"I am!" said the Poogle.

Borntobite laughed, "No you're not. I've read about you guys. You don't look like the leader," Borntobite said suspiciously.

The Poogle laughed. "Ha! You're right! I'm not the leader but the REAL leader is sick right now with the Bubbles. If he rolled down the hill and hiccuped he could lose concentration. That's why I am taking his place until he gets better. Oh yeah my name's Minko99 by the way. Hey you seem pretty interested about us. You a fan?"

Borntobite looked down and said, "Uh no. You see I want to glide down the mountain with you."

Minko99 laughed. "Uh hahahahaha! You crack me up! Come gliding with us?!? Hahaha! We're very exclusive. Only select Poogles may join us. And you aren't even a Poogle!" Borntobite shrugged.

"Please hear me out," Borntobite said, "I was born with a wing defect. I can't move or feel my left wing. I can't fly. All my life I have longed to fly up in the air. After a few years I knew that my dream would never come true so I tried something else. But I can't do anything else. I am a failure! But my best friend found a Light Faerie in a bottle and she gave it to me. I took it to the Faerie Queen and offered it to her in exchange for the ability to fly. She said she could not grant me this power because she is not that strong. However, she said I could go to Happy Valley and join the Poogle Racers. Flying is not an option for me and never will be. But if I come up the mountain with you I can glide!"

Minko99 sat silently while Borntobite explained his story. When Borntobite finished Minko99 asked him, "So where's your proof eh? Surely the Faerie Queen would expect that I wouldn't believe you, which I don't!"

Borntobite stood up. He rubbed the jewel on his ring and a cloud of smoke poured out. It took form. It slowly seemed to become solid until it looked just like the Faerie Queen. "Oh my gosh..." Minko99 whispered. It was not the real Faerie Queen. It was just an image. But an image of the Faerie Queen is as good as the real thing. The Skeith on the other side of the room jumped up in shock.

He ran out of the room screaming, "I didn't mean to do it!" the door slammed behind him. "What's up with him?" Borntobite asked. Minko99 didn't answer. The image of the Faerie Queen was talking. It said, "What this Scorchio says is true. You will let him join you or fear the wrath of all Faeries under my command!" The image started to look foggy and it slowly lost detail. It became a cloud of smoke again. It thinned out and eventually disappeared.

"So," Minko99 said, "Welcome to the Poogle Racers."


The Poogle Racers and Borntobite had been hiking for hours now. Most of the Poogles were used to it but there was a young one who was new. "Are we there yet?" he would ask every 10 minutes. Borntobite knew just how that young Poogle felt. He too was very eager to reach the top and come back down.

About half-an-hour later they were at the top of the mountain. Minko99 cleared his throat and began talking, "Now team we are ready to go. Now you are probably wondering why a Scorchio has come with us. He has come by direct order of the Faerie Queen. Now Borntobite, because this has never been done by a non-Poogle we don't know how it will work out. We got you to bring that parachute in case anything goes wrong. I think it will work out just fine though. Okay everyone, I'll go first, then Borntobite, then you wait a minute because with His big wings that can't fold up he has to run down the hill instead of roll. So you wait a bit then everyone else can come down. Okay here I gooooo!"

He ran down the hill going faster and faster. Suddenly he jumped and hit the snow headfirst. "Ouch," Borntobite said, "That's going to leave a mark!"

An older Poogle said, "No it doesn't the snow up here is nice and soft. He barely felt a thing. Now it's your turn. Off you go!" Borntobite looked down and then started to walk down. With the help of gravity he started to speed up. Now he was running. Now he was sprinting! Now he had no control of his speed. He tripped over a rock and landed on his stomach. The old Poogle was right, He barely felt the snow. Now lying on his front he continued to pick up speed! He flexed his right wing and rubbed his left wing.

"Here comes the crevice," he thought to himself. He held his wings out as wide as he could. Whoosh! He zoomed over the edge.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaagh!" he screamed, "Aaaaaaaagh! Aaaaaaaaaaagh! Aaaaaaaaaaaaagh!" He was in the air. Nothing below him except the ground, miles and miles away. There was nothing above him except clouds. "Aaaaaaaaaaagh!" He felt gravity pulling him down. He reached for the rip cord of his parachute when suddenly he felt gravity's pull weaken, then disappear. He was going up! He put his arms out and grabbed the edges of his wings. Held them out as far as they would go. Pulling on them to steer. He circled around on the spot where the air lifted him up. Higher and higher he went. He watched as Poogles rolled down the hill and went under him. They all glided right over the rising air and landed in Happy Valley.

From his altitude he could probably fly right over Happy Valley. One by one the remaining Poogles rolled down the hill and slid down to Happy Valley. Borntobite was still slowly rising higher and higher. He was now at the same altitude as the point of Terror Mountain but a good distance away from it. He continued to go higher and the air got thinner until he could hardly breath. Then he couldn't! Panic shot through him! Using his hands he pulled his wings around him. No longer catching the hot air he began to fall.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" He screamed so loudly that the Poogle Racers down in Happy Valley heard him. He was now free-falling! He held out his wings again and it slowed his fall. But he had steered away from the rising hot air and could no longer find it. He had to glide down now. He was falling but moving forward slowly. As he kept falling he started to move forward faster and fall down slower. He was gliding towards Happy Valley, over Snowy Valley High, and pulled a U-turn and flew back over Happy Valley, and back over Happy Valley.

He circled over Happy Valley nine times before hitting the ground on his stomach. He slid right through a snowman. Minko99 came over to him and helped him up.

"Here," said Minko99, "You deserve this." And he handed Borntobite a silver Poogle Racers medal.

"Thank you!" Borntobite said, "Thank you for everything!"

He walked over to where he had left his bike. He rode it to the Monorail station then he caught the Monorail home.

The End