A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 174,960,683 Issue: 376 | 23rd day of Sleeping, Y11
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I see... I see...

by larkspurlane
The Pound Isn't That Bad!

Lisette finally found a pet after poundsurfing...

by lisette_15
When the Mad Scientist Meets a Famous Neopian

Our scientist took a trip to Krawk island. And look who he found to fire the ray at...

by mad_kitty12
Unknown To Me!

I'm exploring!

by eloise146_leo
That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles: Sunshine

Hur hur... more like "Shun-shine" xD

by pikemaster1
PWNed by the lab #1


by empoleon07
Lab Dilemma

Is the Lab Ray really safe?

by kayla_sirvi
Can't Sleep

Count babaas, dear.

Also by konayukii

by neocoladdict

Just Sit

The poor thing...

by katopia12
Sadness of a Pirate

To all pirate pets that started to miss it...

by blaumann
The Gallion Ranch

I knew I put them somewhere...

Script by hakuryu_86

by pacmanite

Chokato: Thanks!

Did... Did he just say "THANKS"???

by p0king

Or should we say... Exploding Snowflakes!

by wirlhwind
Neopian Tragedies; VI

It's all in the proteins, kids.

by fjant
'Tween Spaces

No one listens when they say "do not try this at home."

by faerienyx
Ogrin Day Copycats

Hmm... must have been one good sale.

by stephanieabc119
The Wishing Well: Part I

No one ever comes out...

by leetmango
I Like Usuls 11

My feet aren't small!

by janebellefontaine
Doin' it Old School Style

Poor Imez! At least now people will understand his dislike for the holidays!

by abcdsnowfall
Caution: May Bite


by beastybas
Floating On A Tin Can

Maybe you think too much.

by zojo_rocamadour
JubJub Feet

Have you ever noticed that converted JubJubs always have one foot raised?

by michelle186464
The Wishing Well

I wish I can grow sronger...

by icesneasel

Cool snowman!

by ssjelitegirl
Starry Stuff

Wait... So why it's called the MONEY Tree?!

by marilltachiquin
Why Draiks Have Tails Episode 1


by ertegenaan
Barrel of TNT

A different kind of explosive.

Script by jrtluver1994

by shukaku13


The reason why Neopets don't write their own books.

by oo_luckey_duckey_oo
Operation Feed a Turdle

A big treat might help.

by natasha_nguyen
Yamisai 3

Dedicated to a friend who looked at a grubwich and said it looked tasty.

by yoru_yamisai
Semi Demi Silly #2

You can't have your neopoints and use them too.

by sockychippycrowlet
Honor Talk/Cry

We Tyrannians fight only for Honor.

by hensoyboi
Neopian Life

The disadvantages of antlers.

by permewey
Baby Curiosity! 2

Ever wonder why some baby Neopets have diapers?

by charminglycharlie
Search the Neopian Times


Advanced Shapeshifter

I'm here to try and help you get past some of those rather irritating later levels in Shapeshifter. For those who haven't played this interesting (but at times deeply frustrating) puzzle game, it simply involves placing pieces on a board which "flips" the signs on the board. If you end a level with all the correct signs, you move on to the next level. Sound easy? Well, with only a little brainache it's not too bad at first!

Other Stories


A Beast of an Adventure
"You wouldn't want to hurt us, puddle paws. We know where a grand treasure is buried in these mountains..."

by dlandwehrs4816


Trials of the Tax Beast
The user narrowed her eyes. "What percentage?" Her outer mask of anger and defiance slipped as her eyes flicked back to her purse nervously...

by seegensays


A Most Serious Guide to Writing Epic Novels
Novel-writing, that's where the big money is.

by neocoladdict


Shenkuu Tangram: Untangling the Tangram
In Shenkuu Tangram, it is easier to distinguish between the shapes, since they all have their identifying colors.

by justlilly


The Adventures of Jake the Explorer!: Part Two
The captain of the ship - a blue Xweetok - announced that we had arrived. "Welcome to Krawk Island, I hope you enjoy your stay."

by aisha_enchantress110


Pipes: Part Two
Looking up, I saw the main pipe. Had I fallen off during the odd dream?

by wizsard

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