There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 174,960,683 Issue: 376 | 23rd day of Sleeping, Y11
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Continued Series

Samson, the Pirate Lupe: Lost Memories - Part Nine

"Vampra? Oh, Vampra... I... I thought you were dead!" Silverfang got up to hug his daughter, but she jumped back and drew her sword...

by firedoomcaster
A Faerie Tale: War - Part Nine

"I am here to protect, not to kill," she told the Dark Faerie. "Now go... I never want to see your face in Faerieland again."

by herdygerdy
Another Hero's Journey: Decisions - Part Nine

"You're... right," the warrior rasped, struggling to get back onto his feet. He swayed, but willed himself not to drop. "Gallantry isn't enough."

by precious_katuch14
Inevitable Betrayal: Part Three

Her last memory was of venturing to the kitchen for a snack, and then nothing. There was a big, black void where time had been lost that she couldn't account for.

by ayame_23
The Werelupe Hunter: Part Six

"You're Halloween Lupes, not true Werelupes. The King has given orders not to let anyone in."

by rachelindea
Usuki Star: Part Five

"Today's the concert, Rose!" exclaimed the Yurble at the breakfast table. "It's pretty exciting. I've never been to a concert before."

by cheeseworld101
Yo Ho Yo Ho, A Plushie's Life For Me: Part Four

Vems was unfazed by that fact that I indeed was a plushie and retorted, "Of course! How else could he be stealin' all the booty and dubloons from e'eryone. It be the perfect, most deceiving disguise e'er!"

by pineapple_apple
I am Aqua: Part Six

I hadn't told them my story. I didn't trust them enough to confide in my sadness. They had treated me as a family and yet...

by reeses_pet
Thing: Part Three

Today she felt imprisoned, shut inside the tiny room, and the bolt on the door which usually made her feel safe and secure only made her claustrophobic.

by haahaa113
Secrets in the Lost Desert: Part Three

"Sankara," yelled Dacon, "not only are you a heartless monster, but a coward."

by a_greenparrot
The Adventures of Jake the Explorer!: Part Two

The captain of the ship - a blue Xweetok - announced that we had arrived. "Welcome to Krawk Island, I hope you enjoy your stay."

by aisha_enchantress110
Royally Educated: Part Two

Lira froze - she realized that giving away her identity would not be a good idea.

by maltese51191
Pipes: Part Two

Looking up, I saw the main pipe. Had I fallen off during the odd dream?

by wizsard
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The Reasoning

Neopians from all around have pondered why the Techo Master avatar has been "the chosen one". Why this avatar alone was the one that The Neopets Team decided to put right next to the Avatars/NeoSignature board (also called the AC for short). Obviously, they must have known that this would become the image describing the picture we see in our heads when we merely think of the board. So... why THAT avatar?

Other Stories


StaraLilly's Journey
The strawberry Poogle elder eased her tired bones into the comfort of her ancient rocking chair...

by greenlady824


The Tale of a Faerie Grundo Thief
She never knew that a simple discovery would take her so far...

by dragonstorm_75


Pet altering random events, or P.A.R.E. for short, can't be considered either bad or good.

by tripotage


Advanced Shapeshifter Guide
I'm here to try and help you get past some of those rather irritating later levels in Shapeshifter.

by htamale


Unknown To Me!
I'm exploring!

by eloise146_leo


Floating On A Tin Can
Maybe you think too much.

by zojo_rocamadour

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