

by katiamas

NeoPets is easily the best Web site I've ever played! In the beginning, it was so new and easy. But now it is more crazy and complex. This is caused by the Neopian owners and this article may explain...

Take carrots for example: They are recommended to be sold only at 5 Neopoints. But as you visit an owner-made store, you notice something very wrong... They are selling their carrots for 50 NEOPOINTS! That's just insane! Especially because they are very useful and are supposed to be cheap. Best of all, they fill your pet right up! But this new crave of selling things has changed that fact to a phoney.

Not only food, but hackers, too! Why are people doing this? Sure, you get lot's of money easily, but it's not so easy on the run... Think about it: You'll get the stuff, but then you'll lose your account! The NeoPets Team isn't stupid! They'll find ya! So, it's not the best move! Also, people who think they're so smart and found that if you buy lottery tickets for all the numbers up to thirty, you could win the lottery! But, duh, you guys: Do you realize how many Neopoints that would cost you? It would cost you at least three times as much as you'll win! So now who's the smart one?

Another thing to notice is the pros and cons of being a millionaire. Sure, it's anything you'll ever need on NeoPets, or is it? Before you became a millionaire, did you realize something odd? I did. I had so much fun with my NeoPet! We played games all day, and it would be so much fun! Then, I saw you could make money off of games - and games were my favorite!

Everyday I would only have 10 Neopoints made off of games, but I slowly began to gather more! Soon, I was rich! Yup, I was booming with business. But one day I noticed my pet was in a bad mood. I noticed it was a long time since I last played a game with her because I was so caught up in being rich and famous that I wasn't paying attention to my pet. Are you the same way or is fame and fortune really what's most important to you?