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Vol 2 Issue 61 | Neopia's Finest News Source | 15th day of Relaxing, Yr 3

Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked NeoPet questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of NeoPets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

New World New Story Plot!!!

Have you been keeping up with the new plot? Well if you haven't you are missing a lot! Why not read more? Who would have ever thought that Brucey B would get tangled up in this?

Better Than You!!!

Is Master Brain really better than you? Well, he says he is. His I.Q. of 3,600 is THE highest in all of Neopia, making him believe he's the greatest strategist around. Sounds like a pretty hard challenge. Why don't you try to prove him wrong?

The Neo-Market Report

While you're laying in the sand, why not curl up with a good book? Here to discuss what Neopians are reading this summer is Norton Hawley, manager of the Neopian Book Shop. Get the gossip here!

Both Nimmo & Quiggle Day This Past Week!!!

Did You Know?

  1. Quiggles are fantastic stunt pets and tell a lot of bad jokes.
  2. A Robo-Quiggle will brighten up the dullest of NeoHome.
  3. Nimmos are the original amphibious Neopians. But they won't ever brag about it.
  4. Ryshu limbers up with Nimmo Yoga.
  5. Magic Nimmo pretty much knows what your thinking right now.
  6. The Quiggle Tongue Whip is made from 100% genuinely fake Quiggle Tongue.
  7. Both Quiggles and Nimmos absolutely love Health Food.
  8. Nimmos are peace loving and treat all pets equal.
  9. Quiggles make delicious pies. Yummy!

Guild Spotlight
For entries into guild spotlight:

If you love Quiggles, then the Quiggle Qlub is the club for you. Win some qool prizes, check out the qool shop and work your way up the guild ladder.

The Nimmo Guild is a great guild for many reasons, but the best thing is there are a lot of cool people who love Nimmos! Everyone is very friendly and helpful, so go check it out. Ryshu would be very proud of you.

Recognising the non-meat eaters of Neopia, the Neo-Vegans and Vegetarians! guild provides important information to assist you and your pet in leaving all the meat behind. Did you know that both Quiggles and Nimmos would much rather eat a Carrot than a greasy, fatty Bacon Belly Buster?

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