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Gelert Race: Part Three

by Leopardeyez

Click here to see how this story started!

Oaka by my side I gripped the wand in my teeth as the whistle blew and we each set off into the forest and began. “Oaka, let's go down this path!”

“Okay, Maylynnn, but remember the shield spell,” she whispered breathlessly.

Out of no where I heard a noise in the bushes and Fossit came out breathlessly scratched and cut. “I just got away from a pack of PopTarts!” she gasped. Ducking down another path I never saw her until the end of the contest as I walked down the path faster knowing the PopTarts were still out there, the ground gave way and I was falling.

SPLASH! I began to dog paddle while Oaka squeaked anxiously. “Gotta swim Oarkra!” I yelled with a mouth full of water then taking a deep breath I swam through the cave. (Oaka was holding my wand) And then I saw it in the water the Silver Key with a red strap somehow I knew it was the key and swam with all my might. Up bobbed my head as the cave ended and we were in a grassy field again the key was glinting in a plum tree.

Scrambling up in the tree all of a sudden I was swinging in Mystery Island jungle. Flying through the air the key flew into someone’s paw, a Grarrl's! It was time to use the light wand. Grabbing it from Oaka, I used my physic attack mixed with a Flaming Torch attack and a blinding flash from the wand. The Grarrl screamed rubbing his eyes and hitting his head against a tree and dropped the key then I dove on it and strapped it around my neck. Now to find the door I was guessing it was in the Ice Caves world copy so wandering in the Tyrannia green section leaving Mystery Island.

Walking to conserve energy, Oakra by my side, I felt a chilling biting wind in the heat. I broke into a run when all of a sudden Hans was racing by me; horrible tread over took me as I realised what was going on. Hans’ had his key so he might beat me! I sped up; neck and neck a mirror appeared in front of us it was like a wall of reflection. It took all that was in me to not go head into it Hans did though. In the mirror it showed my owner in there she was deeply distressed the since Snowager was advancing on her menacingly! Han’s owner too. Growling and butting his head against the glass Hans wasn’t paying attention to what I was as much as I was upset too. I saw a door behind Snowager. Then I realised the mirror was just a form of magic.

Leopardeyez screamed in fear as the Snowager bared his teeth at her and the other owner. I bit my wand! I bit it in half and through it aside and howled. It was longest howl I think I ever did, Hans started to howl to. It was the ancient Gelert howl from long ago when the first Gelert rescued his owner. The mirror disappeared but the real action did not.

Bounding forward I rushed to Leopardeyez and licked her face and bared my teeth at the Snowager and his icy breath. I didn’t notice the key sneak off my chest and Leopardeyez gasp and catch it. We didn’t even think, she got on my back and we raced to the little door she unlocked it and we rushed in Hans and his owner followed at that moment the world Neopia seemed to balance itself. As we heard the Snowager let out monstrous scream of icy breath.

We were in a Faerieland field, Fossit was there she had it appeared met a bad werewolf after her escape from the Poptarts and had sent up the comet charm. And Hans? He didn’t win either that’s right I WON! It was amazing no crowds just my siblings and friends as well as Fossit’s and Han’s. The Faeries provided a giant feast of Mystery Island food. Also I got my second medal, gold and a giant gold cup… Fossit another bronze Hans a silver. That pretty much rounds up my story. There were other races we went to watch before the contests all ended. Me and my owner, bro and sisters hang out and Neopia always has something to do so bye!

The End

Author's Note: The only real people and pets in this story are Katphish2000, my best Neofriend, and Fossit her pet and Artic_Aoroara_Hare, Wolfpard, Shyru3, and my dearest Maylynnn the Christmas Gelert. So bye from leopardeyez!