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The Neo-Market Report

By stereolab

Once again it's time to drop in on Neopia's foremost financial experts. Visiting our hosts today will be Norton Hawley, manager of the Neopian Book Shop. He'll be here to discuss this summer's best-selling books. And now, here are Neil and Maria...

KAUVUTO: Hello and thank you for joining us here at The Neo-Market Report. I am your host Neil Kauvuto, Financial Editor of The Neopian Times, and as always I am joined by my co-host Maria Blumaroono, who's at The News Desk with the latest word from the floor of the exchange. Maria, take it away...

BLUMAROONO: Well Neil, it appears that the freefalling stock prices caused by Chairman Lupevitt's investigations have finally stabilized. However, the bad news is that as the NSEC's probe draws to a close, companies that once traded for thousands of Neopoints can now be snapped up for twenty or thirty NPs a share. As a matter of fact, despite a drop of thirty points, tops among this week's losers, Neopian TV Channel One is still the Neodaq's most valuable stock, trading at an unimpressive thirty-six NPs a share.

Another big loser has been the Alien Aisha Vending Company, which has posted back-to-back twenty point losses, and seen its value dip all the way to twelve NPs a share. When asked to comment about his company's recent fate, Alien Aisha CEO Sentron X said, "No matter how bad things get, even if I have to go back to working out of my garage, I will not give up on this company. Mark my words: Sentron X is no quitter!"

KAUVUTO: On the other hand, with Neopia Central now enjoying one of its warmest summers in recent memory, beverage makers Kau Kau Farm and Super Splime Shakes have seen their sales jump. As Kau Kau Farm CEO Mookiah the Kau put it, "Well, it sure has been awfully hot around here. To be honest with you, I could probably go for a shake right about now myself."

With summer in full swing, many Neopians will be heading for the beach to catch a few rays. While you're laying in the sand, why not curl up with a good book? Here to discuss what Neopians are reading this summer is Norton Hawley, manager of the Neopian Book Shop. Norton, thanks for joining us today.

NORTON: My pleasure, Neil. Glad to be here…

BLUMAROONO: Now, you told us earlier that books on gardening have been really popular this summer. What are some of the top titles that you'd recommend?

NORTON: Absolutely. With the NeoHome Gardens coming soon, we've had lots of demand for books on gardening--we can barely keep them in stock. A top seller has been "My Garden Book," which is a great introduction for first-time gardeners. However, for those looking for something a little more advanced, we've gotten great response on a book called "Wonderful World of Gardening." So yeah, depending on your level of interest, I think either one of those would be an ideal choice.

KAUVUTO: What else would you say has generated a lot of interest?

NORTON: Well, as you know, Usuki dolls have been all the rage in Neopia…

KAUVUTO: Ah yes, Usukis…we had Celia Sasuki, the creator of Usuki dolls, stop by a few weeks ago. She's a charming young lady, really.

NORTON: Yes, well "The Collector's Guide to Usuki Dolls" has been flying off the shelves for weeks now. It has a full listing of all the dolls and accessories available, a price guide which gives you an idea of each doll's rarity and value, and hints on how to care for your dolls. The dolls really seem to have taken Neopia by storm, so I'm sure there will be more Usuki-related books are sure to follow...

BLUMAROONO: Personally, I've always been a big fan of mysteries--the creepier the better. Are there any mystery stories that I should keep an eye out for?

NORTON: As a matter of fact, there was one released this week called "The Eye of the Quiggle," a real thriller that's set in an ancient Neopian land. From what I hear it's been getting rave reviews…

BLUMAROONO: Hmm, that sounds really good. I'll have to check that out.

NORTON: Certainly. I've been reading it myself, and let me tell you… I haven't been able to put it down!

KAUVUTO: Well, that's going to do it for us this week. For Maria Blumaroo and Norton Hawley, this is Neil Kauvuto saying thank you and so long…