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Making the Meerca Chase

by toosdazechild

BitterSweetSugar had never seen so many Meerca in one place in all his life. He knew the competition for a spot in the Meerca Chase Game would be intense, but he didn't realise how many Meerca would actually show up to audition. He looked at his sister, Angelinside, and suddenly felt very insecure. She gave him a crooked little Flotsam smile, and he felt much better. With that, he got to the back of the line.

The auditions were to be held in The AstroVilla Hotel. When he finally got inside the auditorium, he looked around for some of his friends to chat with. He was very disappointed to see Xiaobai_99, the fire Meerca. He was a cinch to make it. Xiaobai was already level 17, with wonderful stats. He even brought his pet Noil to show everyone. Xiaobai was hanging out with Gink_Gunk, the blue Meerca Gink_Gunk was level 11, and had his pet Huggy with him. Gink had cheetah movements, and he loved to show it off. BitterSweetSugar felt even worse about his chances for making it as a "chaser."

At the front of the auditorium, by the stage, were Burningroses and Kayla8369. BitterSweetSugar always felt better after talking to Burningroses-that Meerca could cheer anyone up. Unfortunately, he couldn't talk to her, because Kayla was standing with her. BitterSweetSugar had quite a crush on Kayla. She was the most beautiful shade of gold he had ever seen. Plus, Kayla had her pet Magaral with her, and was too busy grooming her to notice him.

Finally, he spotted his good friend Aqua1274. They always got along very well, maybe because they were around the same age. He walked over to her to say hello. "How are you feeling today?" he asked.

Aqua looked very confident, despite all the great competition. "I feel great! All these Meerca may have high levels, but I move like lightning, and I loooove Neggs!!"

BitterSweetSugar started to feel better about his chances of winning a space. After all, he did have breakneck speed, and he loved...uh oh! He realised at that moment that he had never tasted a Negg in his whole entire life! What if he didn't like them? He asked Aqua what they tasted like. She couldn't believe her ears.

"You've never had a Negg? They are the best food in all of Neopia! They taste different, depending on the flavour. Rainbow's my favourite of all. Don't worry; you'll love them, too! Just remember to run very fast when you see them pop up."

Finally, they all took numbers to see who would try out first. Chuffer Bob himself was going to judge them!! BitterSweetSugar felt his tail get all clammy, but he tried to hide it. Xiaobai went up first. He was incredible! He got over 500 points in his first try, and didn't break a sweat. Next was Kayla. BitterSweetSugar didn't care how many points she got, she was just so beautiful when she ran, that he couldn't take his eyes off of her. Aqua did extremely well. She ate almost 300 Neggs on her first try, and racked up more points than anyone else with level 2. Finally, it was time for BitterSweetSugar to try. Angelinside clapped very loudly for him. He hoped he just didn't get embarrassed in front of Kayla, not to mention Chuffer Bob, his idol.

Chuffer Bob hit the buzzer to begin the chase. BitterSweetSugar saw his first Negg in the far left corner. He ran as fast as he could, and gulped it down in one shot. Aqua was right-they were pretty good. The next Negg popped up right behind him. Just as he whipped around to eat it, he sneezed very loudly. He thought nothing of it and gulped down the happiness Negg Next came a green Negg at the end of the stage. As he ran, he sneezed three more times. Angelinside cried out from the audience "Oh no!! Look at him!! Please stop the match!!" The next thing BitterSweetSugar knew, Burningroses and a Faerie Meerca were carrying him off the stage.

"What are you doing?" he cried, "I didn't finish my Neggs!"

"That's right," said Burningroses, "your Neggs finished you."

She held a mirror up to his face and he saw that he was all pink, puffy, and swollen--more than usual for a Meerca. He itched all over, and couldn't stop sneezing. Then he realised he must be allergic to Neggs!! Oh, the horror! How embarrassing for him! He began to sniffle, both from sneezing and crying. "My life is over. What kind of Meerca is allergic to Neggs?" he cried.

"I thought you were very good," came a sweet voice from behind him. He turned around and saw Kayla's shining golden face smiling at him. "You were very fast, even though you didn't get to finish. I was impressed."

BitterSweetSugar thought he was dreaming. At last, Kayla spoke to him, and she wasn't laughing at him! "Thank you," he replied, "but I had better get to a doctor."

She helped him struggle to his feet, and offered to walk him to the NeoHospital. On the way, Kayla told him not to worry about making the Meerca Chase.

"It's long hours, and you only get paid in Neggs. Besides," she said, "you're way too cute to be running around after food."

That day began a wonderful new relationship for BitterSweetSugar and Kayla. Xiaobai and Gink_Gunk naturally won spots in Meerca Chase, but BitterSweetSugar won something far more important. He made a great friend, and realised that no matter what his stats or level, he was a very special Meerca after all. He never felt insecure again.

The End

Toosdazechild would like to thank all the Meerca that contributed their names to this story, as well as their owners.