
The Guild Game

by jagz2001

Guilds can be expensive to run, but it can also be expensive to belong to one. The owners of some guilds constantly run contests and give free stuff away to members to keep people in the guild and rope new members in. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing bad about contests and freebies, especially for the poorer citizens of Neopia. But I think some people are forgetting what the guilds are actually for.

Guilds are for sharing interests and having fun. Another concern I have about guilds is that people not only go by how many contests are running, but they also go by how many members there are. Its fine to be in a guild with 152 members, but remember there may be a guild just around the corner with three members that is more suited to your needs. I'm going to take the time to list some of the pros and cons of big and small guilds.

Big Guilds:

Pros -
Lots of people to talk to, therefore less likely to be boring.
Often more active.

Cons -
The guild leader is often too busy to listen to one newbie.
Less chance of winning contests.

The small guilds pros and cons are pretty much the opposite of these.

I've also taken the time to hunt down some good guilds. Unfortunately I haven't been able to contact many of these guild owners, so I hope they don't mind the publicity!

Aisha Adventures: This guild, owned by aisha_admiral, only has three members. It is, however, a good guild for Aisha lovers.

The Dark Haven of The Kougras: This guild is owned by wyldarkheart, and also has only 3 members.

The Ultimate Fun Guild: I'm not too sure who owns this one, but it's very good! And of course, the one I'm in is great! www.neopets.com/guilds/guild.phtml?oid=money_grrl -Jagz2001 and her pets, Jaffa2001 and HaveAKauMan!