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The Absorption of Powers: Part Three

The busy streets were filled with lights and music. NeoPets thanking their owners for the new clothing they have received, and hopeful owners trying out their luck at the wishing well.

by silver_phoenix

All Because of the Battledome: Part Four

After eating their meal they walked to the area where Grarrl Kingdom was supposed to be...

by Charizard322

The Castle of Resurrection: Part Four

In the heart of the forest, at the banks of the lake of moonstone, Antanie awoke because of the cold.

by phifi

The Snowager Caves Exploit: Part Two

As expected, Yorick had not turned up yet and Rymes was more distressed than ever.

by foreverme_88

Orb of Fate: Part Four

The wind softly blew past the three as they flew through the sky Viator was panting, and seemed tired out...

by karoia

Gelert Race: Part Three

Oaka by my side I gripped the wand in my teeth as the whistle blew and we each set off into the forest and began.

by Leopardeyez

The Good-bye: Part Three

They thought that the worst was gone when they found a cataract on a nearby mountain and it was the best place to have fun...

by kiwifruit487

Summer's Sweet Lullaby: Part Five

Carmen was tied up to a little chair with tape around her mouth in the cargo space of the tank....

by nefertimonchild

Lupina Returns: Part Three

When they got off, most of the free pets set about laughing and talking.

by thegreatlupelover

Every Carnival is Better Than the Neggst: Part Two

It was very dark in the small cramped room, so Sanando reached by the door and flicked on the light.

by Pyphracket

Evil Overlording For Dummies - The Secret Manuscripts of Dr. Frank Sloth: Part Two

Being an Evil Overlord or Overlady takes a lot of preparation.

by littlelysshu

Creating the Perfect Paradise: Part Four

Pots and pans clattered, Korbats flew wearily through the halls, Skeiths prowled through the rooms...

by ekatzy

The Shadows of Darkness - Sandre's Return: Part Two

It was all arranged. I was going to be picked up by the Air Faerie in two days' time...

by nanjikat