
The Darkest Secret of Neopia: Part Three

by Phifi

As it was deep winter it was really no fun to make an expedition into the mountains but Andy insisted on going to the valley as soon as even possible. They were wearing large tracking-rucksacks. Besides the normal equipment the also contained several torches and batteries, a special GPS system to locate their position by satellite, a bottle of petrol and a always-working outdoor lighter. Lots of snow had fallen and they could only walk very slowly. After about four hours of walking they finally reached the mountain. It was looking just like in Shamathia's dream and so it was not difficult for them to find the hidden gate.

Andy stopped: "I am sorry but the rest of the way you have to go alone. I am not supposed to enter the secret valley. Are you ready to do your mission and face the evil?"

Shamathia thought for a while and replied, "Well, I am not sure whether I can resist the book... but I will do my best to destroy it!"

"Remember that you mustn't read in the book. Otherwise Neopia is lost."

Shamathia turned around and entered the narrow tunnel. Fortunately the water had washed she rocks very smoothy with no sharp edges. It was absolutely dark in the tunnel but Shamathia could see normal; by magic her eyes worked at night equal as at day. After about quarter an hour she reached the end. At first she could only see a little light spot but as she came close it became bigger and bigger.

Finally she had reached the valley of Anuján. It was perfectly hidden by the gigantic mountains that surrounded it. The walls were almost vertical and endless height. It seemed impossible to climb them. Shamathia was standing on a cliff and had a great look over the valley. It was huge, and oval formed. It seemed that it had been a lake once before the water had found a way through the rocks. The ground was flat but in the middle was a big rock and on that rock was a small stone-house. Shamathia decided to go there as she thought the book would be in the house.

After half an hour Shamathia had reached the foot of the cliff and after another hour she had reached the house. The door was closed but not locked. She walked in and was surprised by the beauty of the simplicity. It consisted only of a single room and a roof which was accessible by some steps. In the middle of the room was a large fireplace. In one corner was a desk. On the desk were different writing utilities and papers. In another corner was a simple bed. If Cos'Anuján had lived here, he had been pretty small for a Cerpull Shamathia thought. Somehow she liked the place. Without wanting it she imagined that she lived here for a while, studied the book.

The book, where was it? Her eyes fell on a shelf that was almost filling one wall. There were many flasks, bottles and glass pipes and tubes in it. But one row was filled only with books... one book was much bigger than the other ones. Wow, that must be THE book. The master magic book, containing the strongest spells that were ever found out. Shamathia took it off of the shelf and put it on the desk. The book was very heavy. The cover was made of black leather and there was only a single letter on it: A big C. Without thinking Shamathia wanted to open it but it was locked with a small but very strong iron chain. She looked around in the room, but there was no key anywhere. Then she tried to get the chain off the book but it moved not a single centimeter. She tried harder but all she reached was to cut her fingers on the sharp metal.

Shamathia thought about what to do next. She did not believe in the prophecy but then she thought of the nightmare she had had. I must destroy the book she thought but at first I must have a look in it. Suddenly she had a good idea. Since she was born she carried a magic key with her. The key could open any lock but only if it was for a good use. Shamathia took it out of her pocket and put it close to the lock. At once the key changed his form so that it could open the book.

Shamathia tried and the lock opened. She removed the chain and opened the book, full of expectations... ...but the book was empty! Shamathia could not believe her eyes. The first page was completely empty, as well as the second the third... the whole book was empty! Could that be? Could the book really be empty? But why was everybody so afraid of an empty book? Or had she taken the wrong book? A quick view on the shelf convinced her that she hadn't. All the other books were normal magic, chemical and physical books she already knew. Then it came to her: The book was not empty, but there was a mighty spell spoken over it to hide the script. She tried all revelations spells she knew but nothing happened. So you stupid book...then I will destroy you right away.

Do not say I had not given you a chance. She wanted to take the book and put it in the fireplace but when she touched it, some drops of her blood from the little cut of the metal chain fell on the book. The effect was extreme. For a moment the book seemed to be burning and large flames came out of it but then it suddenly stopped and it lay unchanged on the desk. But now the script had been revealed. When Shamathia started to read the first page the door of the house flew open and a dark figure walked in fast. It was a woman, no, not a woman, but the women. The women of her nightmare, the Queen of Darkness and the ultimate incarnation of evil. She looked at Shamathia and smiled.

"I knew that you would be a good and willing pupil, but I never expected you to reach the valley that fast. Don't I have everything prepared nicely for you? And now take some time and read the book, you will be surprised what is possible if you know the right words."

Shamathia knew that it was almost too late. She had to destroy the book but she could not get hers eyes of it. Something was forcing her to read it. On the first ten pages was register of all spells. It was really surprising what was possible. There were simple spells like sensing thought, telepathy, seeing in the dark or how to gain control about one's and others' dreams, and there were spells which were much stronger than Shamathia had ever imagined. How to give other creatures a longer live, how to shorten it. How to change oneself into other forms. How to change the rainiest country into a dry desert. How to make a call to the shadows and awake the death... No, it was enough. Shamathia did not want to learn all this although it was quite easy to learn. She had to get out of all this somehow.

The Queen of Darkness was now sitting on the small bed and looked at Shamathia with evil eyes. If Shamathia would try to throw the book into the fireplace and put the petrol over it, it would surely take too much time. Maybe she could turn away her attention for some moments. But how? Suddenly she had a great idea. The book contained also several spells about how to set things on fire only by thinking of it and about teleportation. Her idea was to set the book on fire and then teleport herself quickly out of the deathly valley. But did she really want that? If she would read the book for some more time she could learn so much more... but no, that was exactly what the Darkness Faerie wanted her to do.

There was no other way. She concentrated herself very strong for some moments... ... and suddenly the book was burning. Not bad for my first try Shamathia thought. In that moment the ban fell of her and she could turn her eyes away from the book. The Darkness Faerie screamed, "Noooo!!!" and made a extremely quick move towards Shamathia who still held the burning book in her hands, but Shamathia was faster: She threw the burning book out of the window and started the teleportation spell. The last she could see was the Darkness Faerie as she jumped through the window and tried to get the burning book out but it was much too late.

In the next moment Shamathia was standing at the entrance of the tunnel, next to Andy who was looking really surprised "Wow, I really did not hear you coming back. Did you finish your mission?" he asked. "Yes, I did..." Shamathia suddenly felt very tired. "Let's go first. I would like to leave this place. I will tell you everything when we are home. Hmm, maybe we should seal that tunnel once forever." She concentrated herself very strong and the rocks around the tunnel started to melt until the tunnel was completely sealed.

Andy looked at her. "Where did you learn that?"

"I said I will tell you later on. Let's go now."

Their walk home was stressing and also dangerous because it started to snow again but finally they arrived well at home. It was already dark. After they had eaten a large dinner Shamathia went to bed and fell asleep at once. Andy lay down on the sofa and fell asleep right away, too.

To be continued...