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All Because of the Battledome: Part Four

by Charizard322

Click here to see how this story started!

Attack on Grarrl Kingdom

The three pets were exhausted when they finally got down to Tyrannia. The first thing they decided to do was to buy something to eat from the Tyrannian food shop. After eating their meal they walked to the area where Grarrl Kingdom was supposed to be, but there was one problem. Legend has it that any pet that wanders into the forest never comes out again alive. Spooky.

When they were trying to figure this problem out they noticed that a yellow Gelert was coming out of the forest.

"Hey you, Gelert, by any chance do you know where Grarrl Kingdom is?"

"Yeah if you follow me I'll take you there. By the way me name is DDingoDog," said DDingoDog.

The four pets then headed up to Grarrl castle, but when they got there they saw two guards. Coffee32 had a plan. He whispered his plan to the other pets and they nodded. Then they walked over to the guards.

"What do you want?" said one of the two Grarrl guards.

"We wish to see your king," said Coffee32.

"You can't he's busy," said a guard.

"You're probably just saying that because he's probably so fat that he gets stuck in his throne," said Cybunny_the_Bunny_99.

"Yeah, and probably so dumb that he needs quite a few Grarrls to help him run the kingdom," said DDingoDog.

"I heard that your king was one of the most powerful Grarrls ever, but I guess that isn't true," said Quik_Silver_379.

"A Weak King???You don't know what you're talking about," said the second guard, "Go right in and see how powerful and great he is," prompted the guard.

Relieved that their plan had worked Coffee32 and the other pets entered the castle. Inside they saw the king of the Grarrls.

"Are you guys here for your stupid princess?" he asked.

"Yes we are, " said Cybunny_the_bunny_99, "Give her back now, "He commanded.

"Fine, but only on one condition," he said, "If you beat me in a one on four match."

"We accept," said Quik_Silver_379.

"OK losers," He said, "But if you lose I'm throwing you in the dungeon."

In the Grarrl Castle Battle Arena...

The Grarrl King selected his forest sling and blue frost canyon to start out with. Coffee32 selected Lv.2 Bubble Beam, ProtoForce 5000 helmet, and Wocky Growl. Cybunny_the_bunny selected small metal shield, Grand Lightning Beam, and Cybunny Hop. Quik_Silver379 selected Rainbow Frost Cannon, Fire Utility Belt, and Heal. And DDingoDog selected Basic Lightning Beam, Wooden Blocking Shield, and Jump and Attack. That's all it took, The King of Grarrls was down, and the four NeoPets won the battle.

After his defeat he reluctantly handed the Cybunny princess over to the four pets. The four pets headed back home in a rush.

Back in Cybunny Burrows...

All of the Cybunnies congratulated the four NeoPets on saving the princess from Grarrl hands. All of the Cybunnys had this big party, and everybody exchanged gifts and ate sprinkled donuts, fortune cookies, and other dessert foods. Coffee32, Quik_Silver379, and DDingoDog decided to stay with the Cybunnys, and they lived a good life.

The End