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Howling at the Blue Moon

by Waddles70

Hello. My name is Frostfur, I'm a blue Lupe. This is my story my life in the wild, all the way to this cozy pink rug I'm laying on right now.

It was a warm and sunny day in Terror Mountain. I had just gotten back from the cave where the food was kept for storage. I live with 7 other Lupes, we are all in one pack. Our leader is WipLash, he's a fire Lupe. His mate, Crystal, is a white Lupe. They are both really nice, but sometimes WipLash can get in his bad moods.

The there's Breeze, Tumble, Picco, and Pola. Pola is my best friend. I don't know who my real parents are because when WipLash's pack found me, I was a newborn and barely alive. I'm the youngest in the pack, but the fastest. Of course, WipLash is bulging with muscle, but speed isn't much on his side.

Well, I was coming back from the cave when I saw WipLash pacing up and down the meadow.

"What's up with WipLash?" I asked Crystal.

"Something's wrong and he can feel it. I can feel it too. Something is going to happen," she replied, worried.

"W-whats' g-going to happen?" I asked shakily, the hair raising on my back.

"I don't know," she said after a long moment's pause.

I went down to where the rest of the pack was playing. Pola came over and nudged me in the side. I think she knew I was upset about something.

"What's wrong Frostfur?" she asked with concern. "Are you feeling OK?"

"I-I don't k-know," I stammered. "I don't know."

Pola shrugged and went back to play tag with the rest of the pack.

The rest of the day went by quick and everything seemed to be back to normal. WipLash was as cheery as ever along with Crystal. We played tag, howled at the blue moon, and told each other scary stories. It wouldn't be until the next day, that Terror Mountain literally became Terror Mountain. I snuggled next to Picco and Pola and was soon fast asleep. Even WipLash, who usually took a great long look at the blue moon, was soon fast asleep.

"ROARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! ROARRRRRRRRRRR!!!" I awoke with a shock as I looked into the big, ugly face of a fire Grarrl.


Suddenly I was slammed in the side by Breeze. She was pushing me towards the only way of escape...

"RUUUUUNNN!" she screamed as she jerked me to my feet. "RUN AND DON'T LOOK BACK!!!"

I ran, ran, and ran. I ran past the oak tree Pola and I used to chase Kacheeks up. I ran past the boulder where the pack found me as a newborn pup. I ran past my home, my family, and my life. I ran all day until I finally collapsed in a big, furry bundle of horrified Lupe. I never saw the man put me into his truck.

I awoke as the truck bumped up and down along the rugged terrain or Terror Mountain. My memory flared into life.

"A Grarrl? In Terror Mountain? Oh no! WipLash, Crystal, Picco, Pola, Breeze, and Tumble!? O-Oh dear. What happened?" I started to whimper.

I looked around the truck. It said "Neopian Pound" on the roof of it. The man must have heard me whimper because he looked back at me. I had never been confronted by a human before, we Lupes are very shy creatures. I growled, what was I supposed to do? Especially after my ordeal yesterday!?

"You keep your furry snout shut! I don't get paid enough to deal with you wild creatures! I can see plain well how dirty you are. Nobody will choose you at the pound."

I laid down and started to cry. Soon I was asleep.


I awoke in a cold, dank, cage with big iron bars blocking the outside world. I had never been in a cage before so I kept whimpering along with all the other NeoPets in the pound.

"W-where am I?" I whimpered, not expecting an answer.

"This is the pound. You're a new face. Where did you come from?" A Kacheek next to me said as she snuggled closer to me to get warm.

"I'm a wild Lupe, Frostfur. I belong to the WipLash pack. I'm so cold and so hungry. Who are you? I didn't know I was sharing a c-cage, I think that's what you call them," I whimpered.

"I'm Hannah, a yellow Kacheek. I was dumped off at the pound because my owner wanted a new Cybunny instead. As for food, I really don't know what they feed us. It's this mushy banana junk. You'll learn to keep it down," she replied.

Suddenly a Uni came into the pound with a short little girl and her mother. The room became quiet as all the pets quickly held their breaths. Even Hannah did so. What was happening?

"Oh mommy! Can I please have this one?" She pointed directly at Hannah.

"Hannah? What's going on? Why?" I asked.

"I'm going to get a home Frostfur! Can you believe it? A home!" She screeched with joy. "A home! Hooray! Yes, finally! A home!"

I never got to say good-bye to Hannah. She was carried out of the pound on the shoulders of her new owner. I cried so hard that night.


"His name is Frostfur, he was found in the wild asleep and hurt. He's very healthy though. He seems to miss howling at the blue moon, he's always yelping through the night. I'm sure that'll change when he gets a home though!" The soft voice of the Uni echoed through my head. I was waking up slowly after a long cold night.

"Look! He's waking up! Are you sure he's gentle? He's never attacked anybody right?" a girl's voice asked eagerly. "He looks so tired, hungry, and sad. I want him!"

"Well," the Uni replied. "Let's see what he thinks of you... he's almost fully awake..."

I stretched and looked into two big, blue eyes. It was a girl. Blonde hair like the wheat fields I used to run through.... Used to. She smelled of sweetness and love. She looked softly into my eyes.

"Hi," she said. I licked her hand, she giggled.

"Okay! I want him!" the girl said.

Before I knew it I was swept off my feet, carried through the door and... OH! Happy day! The sun that I was kept away from for so long had shone on my soft, fuzzy coat. I was carried all the way into a house. I quickly made home on the pink fuzzy rug in the middle of the living room. The girl, who I later learned was called Abby, giggled and brought out a big juicy apple just for me!

So here I am. That's my story. I never found out what happened to my pack or Hannah and I probably never will. I go everywhere with Abby. She's the greatest. I now have a little brother, Sisco, a Shoyru. He's great too. I can fly now, Abby gave me a Faerie Paint Brush for my birthday three months ago. I'm probably the happiest pet in all of Neopia. And in case you're wondering, yes, now and then I do go down to the pond to howl at the blue moon.

The End