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The Life of a PetPet

by petbumblebee

A mother Warf lies in a pile of hay, nuzzling her newborn puppies. She tenderly licks their little faces, and caresses them lovingly. The little pups wobble around blindly on their tiny legs, searching for their mother. The Warf draws them closer, and tucks them under her soft fur. The puppies feed off her warm milk, then lazily fall into a deep sleep.

Suddenly, the door of the stable opens. A gruff looking Skeith stares coldly at the Warf She looks up into his cruel eyes nervously. “Good, so you’ve finally had them,” he says, eyeing the little pups. He pulls a sack out of his back jacket pocket and shovels the newborns in. The mother Warf growls and bares her teeth. “NONE OF THAT!” the Skeith roars angrily. The Warf cowers into a corner, and her babies are taken away.

The Skeith walks down a long row of stables, each containing mother PetPets. He stops at one, opens the gate and grabs some baby Triffins. He shoves these in the bag with the Warfs, who are now nearly suffocating under the other pets. The Skeith then walks through a large metal door, into a new section of the barn-like building. Infant PetPets are bunched in stalls lining the hall, feeding off a mechanical device that gives out milk. The Skeith reaches into the bag, then dumps the Warfs into a stall near him. The babies tumble across hay then come to a stop. They whine pitifully as they search for their mother. One Warf bumps into something warm and soft. Thinking it to be his mother, he searches for a place to latch on, then drinks the milk eagerly. Little does he know that he is actually feeding from a machine, an apparatus that is covered in a soft fur-like fabric and is kept at a low temperature. Tube-like objects filled with milk jut out from one part. Soon the other puppies find the appliance and hungrily suck up the warm milk.


As the puppies grow up, they are moved to another section of the building. Now the litter is put in a stall complete with water and solid food. As they mature, some mysteriously vanish. They are whisked away by one of the employees, and never seen again...

This was the life of every PetPet in the facility. The mothers were kept in separate rooms and gave birth to many litters. Then the babies were separated from their mothers, to be fed by a piece of equipment. As they matured, they would be sent away to the PetPet companies around Neopia, and then were distributed in the PetPet shops. Our story will follow the life of one Warf Now you will all know how it is for PetPets, the creatures you take for granted...

I woke up early, my siblings still sleeping in a mass of furry bodies. I managed to squeeze out of the pile. I yawned, stretched, and stepped over to the water dish. I lapped the water up thirstily. “Early bird, huh?” I spun around. My sister was also up. “Oh, hi. I didn’t notice you.” I said.

“I know, I just got up now,” she replied, gulping down some breakfast. I was just about to tell her that she had a piece of food on her nose, when the door opened. A Kyrii and a Blumaroo stood in the doorway.

“Here, these two are the ones that are ready,” the Kyrii said to the Blumaroo.

“All right, get them all set to go. Send them to PetPets Inc. They have been expecting some Warfs for a while now,” the Blumaroo replied.

Before we knew it, my sister and I were picked up and thrown in a sack. We bounced along, not knowing where we were going.

“I’m scared!” my sister whispered fearfully.

“Don’t worry, everything’s going to be all right,” I said, not knowing whom I was trying to convince more; my sister or myself. Suddenly, we were dumped out onto a table. The Kyrii put us in a cage, then carried us through a large door.

So bright! I shielded my eyes for a moment. Everything was bright and green. We were outside. I’d heard of this place before. But I’d never been outside. My sister just looked around in amazement. The Kyrii brought us to a big truck where we were placed in the back with a number of other cages. All sorts of PetPets were in that truck, from Greebles to Beekadoodles.

We rumbled along for a long time, then finally came to a stop. The back doors were opened, and we were unloaded. It was now dark outside. We appeared to be beside a large ship. We were loaded onto the ship, down in the cargo area, where it was pitch black. I couldn’t see a thing. After a few minutes, though, my eyes adjusted to the darkness. I could make out the silhouettes of many cages and other cargo. I saw the shadow of my sister huddling beside me. I hugged her and told her we would be okay.

