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Orb of Fate: Part Four

by karoia

Click here to see how this story started!

The wind softly blew past the three as they flew through the sky Viator was panting, and seemed tired out.

"" Viator panted,and landed on the ground with a thud

"Do I weigh that much?" karoia_ asked wide-eyed.

"With both of us on her back yeah" jshottie muttered.

" I have to...carry you??" Viator asked.

"Cuz you have wings." karoia_ grinned.

"Well,why are we after a psycho Faerie then??"jshottie asked his sister.

"Cuz she's gonna take over the fate of the world."

"Not like we can do something."

"Well we can try!"

"Well we already did!"

jshottie and karoia_ sat and argued, Viator just watched.

"GUYS!!!!!" Viator yelled.

The two stopped fighting and stared at their friend.

"If we wanna help Neopia, then don't fight."

"Fine," jshottie and karoia_ muttered.

"But I can't carry you both on my back, don't you have any other friends with wings??" Viator asked.

"li_maige," karoia_ blurted out.

"Who??" jshottie shriveled his nose up to the name.

"Li_maige" karoia_ stared at him. "The purple Shoyru! He comes over to hang out once in a while!"

"Oh, him," jshottie scratched his head.

"Well, can you call upon him somehow? I can't carry you both or I'll fall and break my neck!!!!!" Viator shouted.

"Yeah yeah.... calm down. Li_maige lives near by," karoia_ hopped around the area.

It was a section of a forest, it looked like a little club house. The wind started to pick up power, as if warning them to hurry up.

"I think it's that way..." karoia_ hopped towards the east.

Viator and jshottie followed her.

"I hope your right," jshottie muttered to his sister.


"You want me to do what?"

karoia_, Viator, and jshottie were standing in the backyard of li_maige's home.

"Help us fly after the Dark Faerie!"

"Nuh uh. I'm not getting involved with all that," li_maige was in mid air, slowly flapping his wings to stay airborne.

"Please!!!!!!!!!!!!" karoia_ shouted.

"Why would you ant to go after a Faerie anyway?" li_maige asked.

"Cuz' she's got this wacky Fate Orb or whatever it's called," jshottie explained, "And karoia_ wants to get it."


"Cuz she can control everyone's fate with it! Gosh knows what she will do!!" karoia_ jumped around like a fool now, she was eager to leave.

"So you need my help why?" li_maige flew over to them and landed.

"Stop asking so many questions!" karoia blurted out.

"Cuz I can't carry both of them on my back," Viator stretched her wings slightly.

"I'd like to help but I'm busy."

"Youmeanyoudon'tcareaboutthefateoftheworld!!!" karoia_ blurted out faster then anyone could understand.

"Wha? Yeah I do! But Saskanna got me doing chores," li_maige answered.

"Either you help, or let the fate of the world go lop sided," Viator exclaimed, and did a flip in the air.

"Jeesh," li_maige muttered,he looked back, "Okay, but only because I'm a nice guy."

"Kay, I'll get on your back," jshottie jumped on li_maige's back, making him fall over.

"Could you weigh any heavier????" li_maige complained.

"Yup," jshottie smirked.

karoia_ slowly got onto Viator's back. Pretty soon the four were in the sky flying around.

"Where do we go??" Viator finally asked.

"Uhhhh..." the others said.

"Great!!! Lost in the sky!!!" Viator shouted.

Then, a familiar shadow took place before them.

"Why are you following me!?!?!?!?" the voice bellowed.

"We didn't have to find her, she found us...." karoia_ moaned.

To be continued...