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A Magical Negg

by crazycaroline

I always hated my older sister. One day when I had one wish. I had wished for her to never be born. She was always (in my opinion) snobby, and was always in charge. But when I made my wish I realized how much she cared for me and what my life would be like without her.


We walked down the path in Happy Valley. I pulled up the hood on my coat. My sister led us with a bag of Neopoints in her paw. "C'mon guys we have to move faster!" she commanded. I ran up closer to her. Today we were going to the Neggery to help the Negg Faerie clean her shelves for extra Neopoints. Christine walked in front of the iron doors. She turned to look at me. "Especially you, behave yourself." Her fire fur shimmered and we walked in.

The Negg Faerie greeted us. She smiled "Christine your sister is cute" she patted my Lupe head. She rolled her eyes "Yeah but she is a pain. Where should I start?" She looked around at the dusty shelves with old Neggs and tokens. The Negg Faerie showed her into a room to clean, and my sister BonitoFlor began to sweep the floor.

I looked at the far end of the Neggery. There were glass windows and shelves filled with expensive Neggs. Hmmmmmmmm maybe just one touch wouldn't hurt ,I thought to myself. I touched a shelf and to my surprise everything came tumbling down. I gasped. The Negg Faerie ran into the room with Christine550 behind her.

"Yanna what are you doing!" she grabbed my paw, "Look at this mess!" The Negg Faerie smiled. "Do not worry little one I can take care of it". She walked out of the room to grab a hammer to nail up the shelf. I could tell she was angry with me; and that she was just being polite.

Christine"s eyes flamed. "I want you to stay here and help her clean this mess, understood?" I nodded my head and swallowed the hot tears that cane to my face. Christine left the room and took BonitoFlor home.

The Negg Faerie smiled "Here you can hammer this shelf and put all of the Neggs back OK?" She walked out of the storage room. I began hammering until the shelf was up; and I began stacking the Neggs. One particular Negg caught my eye"it had a silver sparkle to it and looked magical. I thought; I wonder what"s in this Negg? I cracked the Negg open"


Inside I found a silver Faerie. She had short hair and a silver cloak. She isn't a kind that would be in the magic shop, I said to myself. The Faerie flew onto my nose and quoted: "You opened my magical Negg. I must grant you one wish". I scratched my head; Wow! All One wish all to myself? Cool! "I wish for my brat sister Christine550 to never be born."

The Faerie thought about it and said, "OK as you wish". She flew in three circles and left. The Negg Faerie appeared in the storage room "Your owner called Yanna she is worried sick. You must return home at once" I walked out of the Neggery and looked around. I didn't see a sign of Christine anywhere. This is going to be great! I padded for what seemed forever and I reached my NeoHome. I turned the doorknob. Locked. "Oh no!" I said worriedly, "Christine usually unlocks the door for me to get in". I grunted and entered the house from the cellar opening.

I ran up to the kitchen to find my snack. Nothing. "Oh darn it, Christine used to lay out my snack too!" I glared at the refrigerator and peered inside. "Well at least there is still some milk and BBQ chicken" I heated up my food and dug in. As soon as I dug in I spat it back out.

"Bloch! This is awful" I sighed again "Christine brought home the food after school too" I trudged to my room. I sat on my bed and brushed my flamed fur. "Hey I know! Ill listen to some music!" I listened to the "Chomby and The Fungus Balls" CD for over 3 hours and crazycaroline came barging into the room.

"Yanna! Why are the dishes still dirty?" Uh-oh. I was in trouble. She looked at me and replied "Look please do the dishes that is part of your daily chore." I padded back down the stairs madly. "Grrrrr Everything is going wrong." I stopped and remembered that Christine reminded me to do my chores after school too. It took me 45 minutes to do the dishes"I couldn't feel better about myself.

After dinner I remembered something else"I forgot to feed my Cobrall! I fed him and afterwards sat on my bed "OK! OK! So I miss Christine. How can I get her back?" I thought about the Neggery and the Negg Faerie. I pulled on my coat quietly and snuck out of the house.


I walked for a long time and finally I was at the ice caves. I looked at my watch; It was 11:45 p.m. I walked to the Neggery and sure enough the door was open. I looked for the Negg Faerie but she was nowhere to be seen. I raced into the storage room I was in earlier and looked through all of the Neggs. It took me over 2 hours to find another one. I cracked it open.

Another silver Faerie appeared. "You opened my magical Negg. I must grant you one wish".

I smiled and gave her my wish. She was off in a flash; and I padded home once again.

I looked at my watch again it was 3:47 a.m. NST! I ran home and once I was home"I can through the cellar again; ran into my room; and got into bed. I was panting as I said my prayers. I prayed to the Faerie Queen:

"Dear Faerie Queen, can you hear me? I want to thank you for showing me how much I cared about my sister and for making me do the right thing. From Yanna"

I closed my eyes; and I could have sworn I felt Christine come in the room and kiss me on the cheek.

The End