
Interview with Lab Scientist, Kauvara and Dr. Sloth

by beanboy712

We first take a step into room number one where the mad scientist who created the Lab Ray is...

beanboy712: Hi, um I'd like to interview you if that's OK with you.

Scientist: Vatevah'! I don't know nohting! Nohting I say! But go ahead!

beanboy712: Uh..yea. Well we want to know if you had any communications or contact with Dr. Frank Sloth.

Scientist: Eye... I saw a man coming in me' lab! Eh..he had red eyes.. vit' many leetle robot thingymajiggys behind heem. He ask me vhere' I can find the chemical for my secret lab ray! I say no! Go ask Kauvara at her shop! Leave me!

beanboy712: *nervous glance* Thank you...so did you find out why he wanted the chemical that changes pets?

Scientist: V'ell of course! He want to toorn leelte pets into moonsters! That copy cat makes me mad!

beanboy712: Well thank you. Coffee is over there.

Now we look into room two where Kauvara awaits us.

beanboy712: Hi Kauvara how are you doing?

Kauvara: Um, hi. Am I being recorded? Oh I'm so nervous!

beanboy712: No, we just want to ask you a few questions about Dr. Sloth. Do you remember anything?

Kauvara: OH that horrible monster! Eh, he can just leave Neopia, trying to trick me! Why I've never been so humiliated in my life! For heavens sake--

beanboy712: Kauvara! Please calm down. I just want to know what happened.

Kauvara: That good for nothing creature came to me in the alley and asked for a chemical of some sort for my morphing potions! I told him and after a few darn weeks, he came back with some weird potions of his own! He gave 'em to me and I started selling them!

beanboy712: So, he made the potions and you sold them. What happened then?

Kauvara: My customers starting coming back with these horrible looks! They had bulging eyes and they were darn evil if 'ya ask me! They growled at me and I knew that ol' monster tricked me! Why I 'outta--

beanboy712: Well! Thank you so much for this info..! Berries are at the next room to your right!

Kauvara: Your welcome darlin'.

Now we enter room three where Dr. Sloth is seated... *gulp!*

beanboy712: Uh..Erm...H-hi. We would like to interview you.

Dr. Sloth: Grrr...Go away.

beanboy712: P-P-Please. We need this info--

Dr. Sloth: Ah go ahead! See if I care!

beanboy712: Okay... why are you back?

Dr. Sloth: What kind of question is that?! Because I want to be back! Now leave me alone...I have work to finish.

beanboy712: Why do you have the potions and what kind of work are you talking about?

Dr. Sloth: *evil look* *chuckles* Oh yes...the potions! I have some here...give them out for me!

beanboy712: No! Why are you turning these pets into monsters?

Dr. Sloth: Well, well... so you've noticed. Mwahahahahahaha! I'm not telling you...you'll just have to wait and see... so long!

Dr. Sloth walks out the door.

beanboy712: Anyway, so you see Dr. Sloth is hiding something evil and like the Neopian Council said, "DISCARD THE POTIONS!" This was a very rare interview with Dr. Sloth, Kauvara, and the Scientist! Good night folks!