
Help Out Without Burning Out

by blaire13

Recently there have been a lot of guilds and individuals who have been helping out the pets in the pound. The problem is that many end up doing themselves in after helping a little. Basically, it's a problem with methods... You see, the typical sympathizer of the crying pets in the pound doesn't plan thoroughly and precisely...it's all about helping the pet NOW, NOW, NOW! Well, with that sort of lack of planning, you won't be helping many pets because you won't be able to help yourself! Aim for the long-term bettering of a pet's life. The following are the steps you should take in order to be successful:

1) Raise NPs! I don't suggest asking for donations from the chat, because you can easily loose more support than you gain. Neopians will respect an individual who can support him/herself while still making a difference. If you work hard for a long time without faltering, and find many good homes for many pets, Neopians will naturally support you...be it through food or toys or NPs! Until then, you'll have to pull your own weight. I suggest playing games such as Techo Says until you have about 2,000 to 4,000 NPs. Use this amount to buy stocks such as BOOM, EEEEE, FISH, and LUPE, which are stocks that cost 4 NPs when they are down. Always buy the ones that are the lowest! If LUPE is -33.33, BUY IT! Its current state means that it will go up in value soon! I suggest buying 500 each of two of these bargain stocks. You can easily earn about 2,000-3,000 NPs in 1 or 2 days. Once you reach a comfortable amount of NPs, remember to keep using this method, and therefore keep at least 4,000 NPs handy at all times!

2) This is where many make their biggest mistakes. I've been approached by individuals who help pets by adopting them, feeding them, and them abandoning them! What good will that do? If someone is responsible or caring enough to adopt the pet, don't you think that they can feed it? Plus, this method is sure to empty out a 5,000 NP+ account quickly! What you need to do is spend your NPs smartly, and make it stretch! The only reason why you should adopt a pet from the pound is if you are going to be its owner! You must simply promote the adoptions of pets - but be careful how you do so. Don't make offers such as: "I will give you a codestone if you adopt the pet angel_65."

a) you run out of NPs fast.
b) you can easily be scammed by someone who just adopts for the prize and then dumps.

The best way would probably be to offer a pet-finding service. Simply advertise in the chat that you take simple requests such as: "blue Chia with name that has no numbers." Make a list of requests. Then look through all of the pets in the pound until you find a match. Neomail the requester with the pet's name and tada! That pet has a home! Another way to get the word out would be to Neomail people individually with a list of your services, using the who's on? list in the chat. After a while you can add: "50 + pets have found homes through this service!"

3) Here is where the NPs come in. If you have numerous accounts, use them to adopt as many needy pets as possible and give them permanent homes! I think that having numerous accounts is okay if you use them to help pets that you feed and play with every day. When adopting, remember to help only those that need it! Don't adopt Cybunnys, Poogles, painted pets, or pets with great names. I think that FARTJr the yellow Grundo needs a good home from you more than Princess_of_the_Nile the Faerie Poogle. Princess will find a home. Fart might not if you don't give him one.

4) One last tip- when feeding your pets in the soup kitchen, beware of the everlasting Dying state! Pets that have never been fed and are 153 days old will have multiple levels of dying hunger. You can feed them again and again and it won't change. The remedy would be to use your NPs to buy cheap items such as organic carrots to feed your pet-once. Feeding them "solid foods" will take away their multiple levels of Dying. Once they've reached starving, take them to the soup kitchen and fill them up!

5) Another method would be to improve your pets in the slightest and then abandon them so that they can be adopted by someone else. (This is different from the adopt, feed, and dump method in the way that it makes the pet noticeably appealing in the pound, as hunger level is not shown but appearance and states are.) Thank you for your time, and always remember the basics of helping pets in the pound:

1. never create pets
2. don't abandon a needy pet
3. adopt as many pets as you can
4. try not to ask for help
5. pets can't die but they do need to be fed
6. use the soup kitchen at all times except with the "everlasting" Dying state
7. help pets that need it!