I looked around us. An Angelpuss sat in the cage to the right of us, huddled in a corner. To the left was a sleeping Noil.

“Hi!” I said to the Angelpuss, trying to sound cheerful. She looked up at me, then put her head back down.

“Um, do you know where we’re going?” I asked. Again she looked at me with sad, mournful eyes.

“Don’t you know anything? We’re being shipped away to be sold in stores like toys. Forget about seeing your mother or siblings again. They’re long gone.” She turned around and went to sleep.

My mind was racing. Shipped away? Never seeing my mother or sister again? Being sold? What did this all mean? I looked over at the Noil. Maybe that Angelpuss was just trying to scare me. Ya, that’s it. I decided to ask the Noil. “Hi, do you know where we’re going?” I asked politely.

“Humph!” he grumbled, then turned his back on me, “You’re a PetPet. You’ll be sold to some ignorant young Scorchio or something. Now leave me alone,” he mumbled back.

So. It was true. I started to cry. “It’s all right dear, you’ll be okay,” a kind looking Searex said to me. “Thanks,” I said. I curled up beside my sister and fell into a fitful sleep.


For many days and nights we traveled the seas. Down below all we could feel was the rocking back and forth of the large ship. I felt horrible. My stomach was always growling, since we weren’t being fed at all.

One night, as we tried to sleep, a great crash suddenly woke us. Our cage was tossed across the room and thrown into the wall. My sister and I rolled along the ground, our cage in pieces. The crash was followed by a loud, grating sound that echoed throughout the cargo area. Shouts could be heard up top. Suddenly, a torrent of water crashed through the wall beside us! We were thrown about like rag dolls, tossed to and fro by the rising water. I managed to grab onto a wooden crate, and clung to it for my life. The ship was quickly filling with water. I had to get out, otherwise I’d drown! Suddenly, I remembered my sister. I looked around and spotted her lifeless form floating a few feet away. I left the crate and swam to her. She was still alive, but unconscious. I held onto her wet body and dragged her back to the crate. I tried to paddle us toward the hole in the side of the ship, but the waves prevented me from moving anywhere. The ceiling kept coming closer. We were going to drown!

Suddenly, I was aware of us moving! We were being guided straight through the hole, into the chilly night air. I looked below us and saw the kind Searex towing us away from the sinking ship.

“Thank you very much!” I exclaimed.

“Oh, no problem dear. Will you be all right now? I really have to run,” she said. I nodded. Then she bid farewell and dove under the waves.

I spotted a large piece of the ship farther away. My tiny piece of wood was too small to put my sister on. I decided to swim to the larger piece. I paddled over for a long time, and finally reached it. Exhausted, I hoisted my sister up onto the wreckage. Then I did the same. All around us was water, no land could be seen. All of a sudden, a great wave crashed down upon us! My sister was thrown out of view. I was battered under the water. I swam to the surface. “Sister!” I called out, my mouth filling with salt water. Then, another wave broke over my head, and the last thing I remember was being tossed onto the piece of wreckage again.


I woke up, the tide pulling on my water logged body. I squinted in the bright sunlight, not knowing where I was. I realised I was lying on a beach. I stood up, looking around. Wreckage was scattered all over the shore, remnants from last night’s crisis. I searched in vain for my sister, but couldn’t find her anywhere. There was no sign of anyone or anything. I noticed a trail behind me. I decided to follow it.

The trail wound through a thick grove of trees. Ripe fruits hung from the branches. My stomach rumbled, but I was unfortunately too short to reach any of them. Suddenly, the path widened into a road, and I found myself approaching a village. There were many huts and stores, and people everywhere! I had landed on the Mystery Island! I walked toward the village.

