Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 186,134,553 Issue: 486 | 18th day of Running, Y13
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Faeries and Their Issues

by mudiikip

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Lucky you!

by skutterbotched


The Remnant: Part Four
The Halloween Kougra was surveying him in a cold, evaluating sort of way. "You're just a little too distinct to go unrecognized... Mr. Lockwood."

by jokerhahaazzz


Dr. Wilbur's Fantastic and Grand Illusen Day Adventure
Once again, dear fan, I have picked up my priceless gilded quill to regale you with another tale of courage and selflessness.

by shadyy15


The Gift
What irritated Seth was that everyone was probably writing about how insane Xandra was, too.

But he could really see what she was getting at.

by its_green

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