
The Legend of Chia Desert - The Lost World of the Chias and Quiggles: Part One

by supercoolchamp and westielovergurl

From 4000 B.N.P. to 2001 A.N.P. From the time of the birth of Chelseus to the present condition of Neopia....

Chelseus Chia is Born
The human moaned. Then suddenly, she felt so much pain that she couldn't cry. Then she moaned again, and suddenly a light illuminated the sky.

All through the Chia Desert, an ancient area that is believed to be buried under Neopia. People knew what had happened. "Our new leader is born!" a young Chia squealed.

The human moaned and shrieked, "Oh, I can't do it, it hurts!"

Another human said, "Keep going, you'll be okay!"

Then the human moaned again and then, suddenly a smile spread across her face. All throughout the desert the news went around. Chelseus Chia, the leader of the Chia desert, had been born...

Chelseus grew up quickly. The power that had surged through her while she was being born from the human had caused her to mature quickly. No NeoPet dared to challenge this pet in the 'Olde Chia Desert Battledome'. Chelseus had powers that no one else had and would probably beat the challenger E-A-S-I-L-Y-!

The human raised her well. She sent her to the Olde Mystic School of Training of the Chia Desert to make her powers stronger. Chelseus had never eaten chocolate, she stuck with organic foods.

Chelseus soon reached 25,000 days old. She was ready. She took charge of the Chia Desert. She was the Empress. She encouraged healthy foods, and helped the Chia Desert survive through the 'War of the Chias and Gelerts', and plotted and planned and took charge the whole time when they took over Quiggle Empire, and because Chelseus was a kind soul, she made sure the Quiggles didn't feel bad by changing it into 'The Desert of the Chias and Quiggles'. This whole area is now, in the present, Neopia. The lost land of Jubicoas is really Mystery Island, only Jubicoas is buried underneath. Kacheekiqua is really Maraqua, only buried in the ocean underneath.

Chelseus healed the sick with her powers, and she and the leader of the used-to-be-Quiggle Empire, Uqaq made the world a better place. They prevented wars, helped the needy, and made sure the bad and unkind who committed crimes got what they deserved, an UN-cruel punishment. One day, Chelseus's human mommy was about to have another Chia. She was having a hard time, so Chelseus helped out. Suddenly, the human moaned, and a gigantic surge of pain came to her and stayed, so painful that she couldn't speak of even moan, or cry. She just opened her mouth and let out a silent sound. The Chia refused to be born.

Chelseus loved her mommy, and didn't want her creator to be in so much pain. Suddenly, her mommy felt another surge, bigger than the last one come, and stayed, along with the other painful surge. IT was so painful, she passed out. Chelseus knew what she had to do. She called in Uqaq, and together, they used their magic powers. Chelseus put her paw on the human's belly, and tried to connect to the spirits. Uqaq recited a spell, and suddenly, the human moaned and woke up. Soon after, Chelseus's sister was born.

Chelseus and Uqaq were now called the 'Great Ones'. Uqaq's mommy soon had another Quiggle. Now the pair both had siblings to pass powers to. Uqaq and Chelseus's brother and sister were named Storm Call and Wind Voice...

It was a usual day in the Desert of the Chias and Quiggles. The human one was nursing Wind Voice. Uqaq was reading an ancient scroll of power to Storm Call, hoping to pass on his powers, so Storm Call could be just as powerful. Chelseus was practising her magic and trying to connect with the spirits when......

To be continued...