People looked at me strangely. Whispers followed me everywhere. A Techo came over to me. “Hello, are you lost? Who’s your owner?” he asked in a friendly voice. I didn’t know what he was talking about. His hand reached toward me and I ran. Once I’d lost him, a little Usul came up to me. Her mother followed behind her. “Mommy look a Warf! Can I have it? Please please please please please???!!” she screamed. “Oh honey, it probably belongs to someone. Come on, I’ll buy you something else,” her mother persuaded. The little Usul stared at me. “Do you belong to someone?” she demanded, her eyes searching me. I just stood there dumbfounded. “See? He doesn’t belong to anyone! He’s mine! He’s mine!” “Well, all right dear. But if someone claims him then you’ll have to give him back.” Suddenly I was yanked up by the ear and dragged across the ground.

We walked to the shore of Mystery Island, got in a boat and sailed away. The little Usul, who’s name was Little_Princess, practically squeezed me to death on the way! After a long trip we finally docked. It was snowing, wherever we were, and it was very cold. Little_Princess again picked me up by my ear and dragged me along. “Oh Mommy, why do we have to live in Happy Valley? It’s so cold!” Little_Princess whined.

We trudged through the snow into a small valley, filled with cute little shops and houses. Little_Princess carried me inside one quaint little house. This was apparently her home. She brought me into her bedroom. “Okay Warf, you need a name. I know! You’ll be Jenny!” she exclaimed with glee. Jenny? That was a girl’s name! Little_Princess shoved a bonnet over my head and forced me into a little pink dress. Then she made me play ‘Tea Party’ with her and her plushies. I drank cup after cup of air that was supposedly ‘tea’. We played Tea Party all day long until it was bedtime. Little_Princess’ Mother tucked her in and said goodnight. I slept in a frilly pink doll crib beside her bed.

I had to get out of here! This day had been torture! I silently snuck out of my crib, pulled off the dress and bonnet, and snuck out the front door. The cold wind hit me like a slap in the bum. I ran back into the house. I crept back to Little_Princess’ room and found just what I was looking for. A Chia plushie with a fluffy winter coat on. I robbed the toy of it’s coat and put it on myself. A perfect fit. Then I went outside.

It was very dark out, but the white snow made everything light up brightly. I navigated myself through the valley. Then I came to a steep hill. I faintly saw what looked like a large cave at the top. “I should maybe sleep there for the night,” I said to myself, beginning to climb up the hill. After a long, tiring climb I finally made it to the top. A cave indeed stood there. I went inside. All was dark. I didn’t want to go in to far, so I just curled up near the entrance. I hugged my coat around me, and fell asleep.

When I woke up in the morning I was bathed in bright light! What was making that light? I looked around me in wonderment. This cave was made of ice! I hadn’t seen that last night in the dark, but now the morning sun reflected off of the ice crystals like diamonds! I also realised that the cave was much deeper than I had thought. A long tunnel stretched out behind me.

“JENNY! There you are I’ve been looking all over!” yelled a voice below me. I looked at the bottom of the hill. There was Little_Princess! She raced up the hill toward me. “Jenny! We have to play Tea Party! JENNY!” she called. I ran as fast as my little feet would carry me! I ran through the tunnel of ice, and suddenly emerged into a large cavern. It was beautiful! The cavern was made of ice, and lots of tunnels led into it, like the one I had come in. Footsteps grew louder behind me. Little_Princess suddenly appeared! I ran forward.

Suddenly, I was falling! I had fallen into a large crack in the floor. The last thing I saw was Little_Princess’ face peeking in through the crack. “Jenny!....” she called. I fell down into darkness.


I woke up. I was in a jungle. “How did I get here?” I asked myself. It was very warm, and the sky seemed to be a strange shade of red. Luckily, I had fallen onto a patch of grass. I got up and dusted myself off. “Where is here? I said aloud, “And how do I get back?”

I followed a dirt road into a town. Everything was made of rock and straw. Primitive beings walked around, and there were Grarrls! “Hey, what are you doing down here?” a voice asked. I turned around. No one there. I whirled around again, but no one was there! I was starting to get creeped out. “No, up here!” the voice said again. I looked up. There, flying in the air, was some type of bird PetPet. It was covered in brown feathers, had long yellow legs and talons and two ear-like feathers on its head.

