
Ski-Lodge: Helpful Hints

by Mametchi86

The launch of the new Ski-Lodge game has everyone pondering– Who *is* the murderer? With many more victims to follow the current 4, it’s impossible to tell who even comes close to being the murderer. The clues handed to us are still vague and mostly likely used to throw us off track. A majority of us simply use the member’s personal appearance to judge whether or not they can be a killer. Others, however, actually take the time to read clues and profiles of each character to determine the real murderer. Either way you go, the chances of being right on Round 2 are Very Very Very Very Slim. To make your decisions easier, I have compiled a list of 6 people – 3 being the most likely to be the murderer and the 3 other three being the LEAST likely to kill anyone.

Top 3 NeoPets Staff Members Most Likely To Be The Murderer

1. Snowflake– Although seemingly very innocent, many clues point toward her. If you look closely in the picture of the 1st murder (EBM), you will notice Snowflake is carrying a candlestick. Wasn’t that the same weapon used to kill Bubbles? In the most recent killing Cookie was crushed by a large pile of metal – but is Snowflake strong enough to do that all by herself? Being the smallest member among the entire staff, it’s most likely that she could have a partner in crime.

---Mr. Ro-Boto also pointed out a very interesting fact about EBM’s murder. “She is as unique and beautiful as a Snowflake, but too much of her and you will get caught in her dangerous blizzard. Hmm..wasn't there a lot of snow around Electric Blue Monkey after his demise?”

Chances Of Being The Murderer: 10-1

2. Rhiannon – She was the nemesis of Bubbles, and Bubbles just recently died. Is it just a coincidence? Perhaps it’s just another distraction by the NeoPets Team used to get us off track… or maybe not. Chances Of Being The Murderer: 25-1

3. Mr. Insane - You can kind of come to the conclusion that he answers to no one. He never stated his exact reason of coming to the Ski Lodge. His name may bring us to believe that he IS the murderer, but can also be another distraction. Confusing? Yes. Did he have anything against the four murdered (probably five by the time this article “may” be published)? We really don't know. Try giving him a call. Did Cookie offer him some fashion statements before her death? Probably – he needs them anyway. ;D Chances Of Being The Murderer: 60-1

Top 3 NeoPets Staff Members MOST Likely to Be Innocent

1. Cupcake – She has seen enough deaths in her early age, why would she want to see anymore? Her name and story are good enough for me to say that she's innocent.

2. Mr. Ro-Boto – He's a space super hero…. what more do you want? LoL. Well, he's been very helpful giving us many clues. Hopefully, he'll escape the Ski-Lodge so we can see him change into that cool space suit he used in Sacrificers! Heehee.

3. Scarlet O Lara – Murderer not. Just hope she’s alive in time to host the grand opening of the Employment Agency. Do whatever you wish to her afterwards. *Wink* Heheheh.