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A Fear of Plushies II

by auntliz

Most of you have read my story, I hope. You may have noticed that it ended on a rather sad note. I am here to make it into a happy one, with a bit of an odd twist :)

Three days after my Wocky-turned-Meerca, Kate999 became her new self. I decided to turn my life around and make a good thing out of a bad one. I volunteered at the money tree, gracing it with many 100 NP donations. I figured "if I really want to help myself to get a new Wocky again, I'll have to start from scratch." I left every Neopenny I had in cash at the money tree (it was only about 400 NP), while leaving only 7,000 NP in the bank, still not enough to buy the Wocky Morphing Potion I had so greatly needed, but just enough to get me going.

I first began with trying a low-paying, no-coupon-required job at the employment agency, but that didn't work out. I couldn't find the items they were requiring me to get, and I couldn't afford to quit my job, so I just searched and searched on the Shop Wizard. I bought one of the items, but in the end, I just failed. That didn't work.

I spent a lot of time on the Trading Post, trying to find anyone who would accept my Christmas paintbrush for any Wocky potion. No, no one wanted it. I turned my Mynci into a Christmas pet. Okay, that's great. BUT WHAT ABOUT WOCKY?

I played games galore. That didn't work. I stunk! I think my highest score was 205 on Meerca Chase! I was soooo sick of Meercas that I just kept ramming him into the wall, or making the little dude get the red Neggs. I despised Meercas now or anything with a long tail!

My hatred drove me to abandon my other Meerca, baby_timon_2001, at the Pound. I would not suggest this for anyone else, I was just sooo angry. I got a cute little level two choco_chocobo, a Pteri. I regret doing this, as I really did like my Meerca after I cooled down a bit. I recommend serious therapy for anyone else who decides they want to leave their pet at the Pound.

Anyway, I was getting desperate. I LOVE Wockys, but I didn't want to abandon another NeoPet. I just continued my search for a potion. No luck, until today. . . . .

I got a Neomail in my other account, really_chilly, from a girl with the user name scottishpiper saying that she had a Wocky Morphing Potion and was willing to trade. She read my story in the Neopian Times, and she felt sympathy! I quickly mailed her, saying that I happened to have a Jubjub Morphing Potion that I would trade... And she said she would accept! Only hours ago, I traded on the Trading Post, and I am now writing this as a proud owner of a blue Wocky!

I would also like to add that in the past two weeks, I have acquired many Neopoints, and have turned the rest of my life around on NeoPets! I have many Neofriends, and scottishpiper and I are new pals! If you would like to be my Neofriend, please Neomail me through my user name really_chilly! Thanks

The End