Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 174,960,683 Issue: 376 | 23rd day of Sleeping, Y11
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New Series

The Tale of Woe: The Musical! - Part One

A tale of darkness, one of gloom, A tale of lair and crypt and tomb...

by rosabellk
Smell the Scents: Part One

"But what's the point of a walk if you don't stop and smell things? Honestly, you make everything so boring, Max."

by orlando_bloom_bigfan
Cycle of the Moon: Part One

"In a lottery of all Shenkese citizens, someone in your household has been selected to be a part of the Emperor's personal party for the upcoming Lunar Festival..."

by reggieman721
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Advanced Shapeshifter

I'm here to try and help you get past some of those rather irritating later levels in Shapeshifter. For those who haven't played this interesting (but at times deeply frustrating) puzzle game, it simply involves placing pieces on a board which "flips" the signs on the board. If you end a level with all the correct signs, you move on to the next level. Sound easy? Well, with only a little brainache it's not too bad at first!

Other Stories


A Beast of an Adventure
"You wouldn't want to hurt us, puddle paws. We know where a grand treasure is buried in these mountains..."

by dlandwehrs4816


A Toybox Tale
How in Neopia did you climb all the way up there?! You don't even have arms!

by mergirl294


Shenkuu Tangram: Untangling the Tangram
In Shenkuu Tangram, it is easier to distinguish between the shapes, since they all have their identifying colors.

by justlilly


Tips for Restarting in Neopia
After a struggle to worm my way back into Neopian society, I've decided to be selfless and noble and offer up my personal methods of success.

by horseshoe1414


Baby Curiosity! 2
Ever wonder why some baby Neopets have diapers?

by charminglycharlie


That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles: Sunshine
Hur hur... more like "Shun-shine" xD

by pikemaster1

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