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The Snowager Caves Exploit: Part Two

by foreverme_88

Click here to see how this story started!

Espirit in Danger

But by the next day, it wasn’t only G2 and Spell who were going to try to rescue Yorick. Spell’s sister, Crystalle the Faerie Uni was coming along too, and so were two of their friends, Espirit the Disco Kyrii and Kevin the Korbat. All the rest they had asked were too frightened to go.

As expected, Yorick had not turned up yet and Rymes was more distressed than ever. And he did not go with them to the Snowager’s Cave because he was afraid of it. Hearts was rather skeptical about Yorick’s whereabouts. She did not really seem to believe that Yorick was trapped in the Snowager’s cave.

After school, the five heroes, with bulging backpacks on their shoulders, set off for the Ice Caves. Milkie and a few other NeoPets “escorted” them to the cave. They stood outside, as they watched the five heroes go in.

“Bye,” Milkie said miserably. “Good luck.”

“Thanks,” Spell said. “We’ll need it.”

“We’re setting up camp here for a night,” Milkie told them. “If you’re in danger, we’ll rush in and help you.”

Spell didn’t think that would be any good, because if Milkie and the others dared to rush in and help them, they should have entered the Snowager’s Cave with them too.

The five NeoPets entered the cave cautiously. As they entered the cave, they gasped. The whole place was so beautiful. Sparkling icicles hung on the ceiling and the light coming from the entrance brought out the beauty of the infamous Snowager’s Cave. They were here at last!

And then, right up in front of them was the Snowager itself. It was sleeping; its glass body curled up on a huge mountain of treasure. Espirit took one look at it and laughed.

“Pooh!” He scoffed. “Is this actually the Snowager everyone’s always talking of? He doesn’t look hideous at all, let alone dangerous! You mean Yorick can’t escape from this silly snake?”

“SHH!” Everyone hissed.

“Uh-oh,” Spell said, as the Snowager’s tail twitched.

“Espirit! Shut up, will you?” Crystalle hissed. “If it wakes up, we’re done for, you understand?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Espirit snapped. “Look, the Snowager hasn’t even woken up yet!”

“ESPIRIT!” Kevin said, sounding shocked.

The Snowager started to stir.

“Let’s scram!” Spell hissed. “If the Snowager wakes up and finds us, we’d be goners! C’mon!” She grabbed Crystalle and pulled her toward a small hole she had seen in a corner of the cave.

G2 and Kevin followed closely after, as the Snowager slowly lifted up its snakelike head.

“It’s awake! Hurry!” Spell yelled as G2 and Kevin came tumbling into the small hole. “But where’s Espirit? ESPIRIT!” she yelled, knowing that the Snowager couldn’t possibly see them in that hole. “Espirit!” she called again.

No response.

“I’ll go and see what he’s up to,” Kevin said. “After all, I’m small and I can fly. I’ll be a housefly that the Snowager can’t swat.”

He flew out of the cave, just as the Snowager reared up and roared, making the walls vibrate. What he saw next made him give out a bloodcurdling yell.

The Snowager looked more hideous, more dangerous, more ferocious than anything he had ever seen in his whole life. And it had shot a massive Ice Ball at Espirit!

Kevin watched, helpless and unable to do anything, as Espirit was flung to a corner of the cave. Then the Snowager roared again, making the icicles on the ceiling drop onto the ice-frozen floor.

“Kevin…” Espirit moaned in pain. “Help me! I think my arm is broken.”

Kevin was thinking that it served Espirit right to underestimate the Snowager’s powers, and that Espirit sounded as if he were exaggerating, but before he had time to think, the Snowager was launching an attack on him.

“Arrrrrrrgh!” Kevin yelled. He just managed to escape a shower of icicles from he Snowager’s mouth.

“Kevin! Are you okay there?” Spell called frantically from the hole.

The Snowager heard Spell’s voice and turned around his large serpent-like head to look in the direction of the hole. Kevin knew the others were safe, though, because the hole was too small for the Snowager to do anything to them. He took the opportunity and grabbed hold of the injured Kyrii’s arms. Groaning and heaving, huffing and puffing, he managed to lift Espirit up and carry him outside the cave, where Milkie and her friends were “ready” to help them if help was ever needed. Milkie and her friends were shivering with the cold, and they were looking very frightened.

Kevin dropped Espirit lightly onto the ground in front of the tents Milkie and her friends had set up. They gasped as Espirit rolled onto the ground in front of them. “He says he’s broken a limb,” Kevin said. “Although I think he’s exaggerating.”

Espirit groaned.

To be continued...