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Happy Hundredth Day!

by miss_dream

A year may not seem to be very long for you, but for a NeoPet, it seems to drag on forever especially if they're young. Pets of any type (whether real or virtual) have a much shorter life span than humans do (you know the old adage about one year in a human life equaling 7 years in a Gelert's life.) So, for those pets that are impatiently waiting for their first birthday, I propose celebrating their Hundredth Day.

A Hundredth Day is just that-the one hundredth day of a pet's life. A hundred days is just over three months, but a lot can happen in just three months. So I decided that each of my pets should celebrate the day their age reached three digits-in days, that is before their real birthdays.

For my pet Don_Medusa's Hundredth Day, I resolved to settle his identity crisis once and for all. Having been first turned into a female and then into a Poogle, a Tuskaninny, and a Mynci by the Lab Ray before he got his true gender back, my little former Jubjub decided that he wanted to know how to fly. So I splurged and got him a Purple Eyrie Morphing Potion to make all of his dreams come true.

Celebrating a Hundredth Day doesn't have to be expensive at all. You can play hide-and-seek with your pet all day, or spend the day watching Poogle Races or taking in a great concert at the Tyrannian Concert Hall. You can bloat it with gourmet treats, give it a little makeover with some brushing and a nice shade of lipstick or nail polish, or play with a new toy. My second pet Riahli just turned 100 days old today, and he's spending the day training at the Training School to be stronger. You can do almost anything, as long as you and your pet have fun together on their special day.

Of course, you could always SPLURGE! Get that Paintbrush you've always been eyeing, as long as it's cheap. Get a PetPet and watch your pet's eyes shine with love and appreciation! Shine up some expensive new Battledome equipment and let your pet go show them what they've got! And what better sight to see than a beautiful Faerie blessing your pet with magical powers?

Do your Neofriends have pets that are going to be 100 days old very soon? Send them a nice gift or two! Good, inexpensive gifts for Neopets from the slacker Skeith to the connoisseur Cybunny can be found anywhere. Chocolate is always a nice gift, as are plushies or other toys. Female Neopets can never have too many cosmetics, and everyone loves flowers, candy, or food! You're not only recognizing your friend's pets, but you're helping out a good friend, too! And who doesn't like getting something for nothing?

My other two pets, Sallie_chan and NayotakeNoKaguyaHime (that is, the Shining Princess of the Young Bamboo) are eagerly waiting their Hundredth Days. Sallie_chan really wants to become a Faerie like her little sister, but I hope she won't mind getting spots. As for Nayo, well, she hasn't expressed any desire for her Hundredth Day yet, but I know that in a few weeks she'll get more and more excited!

I close with a little Japanese for you all: Minna-san, hyaku no hi omedetou gozaimasu! (Happy Hundredth Day, everyone!)