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Every Carnival is Better Than the Neggst: Part Two

by Pyphracket

Click here to see how this story started!

It was very dark in the small cramped room, so Sanando reached by the door and flicked on the light. The light dangling from the ceiling didn't give off much light, but it allowed him to see the few pieces of furniture occupying the room. A desk was in the center of the room with a rolling chair behind it. The room was empty of anything else. What's the use of this room? Sanando wondered. Just about to shut off the light and leave, he noticed a door on the other side of the room. He figured he might as well explore the whole area, so started to cross the room. Wait, I'm not going to be stupid and let them know someone's been in here, Sanando thought. He had seen too many scary movies where the victim could have stayed alive if only they had shut off a light. So quickly shutting off the light, he skirted the edge of the desk and snuck through the other door.

The room he entered was actually not another room. It was a greenhouse! Why would a green house be in an amusement park? Too many questions were piling up on Sanando, so he figured he had to find out some answers. Looking at the plants he noticed the first few rows were simple plants like rowzez or ring vines. However, toward the back was row after row of Negg bushes and trees! There were very small brown Neggs, and small green Neggs, but the most curious thing was that the more fully grown Neggs had ugly purple and yellow stripes displayed in disgustingly ugly patterns all over the Neggs. As he touched one, the Negg did not have the same outer layer. It was quite hard. Normally, the Neggs have a firm outer shell with soft juicy insides, but not hard shells. These were not true Neggs. Or at least not healthy Neggs.

Going further into the greenhouse, he found a large shed. Pushing open the door he found five huge cages with black cloth draped over them. Lifting up the black material and looking in at the first one, he found a small Poppit sitting in the middle of its cage. This Poppit, however had not black and yellow stripes like the normal PetPet, but had orange and purple stripes. When the Poppit noticed him, it made a loud sucking noise and inflated with air. Then without anymore warning came hurtling toward him blowing fire out of the bottom of it! This was definitely not a normal Poppit! The Poppit smacked into the bars of the cage and fell back to the ground. Moving on to the next cage, the Sanando saw a fellow Techo lying on the ground. As its gaze fixed on him he noticed it now had six legs and the yellow skin was faded to a sickly whitish yellow that did not look good. The tail had spikes on it and the eyes seemed to follow him as he watched the Techo. The eyes just stared at him with an almost hypnotic gaze. Sanando wrenched his eyes from the gaze and turned to go to the next cage and found he could not move! He swung his arms-they moved. He kicked-hard. His legs didn't respond though. It seemed his waist down was stuck. As he kept trying to move, he found his feeling slowly came back from his legs and they felt very stiff. Sanando started toward the last cage when he heard a sound behind him. Someone was coming through the green house! His heart pounding he ran behind the last cage to a pile of boxes and hid behind them.

The sound of the steps got closer and the handle of the door started to turn. The door opened and in stepped the monster of this horrific project...

To be continued...