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The Mysterious Mutants

by mystery03

It was a dark and stormy night. MoeGirl couldn't sleep. The thunder and lightning kept her awake. So she just stared at the ceiling of her NeoHome and listened to her brother LittleMist snore from across the house. She also heard the whisper of the wind outside. MoeGirl shuddered. Why did her owner have to have a NeoHome in the Haunted Woods? The Haunted Woods gave her the creeps.

Just as MoeGirl was drifting off to sleep a small moan brought her back to her senses. It didn't sound like any of her brothers. MoeGirl started to fear for the worst. She peered into the shadows of her room and froze. A mutant Chia stood in the corner of her room, moaning slightly. He started to walk toward her. MoeGirl hid under her covers, too scared to scream. As she shivered, she heard the Chia approach closer, closer… he stopped right by her bed. MoeGirl stopped trembling and breathing. What would the mutant Chia do?

"The Space Station…" MoeGirl heard the Chia moan. Then there was silence. MoeGirl bravely peered from under the covers. The Chia was gone.

"A Chia in the house?" Piccoro14 asked suspiciously at breakfast the next morning.

"Not just that," MoeGirl said. "It was a mutant Chia."

"What's wrong with mutants?" It was aura413_none, MoeGirl's mutant Techo brother.

"Nothing!" MoeGirl said. "I just found it odd… and scary."

"And you claim the Chia told you to go to the Space Station? The VirtuPets Space Station, right?" LittleMist said.

"Most likely," Piccoro14 said. "What other space station is there in Neopia?"

The four pets thought. They couldn't think of any others.

"I'm going to the space station this afternoon," MoeGirl declared. "I'm going to get to the bottom of this."

So, that afternoon, MoeGirl took a spaceship to the VirtuPets Space Station. She didn't take any of her brothers with her. MoeGirl thought she should do this alone.

When MoeGirl landed on the space station, she noticed immediately something was wrong. Nobody was at the station. Usually, the place was packed.

"That's strange…" MoeGirl thought to herself.

MoeGirl decided she had better start looking for something that would help explain the mutant Chia's visit at her house.

MoeGirl suddenly realised she had no idea what she was looking for. But, being persistent, MoeGirl looked around the space station anyway. Just to see if anything stood out.

After searching for an hour, MoeGirl was ready to give up. She didn't know why the mutant Chia visited her house, but she was pretty sure she had seen the last of him. MoeGirl turned around to head for her spaceship when she saw a mutant Kacheek.

MoeGirl stared at it in shock. Then it began to talk.

"The food store…" the Kacheek murmured.

"The food store?" MoeGirl questioned. "But I already checked there!" MoeGirl turned around and glanced at the food store. It was called Grundo's, and it sold space food, which MoeGirl thought tasted…artificial. She had checked it and nobody was inside. However, there was a locked door in there, which MoeGirl couldn't get passed. MoeGirl turned to face the Kacheek again. But he was gone.

MoeGirl was suddenly flooded with emotions. She was experiencing fear, confusion, and excitement. She was reluctant to go back into the food store, yet she knew something was in there. It was the thing MoeGirl had been searching for.

MoeGirl quietly entered the food store. It looked just like it looked the last time she walked in, which was about twenty minutes ago. She looked around. The place was dark. Nobody was inside. So why would the door to the shop be left open? MoeGirl once again saw the locked door on the other side of the shop. She started to walk towards it when suddenly she heard a noise. It sounded like a small chuckle. MoeGirl started to panic. That's when she could see the silhouette of a tall creature approaching her. Halfway towards her, the creature stopped and flicked the light switch. The lights turned on, blinding MoeGirl. A few seconds later, when she could see, she saw what had been approaching her.

The Grundo Chef who owned the food store stood before her, grinning evilly.

"I CAN'T LET YOU PASS THAT DOOR!" The Grundo Chef boomed.

"Why not?" asked MoeGirl.

"I CAN'T TELL YOU!" He said.

"Well," MoeGirl said. "I'm afraid I'll have to hurt you then. MOEHOG KICK!"

And with that, MoeGirl hit the Grundo Chef square in the leg.

The Grundo Chef winced, but then quickly recovered. He raised his attack fork in anger.

MoeGirl didn't back down. She pulled out her Sword of Domar.

The Grundo Chef grew even angrier, for he knew his attack fork was nothing against the Sword of Domar. He stepped out of MoeGirl's way, allowing her to reach the locked door.

MoeGirl approached the door and once again tried to open it. This time the door was unlocked. She entered the darkness of the room, and the door shut behind her. It was pitch black in the room. MoeGirl was afraid of the room. She felt like there was someone else in the room with her. Then, at that very second, the lights turned on. MoeGirl gasped in surprise.

Standing before MoeGirl was a mutant Techo! It looked just like MoeGirl's brother, but MoeGirl could tell it wasn't. Her brother didn't have a huge scar on his arm.

"What do I do now?" MoeGirl asked the mutant Techo.

The mutant Techo pointed behind MoeGirl and whispered, "Destroy."

MoeGirl turned around and saw a giant computer. It appeared to be turned off, but MoeGirl had a feeling it wasn't. MoeGirl turned back around to see if the Techo was still there. It was just standing there watching her.

"Why can't you destroy the machine?" MoeGirl asked the Techo.

"Because," the Techo replied in a raspy, barely audible voice. "I am just a hologram…" Then the Techo vanished into thin air right before MoeGirl's eyes.

MoeGirl suddenly understood everything. The machine was somehow hurting the mutants. And the mutants could communicate with other people, but just as holographs and only for a short time. MoeGirl then realised it was up to her to destroy the computer and save the mutants!

MoeGirl walked up to the giant computer and braced herself to do a Moehog kick.

"MOEHOG KICK!" she screamed. She kicked the computer and smashed it into tiny parts. But as it broke, a giant surge of electricity emerged from the computer. It was turned on. The electricity hit MoeGirl. MoeGirl hit the ground and blacked out.

When MoeGirl came to, she saw a green Techo, Kacheek, and Chia staring down at her.

"She's awake!" the Techo said with delight.

MoeGirl stood up and stared at the three pets.

"Who are you guys?" she asked in confusion

All three of them groaned in pity.

"We're the three mutants you met that told you to destroy the Master Computer!" the Kacheek announced.

All three of the pets nodded.

MoeGirl was so surprised she couldn't say anything. She couldn't believe that these three pets were the mysterious mutants she had met.

"Thanks for breaking the curse on us!" the Chia said.

"We no longer have to suffer as mutants!" the Kacheek said.

"So, did all the mutants in the world return back to normal?" MoeGirl asked.

"No," the Techo said. "Only we did. See, we angered Dr. Sloth a long time ago. I do not wish to discuss the details, but Dr. Sloth was so angry with us, he created the master computer to turn us into mutants. Then he hid the master computer here in the space station and cursed us so we couldn't come near the station. The master computer did, however, give us a unique power. It enabled us to create holographs of ourselves. We've been trying for years to get someone like you to help us break the curse, but everyone was too scared to help us."

"We are forever in your debt for helping us," the Chia declared.

So, that's how MoeGirl saved the mutants. And the next day, the VirtuPets Space Station was as busy as it usually was. It seemed everything was peaceful again.

But meanwhile, in Dr. Sloths' hideout…

"Insignificant fool!" Dr. Sloth screamed. "How dare you anger me!"

A Quiggle cowered in front of Dr. Sloth. Then, a huge flash of light filled the room. A few seconds later, the light faded. Where the Quiggle once stood, there was know a hideous mutant Moehog. A scream filled the room, and Dr. Sloth laughed evilly….

The End