
Lupeia the Lupe: Part Two

by bunnygirl156


I awoke to the sound of my cage door slamming. Was someone adopting me? I sat up in excitement. But it was just that ugly old woman throwing a green Lupe into the cage beside me. His head hit the wall and he fell limply to the ground.

I rushed over as fast as I could. "Oh please be all right! My life is bad enough already!" A tear trickled down my cheek in despair, when I suddenly jumped in surprise. My charm was glowing! I laid a paw gently on the paw of this Lupe, and a wave of power swept through me. It was so sudden I wasn't sure if it had happened or not.

To my relief, the Lupe stirred. He raised his head in confusion, then caught sight of me. He sat up and smiled.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "That mean ugly woman threw you in here, and you hit your head on the wall and blacked out." Should I mention the charm? Better not, for now.

"You mean Mrs. Worley? That's her name, but no one calls her that. We call her Mrs. Warthead. She's a mean thing, but I'm okay now." He rubbed the back of his head. "Nothing more than a bruise."

Thank goodness! I smiled in relief, stretching myself out on the straw lining the bottom of our cage. My stomach growled loudly, reminding me of my intense hunger.

"Are they going to bring us food?" I asked hopefully.

"They don't usually feed the pets here, maybe once in awhile. I don't think we'll be fed anytime soon though." He glanced back at me. "You've been in here long?"

I shook my head. "A couple of hours, maybe. I don't really know much about this place, except that it's horrid."

He looked puzzled. "Didn't your old owner feed you before bringing you here?"

"I...I had no owner." Sadly I told him how the man had cruelly abandoned me.

"My parents died before that, a group of evil Scorchios attacked them in their sleep. If only they had been awake, I know they could have beaten them for good!" Oh, if only that had happened instead! "They were the best parents ever, I miss them."

I glanced back at the other Lupe. His eyes were filled with tears. "What's wrong?" I softly asked him.

"You're lucky. I never knew my parents. I was kidnapped by a group of Scorchios the night of my birth, perhaps the same group that attacked your parents. My parents only had the chance to name me. LunoSun."

"My name's Lupeia." I put a paw gently around him.

He nodded absent-mindedly. "I think I'll take a nap."

He dozed off to sleep immediately. I curled myself up into a corner, my eyelids heavy. But before I dropped off to sleep I caught a glance of my charm faintly glowing and sparkling.


My days in the pound were horrible. I was dying of hunger, for we were hardly fed, like LunoSun had told me. And what we were fed was like tasteless lumpy mush. But disgusting as it was, we ate it.

I would have been a goner, I think, had it not been for LunoSun and my Lupe Moon Charm. The charm always glowed encouragingly and seemed to shine with hope, and LunoSun was good company. We often exchanged stories, to distract our minds from the pain and misery around us.

One morning, after a horrid meal of mush, I was telling LunoSun one of my favorite stories. "Dad and I hid in the bushes, when Mom walked in the clearing. She was so confused! She called 'Lupeia, Idelik, where are you?' and we jumped out and scared her." I smiled at the wonderful memory, then caught sight of LunoSun's face. He was pale, and he was looking at me strangely. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"What...what did you say your father's name was?"

"Idelik. Why are you asking?"

He ignored my question. "And...and your mother?"

"Her name was Avlika." I repeated my question. "Why are you asking me?"

"Because...because...my parents were Avlika and Idelik too."

For a second we sat silent. Then I whispered softly, "Then, you're my brother?"

LunoSun nodded. I jumped with joy. I ran to my newfound brother to hug him, hardly believing my luck.

I didn't notice my charm sparkling and glowing around my neck.

To be continued...