“What are you?”

I asked. It landed beside me. “I’m an Airax. What are you? You don’t look like an average Tyrannian,” the Airax replied.

“I’m a Warf. I’m not a Ty-tyrana, tyrann, tryanni--”

“Tyrannian,” the Airax said for me.

“Ya, whatever that is. I’m not one. I come from Neopia,” I said.

“Ohh, an outsider. What are you doing down here? Or is your owner here with you?” the Airax asked.

“No, I don’t have an owner. I stumbled upon this place. What is this place anyway?” I replied.

“This is Tyrannia, the prehistoric world.”

“Okay, how do I get out of here?” I asked.

“Well, there are two ways. One; you could go back up through the crack, or two; you could go by Time Machine.”

I thought that going back up through the crack would be easiest, but then I remembered Little_Princess. She would find me! “Umm, I think I’ll go by Time Machine. Er - how exactly do I go by Time Machine?” I asked.

“There’s some old goofball on the plateau with one. You can ask if he could give you a ride,” the Airax said.

“Okay. Can you take me there?” I asked.

The Airax would fly me to the plateau. “Hop aboard,” he said, “by the way, my name’s Ptery. What‘s yours?” he said.

“Um, I don’t have a name,” I replied glumly.

“Okay then No Name," Ptery replied. In a short while we arrived on the plateau. Ptery took me over to a scrunched up Time Machine. A Wocky sat at it. “Hello, I was wondering if you could maybe take me back to Neopia,” I asked politely.

“Hmm? Oh, what? Oh, yes of course! The thing is my Gadothruster is broken. Do you think you could get me the things I need to fix it? If you do I’ll give you a lift back to Neopia,” he replied.

“Sure, I guess.”

“Okay then, to fix the Gadothruster I’ll need the chemicals found within these Tyrannian foods: Farn Plant, Plain Omelette, Crablett, and Sack Plant. Now hurry and get them!” he said.

Ptery took me out to the Jungle. “We’ll probably be able to find everything we need in the Jungle, instead of buying them from the food shop. We don’t have NP so we’ll have to search for them,” he explained.

After 45 minutes of searching we had found everything we needed except the omelette. “Don’t worry, we can find that at the Giant Omelette,” Ptery stated.

After we collected everything we went back to the Time Machine. “Excellent, just perfect! Now I’ll just repair the Machine and we’ll be ready to go!” the Wocky exclaimed.

When we were ready to take off, I said good-bye and thanks to Ptery for helping me. “No problem, see ya later No Name!“ he replied. Then the Wocky started up the Time Machine. There was a whole bunch of shaking and bright lights, then it all stopped. I stepped out of the Time Machine and found myself in Neopia Central. “Thank you!” I called to the Wocky as he went off to the future this time.

I was walking down the road when suddenly a net fell over me! A Chia picked me up in the net and brought me to a store. “Here Mam, I believe this one escaped,” he said to the shopkeeper, a Usul.

“Oh, thank you!” she replied, and took me in her arms. “Now how did you get away?” she said, putting me on a shelf.

I looked around. All sorts of PetPets were on the shelf with me. I’m being sold! I realised suddenly. The door opened. A nice looking Shoyru came in the store, a Warf following behind her. “Oh look Annabelle! Another Warf! Let’s get him!” she said to the Warf.

The Warf wagged her tail eagerly. The shopkeeper took me down from the shelf and handed me to the Shoyru The Shoyru paid the Usul, and walked out the door. “Now, let’s see. I’m going to call you...Rover! Yes, that's it! Rover. Hi Rover, I'm Catalina,” the Shoyru exclaimed.

Suddenly, Annabelle, the other Warf, came over to me. She looked into my eyes. “Brother?” she asked in wonderment.

“Sister?!” I exclaimed.

It was! My sister! She was here! We hugged each other and told of our adventures. Finally. The perfect life! Who cares if my name was Rover? All that mattered was that I had an owner, a sister, and was loved very much.

The End