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Under the Sea

by cherry_cola15 and disco_duck27

Hey, I'm a female, golden Flotsam also known as enchanted_dreams. I'm an undercover agent looking for the stolen Water Faerie. We already know who stole the Water Faerie it was the evil Maelo Jetsam. He has 45 criminal records, mostly for stealing faeries and beating up poor NeoPets.

Moving on, my story begins in Neopia Central. I was walking down to the Bakery to buy a donut, when all of a sudden a tall Shoyru in a top hat and carrying a suit case and a pad of paper walked up to me and asked me what I thought about show biz. I told him I was pretty interested and decided I could do some more undercover work at the studio where all the Neopian stars go to make movies because I know that Maelo Jetsam's past used to be making movies. The Shoyru wanted me to get a good Neopian Times story on Show Biz so it could appear on the front page.

I knew something was no good when Mrs. Ursula Usul (past beauty contest winner) mysteriously walked over to a room that said private members of the O.P.P only. She was looking around to see if anybody was following her and she slipped slyly behind the big black door. I decided something fishy was going on, and it wasn't my tuna sandwich. I called for my little Warf, Puggle, and he immediately jumped into my arms. I knew Warfs had a great nose for smelling out trouble so I sent Puggle to smell the air for a Mr. Koocoo cigar because Maelo Jetsam always had one in his mouth. Puggle immediately gave out a little cough and then I knew that Maelo Must have been near.

I ran into the hall and in front of the door that Mrs. Ursula Usul had slipped behind when a deep voice called out to me, "Mrs. Please don't go in there that is a private room!" I turned behind me to see whom had called out to me when I saw a tall, hunky, hot Golden Flotsam male. I felt like I had just died and gone to Faerieland. I said, "Sorry," and asked him out for coffee. He answered, "Sure," and we went out. I never met anyone so friendly and caring, that loved animal the same way I do. He and I now both work undercover and we are still looking for Maelo.

It's been 20 years since Maelo's last crime and I'm sure he's up to no good. Me and my new boyfriend went out to Dunkens Donuts to have lunch when we saw Maelo. He was pretty unrecognisable due to the fact that he was wearing a wig and a pink dress, but he still had the black eye patch and a scar on his left cheek or, scale or well whatever it was. My boyfriend jumped up and walked over to Maelo's table. He said to him, "We know your Maelo Jetsam and we are undercover agents. What did you do to Mrs. Ursula Usul and where is the Water Faerie?? Maelo stuttered and just then two Neopians walked through the door. One was called roarra2000, and the other was luckyroxy. Maelo said, "I ain't answerin' unless you promise not to arrest me," and he grabbed roarra2000 by the tail and said, "Or-or-or I'll do something to this poor defenseless Kougra." Right away my boyfriend backed off.

Later on In the afternoon my boyfriend had still been arguing with Maelo and I crept up behind him and shoved the hand cuffs around his fins. He was depressed and told us that Mrs. Ursula Usul had been helping him steal the Water Faerie. He said that the Water Faerie has been put in a box and laid on a shelf in the business studio with a bomb attached to it. We hurried out of the store and had separate cops arrest Ursula, and me and my Boyfriend went to rescue the Water Faerie. We got there just in time and rescued the Water Faerie. Luckily my boyfriend knew how to set off bombs, as for me I had finished my story for Neopian Times. It was all about The Water Faerie, Maelo, and Ursula.

The End