Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 174,960,683 Issue: 376 | 23rd day of Sleeping, Y11
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Neopian Life

by permewey

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I'm Seeing Double!
"Have fun," he said, waving, as the oversized boat creaked away from the island...

by strawberrycakeshort


Thing: Part Three
Today she felt imprisoned, shut inside the tiny room, and the bolt on the door which usually made her feel safe and secure only made her claustrophobic.

by haahaa113


'Tween Spaces
No one listens when they say "do not try this at home."

by faerienyx


Inevitable Betrayal: Part Three
Her last memory was of venturing to the kitchen for a snack, and then nothing. There was a big, black void where time had been lost that she couldn't account for.

by ayame_23

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