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Neopian Summer

by westielovergurl

A long, long time ago, in the time where there was first Winter, then Spring only, there lived a wonderful gardener and her friends. Her name was Aaka, and she was a kind soul.

Every year, Aaka and the rest of the village would plant their fruits and vegetables, and then harvest them, in time for winter, and they would stay in their cabins with their food until Spring. Then, they would plant, then harvest, and everything all over again.

IT was Spring, and Aaka and her cabinmate SweetFur woke up and got ready to start planting and working in the garden. They ate their breakfast of Organic Tomatoes and NeoCrackers when Aaka gasped and went to the sink and threw up until there was not even an once of strength left in her. She fell down, and moaned. She felt itchy all over, and she was in so much pain that she could barely open her eyes.

Of course, SweetFur, as Aaka's loyal best pal, helped her into her bed and called the MedicineGelert over. He measured Aaka's temperature, and used special herbs to make her well again.

Seeing that Aaka was in good paws, SweetFur went off to do her own gardening. She figured that it was just a bad cold, and Aaka would soon be in the garden in a couple of days.

The MedicineGelert was Aaka's friend, and his services were free, which was a blessing because Aaka and SweetFur weren't very wealthy.

Aaka nodded and smiled weakly. She winced, and went to sleep. SweetFur took a break, and came in to see Aaka.

"AAUAUUAHAHAHGHGHGHH!" she screamed, when she saw Aaka. She was covered in red, spots, and Aaka was crying her head off.

SweetFur knew that she had to get help, and FAST! Aaka had gotten NeoPox! As I already said, Aaka and SweetFur were not wealthy, and wouldn't be able to buy NeoPox pizza. She knew of stories from her childhood that some NeoPets would get sick and without treatment would die a painful and ITCHY ending.

SweetFur ran to the MedicineGelert's cabin, and told him what had happened. They ran back to the cabin, where Aaka had already threw up another 6 times.

The MedicineGelert used his herbs, and soon, Aaka was sleeping.

2 months later, late Spring, near Winter....

Aaka got out of bed. SweetFur protested, but Aaka slowly slid out of bed. "Aaka! Get back in bed!" SweetFur admonished.

"What? Are you crazy! Don't you know what time it is? It's late Spring, Winter will come in 2 weeks, and I haven't even planted and harvested my vegetables!" Aaka wailed.

SweetFur gasped. She hadn't noticed that the leaves on the trees had turned golden red and yellow, and the chilly weather. She had been tending to Aaka, so there was no way she had been able to harvest either.

They knew what they had to do. They went to the Faerie Queen's cloud, and told their story.

"I caught NeoPox and wasn't able to buy NeoPox Pizza, so I wasn't able to get better for a long time, and now I have no food for the winter! SweetFur helped me out all the time, and she never got to plant either. Now, winter is coming, and we have no food at all! Can you help us, dear Faerie Queen?"

"Of course, and I will, because there was no way you could prevent getting NeoPox, Aaka, and SweetFur was good to help you through it. Okay. Plant your seeds and harvest them. Go! Right now!" the Faerie Queen said.

Aaka and SweetFur planted their seeds. The people of their village thought they were crazy.

"NeoPox has made Aaka crazy! She has lost her mind with the itchiness and fever of that disease!" a Kiko said.

"SweetFur and Aaka have lost their minds!" a Uni cried.

But, SweetFur and Aaka did as they were told.

Suddenly, the plants began to grow, and you could see the leaves coming up. The weather became unbelievingly warm, and people could pull off their EXTRA thick coats.

The plants grew magically under the Faerie Queen's assistance and the warm weather. SweetFur and Aaka harvested and rejoiced at the Faerie Queen's kindness and their good fortune. They now had enough food for the winter. Soon came winter, and they were well prepared.

After that, year after year, there was a time when after Spring and before Winter that was extremely warm. Of course, the plants didn't grow as fast as SweetFur and Aaka's, but there still was warm weather. Plants grew faster at this time. The villagers decided to name it Summer.

And that's how Summer came to be in Neopia!

The End